Traversing Hierarchies Recursively
4.7.1 Problem
You need to step through a hierarchy and print out a report
listing all vertices. You want the report to show the hierarchical
nature of the data by indenting children under their parent node.
4.7.2 Solution
One solution is to use a recursive algorithm to
traverse the tree. To do that,
encapsulate the algorithm in a stored procedure. The following code
creates a stored procedure
named TraversProjectsRecursive. The
stored procedure takes one argument, specifying from which node to
begin. The procedure then works its way down through that
node's children, grandchildren, and so forth.
CREATE PROCEDURE TraverseProjectsRecursive
/* to change action on each vertex, change these lines */
FROM Projects WHERE VertexId=@VertexId)
PRINT SPACE(@@NESTLEVEL*2)+STR(@VertexId)+' '+@Name
/* ****** */
SELECT VertexId FROM Projects WHERE Parent=@VertexId
OPEN subprojects
FETCH NEXT FROM subprojects INTO @VertexId
EXEC TraverseProjectsRecursive @VertexId
FETCH NEXT FROM subprojects INTO @VertexId
CLOSE subprojects
DEALLOCATE subprojects
When calling the procedure, you need to specify the initial node from
which you want the procedure to start traversing. If you want to
print out the entire hierarchy, then specify the root node (in our
case 1). For example:
TraverseProjectsRecursive 1
1 New SW
2 Specifications
3 Interviews
4 Drafts
5 Consolidations
6 Final document
7 Presentation
8 Prototype
9 UI Design
10 Calculations
11 Correctness Testing
12 Database
13 Development
14 UI Implementation
15 Coding
16 Inital testing
17 Beta testing
18 Final adjustments
19 Production testing
4.7.3 Discussion
The algorithm used by the TraverseProjectsRecursive procedure is a
classical tree-traversal method adapted to the specifics of SQL. You
can easily adapt this procedure for use with other hierarchical
structures besides the projects structure shown in this chapter. To
adapt this procedure, change only the SELECT and PRINT statements.
When you create a recursive procedure such as the one shown here, MS
SQL Server will warn you with a message such as the following:
"Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current
stored procedure because it depends on the missing object
'TraverseProjectsRecursive.' The
stored procedure will still be
created.'' Do not worry about this
message. Recursive procedures are a special case, and you can safely
ignore the warning.
The first SELECT statement in the procedure retrieves the name
associated with the vertex that is passed in as a parameter. That
name is placed into the @Name variable, which is then used in the
subsequent PRINT statement:
PRINT SPACE(@@NESTLEVEL*2)+STR(@VertexId)+' '+@Name
In this PRINT statement, we use the @@NESTLEVEL variable. That
variable is maintained automatically by SQL Server and returns the
current nesting level. This information is a great advantage when
working with stored procedures. In our case, we want to indent every
project proportionally to its depth. To do that, we multiply the
nesting level by two to indent each child two spaces underneath its
After we print the name of the current vertex, we need to go forward
to its children. A vertex can have more than one child, so we define
a cursor to select these:
SELECT VertexId FROM Projects WHERE Parent=@VertexId
This cursor definition uses the LOCAL clause, ensuring that the
cursor is defined for the current procedure only. By default, cursors
are global, which
means that
any cursor defined is visible from all code executed within the
current connection. Since this procedure calls itself repeatedly
within the context of one connection, we must specify that this
cursor definition be local to each invocation of the procedure.
After opening the subprojects cursor, we simply step through the list
of subprojects and recursively invoke the TraverseProjectsRecursive
procedure on each one:
FETCH NEXT FROM subprojects INTO @VertexId
EXEC TraverseProjectsRecursive @VertexId
FETCH NEXT FROM subprojects INTO @VertexId
Even though the recursive mechanisms are very elegant, they are not
very efficient. Furthermore, in SQL Server they have a limit of only
32 nesting levels. If you query your hierarchy infrequently, then the
overhead of recursion may be acceptable, and you need not bother with
other mechanisms. However, if you do this type of thing often, some
further optimizations might be necessary to give you adequate
performance. Sometimes it's useful to use recursion
for prototyping, because recursive solutions are simple to code.
Later, you can optimize your code with a nonrecursive
solution before you go to production.