8.6 Calculating Standard Deviation, Variance, and Standard Error
8.6.1 Problem
You want to calculate both the standard deviation
and the
of a sample. You also want to
assess the standard error of the sample.
8.6.2 Solution
Use SQL Server's built-in STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and
VARP functions
calculating standard deviation and variance. For example, the
following query will return the standard deviation and variance for
the sample values from each of the test pits:
SELECT TestPit, VAR(Hours) variance, STDEV(Hours) st_deviation
FROM BulbLife
TestPit variance st_deviation
------- --------- ------------
1 672.99 25.94
2 1173.66 34.26
To get the standard error of the sample, simply use the following
query, which implements the formula for standard error shown earlier
in this chapter:
SELECT AVG(Hours) mean, STDEV(Hours)/SQRT(COUNT(*)) st_error
FROM BulbLife
mean st_error
----------- ----------
1091 6.64
8.6.3 Discussion
Since SQL Server provides functions to calculate standard deviation
and variance, it is wise to use them and not program your own.
However, be careful when you use them. You need to know whether the
data from which you calculate the statistics represents the whole
population or just a sample. In our example, the table holds data for
just a sample of the entire population of light bulbs. Therefore, we
used the STDEV and VAR functions designed for use on samples. If your
data includes the entire population, use STDEVP and VARP instead.