Hack 82 Program XML/HTTP with VBScript
Accessing Amazon within Windows is a job for
VBScript is a common scripting language for the
Windows platform. It's very similar to Visual Basic, and in fact this
hack is modified from the example VBA application included with the
Amazon developer's kit. With a few slight modifications, this code
could be used in a Word macro, a Visual Basic program, or an ASP web
page. In this case, it's written for Windows Scripting Host, and will
run just like any other program.
82.1 What You Need
This example requires a Windows machine and the Microsoft XML Parser.
If Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is installed on your machine, the
parser is already there.
82.2 The Code
Create a text file
with the following code:
' amazon_price.vbs
' This VBScript prompts for an ASIN, and returns the price.
' Usage: double-click amazon_price.vbs, enter ASIN.
Sub AmazonQuery(ASIN_In)
Dim SelectedText
Dim Loaded
' Make sure that some text is selected
If ((Len(ASIN_In) = 0) Or (ASIN_In < " ")) Then
WScript.Echo "Please enter an ASIN."
Exit Sub
End If
' Set Associate ID and Developer Token
AffiliateTag = "insert associate tag"
DeveloperToken = "insert developer token"
' Create an instance of the MSXML Parser
Set MSXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
' Set MSXML Options
MSXML.Async = False
MSXML.preserveWhiteSpace = False
MSXML.validateOnParse = True
MSXML.resolveExternals = False
' Form the request URL
XMLURL = "http://xml.amazon.com/onca/xml3" + _
"?t=" + AffiliateTag + _
"&dev-t=" + DeveloperToken + _
"&page=1" + _
"&f=xml" + _
"&mode=books" + _
"&type=lite" + _
"&AsinSearch=" + ASIN_In
' Issue the request and wait for the response
Loaded = MSXML.Load(XMLURL)
' If the request is loaded successfully, continue
If (Loaded) Then
' Look for the ErrorMsg tag
Set XMLError = MSXML.SelectNodes("//ErrorMsg")
' If it exists, display the message and exit
If XMLError.length > 0 Then
WScript.Echo MSXML.SelectSingleNode("//ErrorMsg").text
Exit Sub
End If
' If there's no error, use XPath to get the product name
' and the price
WScript.Echo "The price of " + _
MSXML.SelectSingleNode("ProductInfo/Details/ProductName").text + _
" is " + _
WScript.Echo "The service is not available."
End If
End Sub
strASIN = InputBox("Please enter a product ASIN.")
As you can see, this script looks for two specific pieces of
information in the response: the product name and the price. The
XPath queries to reach those pieces of info are:
By changing these paths, you can bring up any other bits of available
82.3 Running the Hack
To run this code, double-click the file you created. You should be
prompted for an ASIN. The script will contact Amazon and return the