To my wife, Shawnde, thanks for all of the love, feedback, and
support, and for reminding me to step away from the computer once in
a while.
I'd like to thank everyone who generously contributed their hacks,
ideas, time, thoughts, and code—with a special thanks to Jeff
Barr at Amazon for contributing all of these in abundance. Thanks to
Colin, Rob, and everyone at Amazon who provided insider tips and
tricks. And thanks to Amazon itself—this book wouldn't exist
without the Amazon API, the door they've opened for developers.
For going through the code and double-checking the technical details,
thanks to Todd Larason.
Thanks to Tim O'Reilly for making it possible for me to work on this
project. And thanks to everyone at O'Reilly who made this book a
And thanks to Rael—a consummate hacker—for the
inspiration, guidance, and help every step of the way.