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access control 
    anonymous access 
    configuration and request information 
    configuration information 
    logging accesses 
    request information 
    server information 
access.conf file 
AccessFileName directive 
acquire_event( ) 
acquire_semaphore( ) 
ACTION attribute (HTML) 
Action directive 
actions, CGI and 
AddAlt directive 
AddAltByEncoding directive 
AddAltByType directive 
AddDescription directive 
AddEncoding directive 
AddHandler directive  2nd  3rd 
    type maps 
AddIcon directive 
AddIconByEncoding directive 
AddIconByType directive 
AddModuleInfo directive 
    email, for automatic replies 
    IP  [See IP addresses]
adduser command  2nd 
    API functions 
alias command (Unix) 
alias module 
aliases, hosts 
AliasMatch directive 
All option (Options) 
allow directive  2nd 
AllowOverride directive  2nd 
alternate text for browsers 
anonymous access 
Anonymous directive 
Anonymous_Authoritative directive 
Anonymous_LogEmail directive 
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail directive 
Anonymous_NoUserID directive 
Anonymous_VerifyEmail directive 
ap_acquire_mutex( ) 
ap_add_cgi_vars( ) 
ap_add_common_vars( ) 
ap_add_version_component( ) 
ap_allow_options( ) 
ap_allow_overrides( ) 
ap_auth_name( ) 
ap_auth_type( ) 
ap_bclose( ) 
ap_bcreate( ) 
ap_bfileno( ) 
ap_bflush( ) 
ap_bgetc( ) 
ap_bgetflag( ) 
ap_bgetopt( ) 
ap_bgets( ) 
ap_blookc( ) 
ap_bnonblock( ) 
ap_bonerror( ) 
ap_bprintf( ) 
ap_bpushfd( ) 
ap_bpushh( ) 
ap_bputc( ) 
ap_bputs( ) 
ap_bread( ) 
ap_bsetflag( ) 
ap_bsetopt( ) 
ap_bskiplf( ) 
ap_bspawn_child( ) 
ap_bvputs( ) 
ap_bwrite( ) 
ap_can_exec( ) 
ap_cfg_closefile( ) 
ap_cfg_getc( ) 
ap_check_alarm( ) 
ap_check_cmd_context( ) 
ap_checkmask( ) 
ap_child_terminate( ) 
ap_clear_pool( ) 
ap_clear_table( ) 
ap_close_piped_log( ) 
ap_create_mutex( ) 
ap_default_port( ) 
ap_default_port_for_scheme( ) 
ap_default_type( ) 
ap_destroy_mutex( ) 
ap_error_log2stderr( ) 
ap_escape_html( ) 
ap_find_last_token( ) 
ap_fnmatch( ) 
ap_get_basic_auth_pw( ) 
ap_get_module_config( ) 
ap_get_remote_host( ) 
ap_get_remote_logname( ) 
ap_get_server_built( ) 
ap_get_server_name( ) 
ap_get_server_port( ) 
ap_get_server_version( ) 
ap_http_method( ) 
ap_ind( ) 
ap_is_default_port( ) 
ap_is_empty_table( ) 
ap_is_fnmatch( ) 
ap_is_initial_req( ) 
ap_kill_cleanups_for_socket( ) 
ap_log_error( ) 
ap_log_reason( ) 
ap_make_dirstr_parent( ) 
ap_make_dirstr_prefix( ) 
ap_matches_request_vhost( ) 
ap_md5( ) 
ap_md5contextTo64( ) 
ap_md5digest( ) 
ap_MD5Final( ) 
ap_MD5Init( ) 
ap_MD5Update( ) 
ap_note_cleanups_for_file( ) 
ap_note_cleanups_for_socket( ) 
ap_open_mutex( ) 
ap_open_piped_log( ) 
ap_os_canonical_filename( ) 
ap_os_dso_error( ) 
ap_os_dso_load( ) 
ap_os_dso_sym( ) 
ap_os_dso_unload( ) 
ap_os_is_path_absolute( ) 
ap_overlay_tables( ) 
ap_parse_hostinfo_components( ) 
ap_parse_uri_components( ) 
ap_pcfg_open_custom( ) 
ap_pcfg_openfile( ) 
ap_pclosedir( ) 
ap_pclosesocket( ) 
ap_pduphostent( ) 
ap_pgethostbyname( ) 
ap_piped_log_write_fd( ) 
ap_popendir( ) 
ap_pregfree( ) 
ap_pregsub( ) 
ap_psignature( ) 
ap_psocket( ) 
ap_psprintf( ) 
ap_pvsprintf( ) 
ap_release_mutex( ) 
ap_requires( ) 
ap_rflush( ) 
ap_rind( ) 
ap_rwrite( ) 
ap_satisfies( ) 
ap_scan_script_header( ) 
ap_scan_script_header_err( ) 
ap_scan_script_header_err_buff( ) 
ap_send_fb( ) 
ap_send_fb_length( ) 
ap_send_mmap( ) 
ap_send_size( ) 
ap_server_root_relative( ) 
ap_set_file_slot( ) 
ap_set_flag_slot( ) 
ap_set_string_slot( ) 
ap_set_string_slot_lower( ) 
ap_str_tolower( ) 
ap_table_do( ) 
ap_unparse_uri_components( ) 
ap_vbprintf( ) 
ap_vformatter( ) 
    history of 
    multiple copies 
    Tomcat connection 
    under Win32  [See Win32]
    versions of  2nd 
Apache -SSL 
Apache 2.0, porting to 
Apache API  2nd  [See also API]3rd 
apache command flags 
Apache Portable Runtime (APR) 
Apache v1.3, mod_ssl and 
Apache v2, SSL and 
apache.exe  2nd 
Apache\:\:PerlRun, mod_perl and 
apachect1 script 
API functions 
    array functions 
    CGI functions 
    cleanup functions 
    file functions 
    filename functions 
    path functions 
    piped logs 
    pool functions 
    process functions 
    regular expressions 
    server information 
    string functions 
    synchronization functions 
    table functions 
    thread functions 
    time and date functions 
    URL manipulation 
ApJServAction directive 
ApJServDefaultHost directive 
ApJServDefaultProtocol directive 
ApJServeDefaultPort directive 
ApJServLogFile directive 
ApJServLogLevel directive 
ApJServMount directive 
ApJServMountCopy directive 
ApJServProperties directive 
ApJServProtocolParameter directive 
ApJServSecretKey directive 
ApJServVMTimeout directive 
append_arrays( ) 
APR (Apache Portable Runtime) 
arguments, hooks 
array functions, API 
array_cat( ) 
Astronomical Instrument Markup Language 
asymmetric key encryption 
AuthDBMGroupFile directive 
AuthDBMUserFile directive  2nd 
AuthDBUserFile directive 
    anonymous access 
    controlling access 
    digest authentication  2nd 
    directives for 
    .htaccess file  [See .htaccess file]
    user information 
AuthGroupFile directive 
AuthName directive 
AuthType directive  2nd 
AuthUserFile directive 
await_thread( )

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base URL, rewriting 
bastion hosts 
binary releases of Apache 
BindAddress directive 
Bioinformation Sequence Markup Language 
block directives 
block_alarms( ) 
BrowserMatch directive 
BrowserMatchNoCase directive 
    HTTP 1.1 and 
    icons and 
    languages and 
bucket brigades  2nd 
bucket interface 
    file buckets 
    pipe buckets 
    socket buckets 
    API functions 
bugs, keepalives and Netscape 
bytes_in_free_blocks( ) 
bytes_in_pool( )

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

CA certificates, acquiring 
CacheDefaultExpire directive 
CacheDirLength directive 
CacheDirLevels directive 
CacheGcInterval directive 
CacheLastModifiedFactor directive 
CacheMaxExpire directive 
CacheNegotiatedDocs directive 
CacheRoot directive 
caches, global session cache 
CacheSize directive 
caching data 
call_exec( ) 
calling functions, hooks 
can_exec( ) 
"cannot determine local hostname" 
carriage returns and line feeds (CRLF) 
CAs (certificate authorities) 
CERN metafiles 
certificate authorities  [See CAs]
    CAs, acquiring 
    demo client certificate 
    exporting to CGIs 
    root certificates 
    server certificates 
    test certificates 
    WOT (Web of Trust) 
cfg_getline( ) 
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)  2nd 
    actions and 
    Alias directive and 
    Apache handlers for  2nd 
    debugging scripts 
    environment variables 
    executing scripts as includes  2nd 
    mod_perl and 
    output to shells 
    script location 
    suEXEC wrapper (Unix) 
cgi-bin directory  2nd 
CGI\:\:Carp module 
CGI functions, API 
cgi option (exec command)  2nd 
cgi-script handler 
chains of certificates 
chdir_file( ) 
CheckSpelling directive 
Chemical Markup Language (CML) 
child exits 
child initialization 
child_exit( ) 
chmod command 
cipher suites 
cleanup functions, API 
cleanup_for_exec( ) 
clear_pool( ) 
close_unused_listeners( )  2nd 
cmd option (exec command)  2nd 
cmd_how structure 
cmd_parms structure 
CML (Chemical Markup Language) 
Cocoon  2nd 
    JServ and 
    Tomcat and 
collisions, filter names 
command table 
command_rec structure 
comments in Configuration file  2nd 
Common Gateway Interface  [See CGI]
compiling Apache
    under Unix (making) 
    under Win32 
conditional URL rewriting 
conf directory  2nd 
    specifying location of 
Conf file, Tomcat 
config command 
configtest flag (apachect1) 
    API functions 
    Config file, Apache-SSL 
    information on  2nd 
    mod_perl use 
    modules  2nd  3rd 
    proxy servers 
    settings and rules 
    Unix server 
    Win32 server 
configuration file, Apache 
    anonymous access 
    digest authentication 
    rewriting example 
    type maps 
    virtual hosting 
CONNECT method (HTTP) 
construct_server( ) 
construct_url( ) 
constructs, unsafe, mod_perl 
content negotiation 
Content-encoding header 
Content-language header 
Content-length header 
Content-type directive 
CookBook security 
CookieExpires directive 
CookieLog directive  2nd 
copy_array( ) 
copy_array_hdr( ) 
copy_listeners( )  2nd 
copy_table( ) 
CoreDumpDirectory directive 
"couldn't determine user name" error  2nd 
count_dirs( ) 
CPU, limiting for CGI scripts 
create_event( ) 
create_semaphore( ) 
create_thread( ) 
CRLF (carriage returns and line feeds) 
cryptography  [See encryption]
CustomLog directive  2nd

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-d flag (httpd/apache)  2nd  3rd 
DBM files 
dbmmanage script 
debugging CGI scripts 
declarations, hooks 
    optional hooks 
decryption  [See encryption]
DefaultIcon directive 
DefaultType directive 
DELETE method (HTTP) 
    suEXEC security against 
demo client certificate 
demonstration web sites 
deny directive 
destroy_event( ) 
destroy_pool( ) 
destroy_semaphore( ) 
destroy_sub_req( ) 
digest authentication  2nd 
digital signatures, security and 
    SSL and 
directives, Apache 
    actions with CGI 
    anonymous access 
    CGI scripts 
    cipher suites 
    environment variables 
    handlers  2nd 
    HTTP response headers 
    limiting application of  2nd 
    multiple Apache copies 
    proxy servers 
    rewriting URLs 
    user information 
    controlling access to 
    execute permission for 
    home directory 
    indexes of  [See indexing]
    limiting directives to 
    per-directory configuration  2nd  3rd  4th 
    web site 
<Directory> directive 
DirectoryIndex directive 
    type maps 
DMB files 
DNS, reverse lookup 
    AddDescription directive 
    Apache API 
    doxygen and 
DocumentRoot directive 
    CGI scripts 
DOS window for Apache 
downgrade-1.0 variable 
doxygen, documentation and

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E language 
echo command  2nd 
@echo off command 
email address for automatic replies 
encoding (MIME) 
    checking types 
    indexing by type 
encryption  [See also authentication]2nd 
    asymmetric key encryption 
    cipher suites 
    digest authentication  2nd 
environment variables 
    access control 
    printing  2nd 
EROS (Extremely Reliable Operating System) 
error messages 
ErrorDocument directive 
ErrorLog directive  2nd 
errors  [See also troubleshooting]
    HTTP codes for  2nd 
    logging  2nd 
    ServerAdmin directive 
escape_html( ) 
escape_path_segment( ) 
escape_shell_cmd( ) 
/etc/hosts file 
/etc/inetd.conf file 
exec command  2nd  3rd 
ExecCGI option (Options)  2nd  3rd 
execute permission 
exit_thread( ) 
ExpiresActive directive 
ExpiresByType directive 
ExpiresDefault directive 
    cached documents 
    default time 
    SSL session keys 
    waiting for requests 
exporting certificates to CGIs 
Extensible Markup Language  [See XML]
extensions, filename  2nd 
    image negotiation 
    type maps 
external users, security and 
Extremely Reliable Operating System (EROS)

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-f flag (httpd/apache)  2nd 
FancyIndexing directive 
file buckets 
file permissions 
    suEXEC utility 
filename extensions
    image negotiation 
    type maps 
filenames, API functions 
    CGI script location 
    DBM files 
    filename extensions  2nd 
    functions, API 
    including in other 
    limiting directives to 
    logs  [See logging]
    mod_perl, opening/closing 
    .var files  [See type maps]
<Files> directive 
<FilesMatch> directive 
    input filters 
    output filters 
filters (packet filtering) 
find_token( ) 
finger utility 
    packet filtering 
    separate networks 
fixed-length buffers 
fixing modules before running 
flags, mod_perl 
flastmod command  2nd 
FollowSymLinks option (Options)  2nd 
FollowSymLinksIfOwnerMatch option (Options) 
force-response-1.0 variable 
ForceType directive 
<FORM> tags (HTML) 
format of log files 
formatted menus 
FQDNs (fully qualified domain names) 
free_thread( ) 
FreeBSD Unix 
fsize command 
fullstatus flag (apachect1) 
fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) 
        array functions 
        CGI functions 
        cleanup functions 
        file functions 
        filename functions 
        path functions 
        piped logs 
        pool functions 
        process functions 
        regular expressions 
        server information 
        string functions 
        synchronization functions 
        table functions 
        thread functions 
        time and date functions 
        URL manipulation 
    optional functions 
    optional hooks

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gcache, global session cache 
GET method (HTTP) 
get_client_block( ) 
get_gmtoff( ) 
get_local_host( ) 
get_module_config( ) 
get_time( ) 
get_token( ) 
get_virthost_addr( ) 
getparents( ) 
getword( ) 
getword_conf( ) 
getword_nulls( ) 
getword_white( ) 
global session cache, SSL and 
global variables, mod_perl 
gm_timestr_822( ) 
gmake (GNU), mod_jserv and 
gname2id( ) 
go script (example)  2nd 
graceful flag (apachect1) 
group authentication 
Group directive 
    API functions 
    permissions  [See permissions]

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-h flag (httpd/apache) 
handler_rec structure 
    Apache  2nd 
    JServ status handler 
    modules and 
hard_timeout( ) 
# for comments  2nd 
HEAD method (HTTP) 
HeaderName directive  2nd 
    HTTP response 
help flag (apachect1) 
history of Apache 
        optional functions 
    optional hooks 
    structures  2nd 
    values, returning 
HostNameLookups directive 
    "cannot determine local hostname" 
    controlling access 
    mapping several to one address 
    providing  [See ServerName directive]
    reverse-DNS lookup 
    host numbers 
    nonrouting (bastion) 
    virtual  [See virtual hosts]
hosts file 
ht_time( ) 
.htaccess file  2nd  3rd 
htdigest utility 
htdocs directory  2nd 
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
htpasswd utility 
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)  2nd 
    methods  2nd 
    response headers 
    status codes  2nd 
    using Version 1.0 
    Version 1.1 and browsers 
HTTP_ACCEPT variable 
    virtual  [See virtual hosts]
httpd.conf file, including users/groups 
Hypertext Transfer Protocol  [See HTTP]
Hyptertext Markup Language  [See HTML]

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I/O, API functions 
icons in indexes 
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) 
identd daemon, querying 
IdentityCheck directive 
ifconfig utility 
<IfDefine> directive 
<IfModule> directive  2nd 
image negotiation 
imap-file handler 
ImapBase directive 
ImapDefault directive 
ImapMenu directive 
include command  2nd 
Include directive 
Includes option (Options) 
IncludesNoExec option (Options)  2nd 
index.html file 
Indexes option (Options) 
    icons with 
inetd utility 
info module 
information, obtaining
    CGI scripts, logging 
    configuration and requests 
        status requests 
    per-request  2nd 
    on users 
input filters 
    suEXEC utility 
    bucket interface 
    mod_jk and 
internal users, security and 
internal_redirect( ) 
internal_redirect_handler( ) 
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) 
Internet Explorer, configuring for proxy server 
"Invalid command Anonymous" error 
IP addresses 
    binding to specific 
    controlling access 
    IP-based virtual hosts 
    mapping several hostnames to 
    restricting attention to 
is_directory( ) 
is_matchexp( ) 
is_url( ) 
isapi-isa hander 
ISMAP attribute (<IMG>)

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JDK (Java Development Kit) installation 
    Cocoon and 
    status handler 
JServ servlets, writing

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

-k flag (apache)  2nd  3rd 
KeepAlive directive  2nd 
keepalive_timeout( ) 
KeepAliveTimeout directive 
keys, encryption  [See encryption]
kill command 
kill utility 
kill_cleanup( ) 
kill_cleanups_for_fd( ) 
kill_thread( ) 
kill_timeout( )

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

language negotiation 
LanguagePriority property 
layers, filters 
legal issues 
level numbers 
libraries, APR 
license, Apache 
<Limit> directive 
Listen directive  2nd 
ListenBacklog directive 
ln command  2nd 
local networks 
<Location> directive 
<LocationMatch> directive 
LockFile directive 
LogFormat directive 
    API functions 
    CGI script information 
    cookies  2nd 
    format of log files 
    logs directory 
    module for 
    SSL activity 
    URL substitutions 
logs directory 
    specifying location of 
loopback addresses

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

Mail Exchange (MX) records 
make_array( ) 
make_dirstr( ) 
make_full_path( ) 
make_sub_pool( ) 
make_table( ) 
Makefile file 
Math Markup Language 
    digest authentication 
    functions, API 
    limiting for CGI scripts 
menus for imagemaps 
messages, error 
MetaDir directive 
metafiles (CERN) 
MetaFiles directive 
MetaSuffix directive 
<METHOD> tag (HTML) 
methods, HTTP  2nd 
Microsoft Internet Explorer, configuring for proxy server 
MIME types  2nd 
    indexing by 
mod_access module 
mod_alias module 
mod_auth_anon module 
mod_expires module 
mod_info module 
    gmake (GNU) and 
    JServ and 
mod_log_agent module 
    CGI scripts and 
    changes, loading 
    constructs, unsafe 
    global variables 
    modules, linking multiple 
    opening/closing files 
    Perl flags 
mod_reveal module (example) 
mod_rewrite module 
mod_speling module 
mod_ssl, Apache v1.3 and 
mod_status module 
modification time/date
    expirations and 
    flastmod command for  2nd 
module_check_access( ) 
module_check_auth( ) 
module_check_user_id( ) 
module_child_init( ) 
module_create_dir_config( ) 
module_create_svr_config( ) 
module_dir_merge( ) 
module_fixups( ) 
module_header_parser( ) 
module_init( ) 
module_logger( ) 
module_merge_server( ) 
module_post_read_request( ) 
module_pre_config( ) 
module_translate( ) 
module_type_checker( ) 
modules  2nd 
    configuration  2nd 
    hooks, exporting 
    linking, mod_perl and 
    structure of 
multiple copies of Apache 
MultiViews option (Options)  2nd 
MX (Mail Exchange) records

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

name-based virtual hosts  2nd 
    translating URLs to 
NameVirtualHost directive  2nd 
netmask command 
    keepalive bug 
    languages and 
    numbers for  2nd 
    physically separate 
Newspaper Classified Ad ML 
no2slash( ) 
NoCache directive 
nokeepalive variable 
nonrouting hosts 
note_cleanups_for_fd( ) 
note_cleanups_for_file( ) 
note_subprocess( ) 
    network  2nd 

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

obtaining FreeBSD Unix 
one-way hashes 
open_event( ) 
optional functions 
optional hooks 
Options directive 
    Includes option 
    Options ExecCGI  2nd  3rd 
    Options FollowSymLinks  2nd 
    Options FollowSymLinksIfOwnerMatch 
    Options IncludesNoExec 
    Options Indexes 
    Options MultiViews  2nd 
    Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch 
    ScriptAlias and  2nd 
order directive  2nd 
os_escape_path( ) 
output filters 
output to shells 
overlay_tables( ) 

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

packet filtering 
palloc( ) 
parseHTTPdate( ) 
parsing headers 
PassEnv directive 
    anonymous access 
    checking  [See authentication]
    DBM files for 
    Unix systems 
    Win32 systems 
pathnames  2nd 
    API functions 
pcalloc( ) 
pclosef( ) 
per-directory configuration  2nd  3rd  4th 
per-request information  2nd 
per-server configuration  2nd  3rd  4th 
    PK encryption 
performance tuning, mod_perl use 
    flags, mod_perl 
    XML and 
permissions (Unix) 
    suEXEC utility 
persistent-state cookies  2nd 
pfclose( ) 
pfdopen( ) 
pfopen( ) 
PidFile directive 
PIDs (process identifiers) 
pinging IP addresses 
pipe buckets 
piped logs, API functions 
PK encryption 
pool functions, API 
pools  2nd 
popenf( ) 
Port directive 
port-based virtual hosting 
porting to Apache 2.0 
ports  2nd  3rd 
POST method (HTTP) 
post read requests 
pregcomp( ) 
prerun fixups to modules 
privacy  [See encryption security]
process functions, API 
process identifiers (PIDs) 
    limiting for CGI scripts 
proxy servers 
    configuring cache 
ProxyDomain directive 
ProxyPass directive 
ProxyPassReverse directive 
ProxyRemote directive 
ProxyRequests directive 
ps utility 
pstrcat( ) 
pstrdup( ) 
pstrndup( ) 
public key encryption 
push_array( ) 
PUT method (HTTP)

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quality scores (qs values) 
-? flag (httpd/apache)

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read permission 
realms, authentication 
    URL substitutions 
RedirectMatch directive 
register_cleanup( ) 
registration, functions, hooks and 
regular expressions
    API functions 
    for URLs 
release_semaphore( ) 
remote proxy servers 
Remote-Addr header 
Remote-Host header 
Remote-User header 
Request-Method header 
request_rec structure 
Request-URI header 
request-handling API functions 
request_rec structure 
    information on 
    maximum wait time 
    per-request information  2nd 
    post read requests 
    status information 
require directive 
reset_event( ) 
reset_timeout( ) 
resource pools  2nd 
response codes, HTTP  2nd 
response headers 
restart flag (apachect1) 
restarting httpd 
reverse-DNS lookups 
rewrite module 
RewriteBase directive 
RewriteCond directive 
RewriteEngine directive 
RewriteLog directive 
RewriteLogLevel directive 
RewriteMap directive 
RewriteRule directive 
rewriting URLs 
    example of 
RLimitCPU directive 
RLimitMEM directive 
RLimitNPROC directive 
root certificates 
root user  2nd 
rputc( ) 
rputs( ) 
run_sub_req( ) 
rvprintf( ) 
rvputs( )

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-s flag (apache) 
satisfy directive 
ScoreBoardFile directive 
ScriptAlias directive  2nd 
ScriptAliasMatch directive  2nd  3rd 
ScriptLog directive 
ScriptLogBuffer directive 
ScriptLogLength directive 
scripts, CGI  [See CGI]
SE Linux 
Secure Sockets Layer  [See SSL]
    access control 
    anonymous access 
    Apache v2 and SSL 
    authentication  [See authentication]
        server certificates 
        test certificates 
    cipher suites 
    CookBook security 
    digital signatures 
    fixed-length buffers 
    future of 
    .htaccess file  [See .htaccess file]
    IgnoreIndex directive and 
    legal issues 
    logging and  [See logging]
    real-life applications 
    SE Linux 
        Apache v1.3 and 
    suEXEC wrapper for CGI 
    Unix and 
    Unix permissions 
    Win32  2nd 
semiformatted menus 
send-as-is handler 
send_fd( ) 
send_fd_length( ) 
send_http_header( ) 
SendBufferSize directive 
separate networks 
    configuration files 
    Unix, setting up 
    Win32, setting up 
server certificates 
server-info handler 
server information functions, API 
server-parsed handler 
server-status handler 
server-side includes
    CGI scripts executed as  2nd 
    IncludesNoExec (Options directive)  2nd 
    XSSI facility 
server_rec structure  2nd  3rd 
ServerAdmin directive 
ServerAlias directive 
ServerName directive  2nd  3rd 
ServerPath directive 
ServerRoot directive 
    configuration, per-server configuration 
    information on 
    maximum wait for requests 
    per-server configuration  2nd 
    proxy servers 
ServerSignature directive 
ServerTokens directive 
ServerType directive 
service, Apache as (Win32) 
set_event( ) 
set_string_slot( ) 
SetEnv directive  2nd 
SetEnvIf directive 
SetEnvIfNoCase directive 
SetHandler directive  2nd  3rd 
setup_client_block( ) 
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 
shell output 
should_client_block( ) 
.shtml filename extension 
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 
    TCP send buffer 
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 
socket buckets 
sockets, API functions 
SOCKS rules 
soft_timeout( ) 
spawn_child_err( ) 
spell-checking URLs 
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 
    Apache v1.3 and 
    Apache v2 and 
    global session cache 
    mod_ssl, Apache v1.3 and 
SSLBanCipher directive  2nd 
SSLCACertificateFile directive 
SSLCACertificatePath directive 
SSLCacheServerPath directive 
SSLCacheServerPort directive 
SSLCacheServerRunDir directive 
SSLCertificateFile directive 
SSLCertificateKeyFile directive 
SSLDisable directive 
SSLEnable directive 
SSLExportClientCertificates directive 
SSLFakeBasicAuth directive 
SSLLogFile directive 
SSLRequireCipher directive 
SSLRequiredCiphers directive 
SSLRequireSSL directive 
SSLSessionCacheTimeout directive 
SSLVerifyClient directive 
SSLVerifyDepth directive 
standalone mode 
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) 
start flag (apachect1) 
status codes, HTTP  2nd 
status flag (apachect1) 
STATUS rule 
stop flag (apachect1) 
stop script (example) 
strcasecmp_match( ) 
strcmp_match( ) 
strftime( ) 
string functions, API 
    optional hooks 
sub_req_lookup_file( ) 
sub_req_lookup_uri( ) 
subnet masks 
substitutions within URLs 
suEXEC wrapper 
superuser  2nd 
symbolic links  2nd 
SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option (Options) 
synchronization, API functions

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table functions, API 
table_add( )  2nd 
table_elts( ) 
table_get( ) 
table_merge( )  2nd 
table_set( )  2nd 
table_unset( ) 
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 
    send buffer size 
    API functions 
    testing if running 
test certificates 
    servlets, Tomcat 
TFTP protocol 
threads, API functions 
    display format 
    expiring  [See expiring]
time and date functions, API 
TimeOut directive 
timeout functions, API 
tm2sec( ) 
Tomcat  2nd 
    Cocoon and 
    Conf file 
    connecting to Apache 
TRACE method (HTTP) 
TransferLog directive 
translating URLs to names 
Transmission Control Protocol  [See TCP]
    installation, mod_perl 
    logging errors  2nd 
    prerun mixups to modules 
    proxy server configuration 
    security precautions 
    spelling of URLs 
    suEXEC utility 
type checker 
type-map handler 
type maps 
typesafety, hooks and 
TypesConfig directive  2nd

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-u flag (apache) 
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 
"unable to get hostbyname" error 
uname2id( ) 
unblock_alarms( ) 
unescape_url( ) 
unformatted menus 
uniform resource identifiers  [See URIs]
uniform resource locators  [See URLs]
unique_id_child_init( ) 
Unix operating system
    configuring server 
    DBM files 
    making Apache 
    multiple IP addresses 
    restarting Apache 
    security and 
    suEXEC wrapper 
    versions of 
uri_components structure 
URIs (uniform resource identifiers) 
    API functions 
URLs (uniform resource locators)  2nd 
    API functions 
    digest authentication  2nd 
    limiting directives to 
    redirecting upon errors 
    translating to names 
UseCanonicalName directive 
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 
User directive  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th 
UserDir directive 
    API functions 
    automatic information on 
    checking if access allowed 
    DBM files 
    home directories 
    permissions  [See permissions]
    security and 
uudecode( )

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-v flag (httpd/apache) 
-V flag (httpd/apache) 
.var files  [See type maps]
        access control 
    global, mod_perl 
    printing  2nd 
    Apache  2nd 
    HTTP, forcing to 1.0 
virtual attribute (include command) 
virtual cash 
virtual hosts  2nd  3rd  [See also multiple copies of Apache]
<VirtualHost> directive  2nd

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Weather Observation Definition Format 
web addresses  [See URLs]
web browsers
    HTTP 1.1 and 
    icons and 
Web of Trust (WOT), certificates and 
web redirection 
web servers 
    information on 
        controlling access to 
    maximum wait for requests 
    per-server configuration  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    proxy servers 
web sites 
    multiple  [See virtual hosts]
webgroup group (example) 
webuser user (example) 
    configuring server 
    home directories 
    multiple IP addresses 
    restarting Apache 
    security  2nd 
    time display format 
    versions of Apache 
Windows OS  [See Win32]
WOT (Web of Trust), certificates and 
writing modules 
writing permission

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XML (Extensible Markup Language) 
    Perl and 
XSSI facility

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Year 2000 and time formats