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11.1 Principles of Intrusion Detection SystemsIn practical terms, there are two main categories of IDS: host-based and network-based. A host-based IDS, obviously enough, resides on and protects a single host. In contrast, a network-based IDS resides on one or more hosts (any of which may be a dedicated "network probe") and protects all the hosts connected to its network. 11.1.1 Host-Based IDSes: Integrity CheckersDedicated host-based IDSes tend overwhelmingly to rely on integrity checking. In theory, host-based IDSes should use a much broader category of tools. Commercial IDS products, such as ISS RealSecure and Marcus Ranum's Network Flight Recorder, both of which I categorize as Network IDSes, can use sophisticated methods (such as traffic analysis) on a single host, if desired. Integrity checking involves the creation and maintenance of a protected database of checksums, cryptographic hashes, and other attributes of a host's critical system files (and anything else you don't expect to change on that system). The integrity checker periodically checks those files against the database: if a file has changed, an error or alert is logged. Ideally this database should be stored on a read-only volume, or off the system altogether, to prevent its being tampered with. The assumption here is that unexpected changes may be the result of some sort of attack. For example, after "rooting" a system, a system cracker will often replace common system utilities such as ls, ps, and netstat with "rootkit" versions, which appear to work normally but conveniently neglect to list files, processes, and network connections (respectively) that might betray the cracker's presence. (See http://www.chkrootkit.org/ for a script that can be used to detect installed rootkits and for links to many other related sites and articles.) By regularly checking system utilities and other important files against the integrity checker's database, we can minimize the chances of our system being compromised without our ever knowing it. The less time between a system's compromise and its administrators' learning that it's been compromised, the greater the chance its administrators can catch or at least evict the intruders before too much damage is done. Integrity checking has a beautiful simplicity: we don't necessarily care how a monitored file has been changed; we mainly care that it has. To be effective, an integrity checker doesn't need to be smart enough to know that /bin/ls no longer shows files belonging to the user evild00d; it only needs to know that /bin/ls has been altered since the last legitimate system update. Having said that, a good integrity checker will also tell us which external characteristics of /bin/ls have changed: its size, modification date, physical location (inode), etc.
Another thing to keep in mind with integrity checkers is that they are not proactive (unless one or more of your perimeter systems is a honeypot — a "sacrificial lamb" that will set off alerts when compromised so you can prevent other systems from being compromised too. However, I wouldn't count on attackers obliging you by attacking the honeypot system first!) In most cases, by the time your integrity checker registers an alert, you've only got a small chance of intervening before a serious compromise occurs. Furthermore, the attacker may tamper with or altogether suppress the alert before it reaches you. This does not mean that integrity checking is futile! On the contrary, the first step in incident response is learning that something has occurred in the first place, and if you install an integrity checker properly, you do have a better chance of learning about attacks soon enough to take meaningful action. If the worst happens, data from your integrity checker can be invaluable in figuring out what happened and in rebuilding your system if need be. However, if you wish to do everything possible to detect attacks before they succeed, you'll also need to deploy something more sophisticated — i.e., something in addition to integrity checking systems, which truly are your last line of defense. 11.1.2 NIDS: Scanning for Signatures Versus AnomaliesWhereas host-based IDSes tend to be of a single type (integrity checkers), Network IDSes come in two main flavors: those that rely on attack signatures (network traffic patterns characteristic of specific attacks) and NIDS that are intelligent enough to detect potential attacks based on variances from some concept of normal network state. Commonly used NIDSes rely most heavily on signature scanning, but many also possess some degree of anomaly detection functionality as well. Signature-based systemsSignature-based systems are the most common type of network-based IDS, for several reasons. First, they're the simplest: they compare network transactions to known attack signatures, and if a given transaction sufficiently resembles a known attack, the IDS logs an alert (and possibly sends it to someone's pager, too). Second, they're low maintenance: all you generally need to do is keep the signature database current. Third, they tend to register a relatively small percentage of false positives, an attribute highly prized by system administrators (who usually receive plenty of email and pager alerts as it is!). Signature-based systems, which are also called "Misuse Detectors" in Ranum's lexicon, are a successful and practical approach to network-based intrusion detection. However, they have one important limitation: by relying on signatures of known attacks, they're of little use against new attacks and variations on known attacks that are sufficiently different so as to not match existing signatures. It's worth considering that most attack signatures are written after someone has already fallen victim to that attack. Anomaly-detection systemsAnomaly-detection systems, which I also sometimes call state-based systems, are much less widely used. First, they tend to be complex: determining what constitutes "normal" traffic on a given network is a nontrivial task for humans, so it follows that a high degree of artificial intelligence (AI) is required for any automated system that does this. (Maybe your experience is different from mine, but clueful human network engineers are rare enough; why would robotic ones be any less so?) Second, they're high maintenance: even when coded with good AI and sophisticated statistical modeling mechanisms, state-based IDSes typically require a lengthy and sometimes difficult "initialization" period, during which they collect enough network data to create a statistically meaningful profile of normal network states. The system requires frequent (and endless) fine-tuning afterwards. Third, even after all this work, anomaly-detection systems tend to register many more false positives than signature-based systems do (though presumably, this problem diminishes over time). This can result in a great deal of inconvenience.
In many peoples' opinions, including Marcus Ranum's, anomaly-detection systems are the most promising approach for future IDS technologies. As noted earlier, signature-based systems are limited to known attacks, specifically those for which your IDS has signatures. State-based anomaly detection is the only approach with the potential to detect both known and new types of attacks. |
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