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DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations Character Entities (%isoamsn;)
The %isoamsn; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//ENDescription
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity Unicode # Glyph ISO Description gnap
greater, not approximate gne 2269
Greater-than but not equal to gnE 2269
Greater-than but not equal to gnsim 22E7
Greater-than but not equivalent to gvnE
gt, vert, not dbl eq lnap
less, not approximate lnE 2268
Less-than but not equal to lne 2268
Less-than but not equal to lnsim 22E6
Less-than but not equivalent to lvnE
less, vert, not dbl eq nap 2249
Not almost equal to ncong 2247
Neither approximately nor actually equal to nequiv 2262
Not identical to ngE 2271
Neither greater-than nor equal to nge
not greater-than-or-equal nges 2271
Neither greater-than nor equal to ngt 226F
Not greater-than nle
not less-than-or-equal nlE 2270
Neither less-than nor equal to nles 2270
Neither less-than nor equal to nlt 226E
Not less-than nltri 22EA
Not normal subgroup of nltrie 22EC
Not normal subgroup of or equal to nmid 2224
Does not divide npar 2226
Not parallel to npr 2280
Does not precede npre
not precedes, equals nrtri 22EB
Does not contain as normal subgroup of nrtrie 22ED
Does not contain as normal subgroup or equal nsc 2281
Does not succeed nsce
not succeeds, equals nsim 2241
Not tilde nsime 2244
Not asymptotically equal to nsmid
nshortmid nspar
not short par nsub 2284
Not a subset of nsube 2288
Neither a subset of nor equal to nsubE 2288
Neither a subset of nor equal to nsup 2285
Not a superset of nsupE 2289
Neither a superset of nor equal to nsupe 2289
Neither a superset of nor equal to nvdash 22AC
Does not prove nvDash 22AD
Not true nVDash 22AF
Negated double vertical bar double right turnstile nVdash 22AE
Does not force prnap 22E8
Precedes but not equivalent to prnE
precedes, not dbl eq prnsim 22E8
Precedes but not equivalent to scnap 22E9
Succeed but not equivalent to scnE
succeeds, not dbl eq scnsim 22E9
Succeed but not equivalent to subne 228A
Subset of or not equal to subnE 228A
Subset of or not equal to supne 228B
Superset of or not equal to supnE 228B
Superset of or not equal to vsubnE
subset not dbl eq, var vsubne
subset, not eq, var vsupne
superset, not eq, var vsupnE
super not dbl eq, var
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