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DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
ISO Latin 1 Character Entities (%isolat1;)
The %isolat1; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//ENDescription
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity Unicode # Glyph ISO Description aacute 00E1
Latin small letter a with acute Aacute 00C1
Latin capital letter A with acute acirc 00E2
Latin small letter a with circumflex Acirc 00C2
Latin capital letter A with circumflex agrave 00E0
Latin small letter a with grave Agrave 00C0
Latin capital letter A with grave aring 00E5
Latin small letter a with ring above Aring 00C5
Latin capital letter A with ring above atilde 00E3
Latin small letter a with tilde Atilde 00C3
Latin capital letter A with tilde auml 00E4
Latin small letter a with diaeresis Auml 00C4
Latin capital letter A with diaeresis aelig 00E6
Latin small letter ae AElig 00C6
Latin capital letter AE ccedil 00E7
Latin small letter c with cedilla Ccedil 00C7
Latin capital letter C with cedilla eth 00F0
Latin small letter eth ETH 00D0
Latin capital letter ETH eacute 00E9
Latin small letter e with acute Eacute 00C9
Latin capital letter E with acute ecirc 00EA
Latin small letter e with circumflex Ecirc 00CA
Latin capital letter E with circumflex egrave 00E8
Latin small letter e with grave Egrave 00C8
Latin capital letter E with grave euml 00EB
Latin small letter e with diaeresis Euml 00CB
Latin capital letter E with diaeresis iacute 00ED
Latin small letter i with acute Iacute 00CD
Latin capital letter I with acute icirc 00EE
Latin small letter i with circumflex Icirc 00CE
Latin capital letter I with circumflex igrave 00EC
Latin small letter i with grave Igrave 00CC
Latin capital letter I with grave iuml 00EF
Latin small letter i with diaeresis Iuml 00CF
Latin capital letter I with diaeresis ntilde 00F1
Latin small letter n with tilde Ntilde 00D1
Latin capital letter N with tilde oacute 00F3
Latin small letter o with acute Oacute 00D3
Latin capital letter O with acute ocirc 00F4
Latin small letter o with circumflex Ocirc 00D4
Latin capital letter O with circumflex ograve 00F2
Latin small letter o with grave Ograve 00D2
Latin capital letter O with grave oslash 00F8
Latin small letter o with stroke Oslash 00D8
Latin capital letter O with stroke otilde 00F5
Latin small letter o with tilde Otilde 00D5
Latin capital letter O with tilde ouml 00F6
Latin small letter o with diaeresis Ouml 00D6
Latin capital letter O with diaeresis szlig 00DF
Latin small letter sharp s thorn 00FE
Latin small letter thorn THORN 00DE
Latin capital letter THORN uacute 00FA
Latin small letter u with acute Uacute 00DA
Latin capital letter U with acute ucirc 00FB
Latin small letter u with circumflex Ucirc 00DB
Latin capital letter U with circumflex ugrave 00F9
Latin small letter u with grave Ugrave 00D9
Latin capital letter U with grave uuml 00FC
Latin small letter u with diaeresis Uuml 00DC
Latin capital letter U with diaeresis yacute 00FD
Latin small letter y with acute Yacute 00DD
Latin capital letter Y with acute yuml 00FF
Latin small letter y with diaeresis
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