11.6 The RandomAccess Interface
SDK 1.4 introduced a
java.util.RandomAccess interface for optimizing
List performance, but it has no methods. What is
the purpose of this interface?
11.6.1 What Does RandomAccess Mean?
RandomAccess is a marker interface, like the
Serializable and Cloneable
interfaces. All these marker interfaces do not define methods.
Instead, they identify a class as having a particular capability. In
the case of Serializable, the interface specifies
that if the class is serialized using the serialization I/O classes,
a NotSerializableException will not be thrown
(unless the object contains some other class that cannot be
serialized). Cloneable similarly indicates that
the use of the Object.clone( ) method for a
Cloneable class will not throw a
The RandomAccess interface identifies that a
particular java.util.List implementation has fast
random access. (A more accurate name for the interface would have
This interface tries to define an imprecise concept: what exactly is
fast? The documentation provides a simple guide: if repeated access
using the List.get( )
method is faster than repeated access
using the Iterator.next( ) method, then the
List has fast random access. The two types of
access are shown in the following code examples.
Repeated access using List.get( ):
Object o;
for (int i=0, n=list.size( ); i < n; i++)
o = list.get(i);
Repeated access using Iterator.next( ):
Object o;
for (Iterator itr=list.iterator( ); itr.hasNext( ); )
o = itr.next( );
A third loop combines the previous two loops to avoid the repeated
Iterator.hasNext( )
on each loop iteration:
Object o;
Iterator itr=list.iterator( );
for (int i=0, n=list.size( ); i < n; i++)
o = itr.next( );
This last loop relies on the normal situation where
List objects cannot change in size while they are
being iterated through without an exception of some sort occurring.
So, because the loop size remains the same, you can simply count the
accessed elements without testing at each iteration whether the end
of the list has been reached. This last loop is generally faster than
the previous loop with the Iterator.hasNext( )
test. In the context of the RandomAccess
interface, the first loop using List.get( ) should
be faster than both the other loops that use Iterator.next(
) for a list to implement RandomAccess.
11.6.2 How Is RandomAccess Used?
So now that we know what
RandomAccess means,
how do we use it? There are two aspects to using the other marker
Serializable and Cloneable:
defining classes that implement them and using their capabilities via
/ObjectOutput and
Object.clone( ), respectively.
RandomAccess is a little different. Of course, we
still need to decide whether any particular class implements it, but
the possible classes are severely restricted:
RandomAccess should be implemented only in
java.util.List classes. And most such classes are
created outside of projects. The SDK provides the most frequently
used implementations, and subclasses of the SDK classes do not need
to implement RandomAccess because they
automatically inherit the capability where appropriate.
The second aspect, using the RandomAccess
capability, is also different. Whether a class is
Serializable or Cloneable is
automatically detected when you use
ObjectInput/ObjectOutput and
Object.clone( ). But
RandomAccess has no such automatic support.
Instead, you need to explicitly check whether a class implements
RandomAccess using the
instanceof operator:
if (listObject instanceof RandomAccess)
You must then explicitly choose the appropriate access method,
List.get( ) or Iterator.next(
). Clearly, if we test for RandomAccess
on every loop iteration, we would be making a lot of redundant calls
and probably losing the benefit of RandomAccess as
well. So the pattern to follow in using
RandomAccess makes the test outside the loop. The
canonical pattern looks like this:
Object o;
if (listObject instanceof RandomAccess)
for (int i=0, n=list.size( ); i < n; i++)
o = list.get(i);
//do something with object o
Iterator itr = list.iterator( );
for (int i=0, n=list.size( ); i < n; i++)
o = itr.next( );
//do something with object o
11.6.3 Speedup from RandomAccess
I tested the four code loops shown in
this section, using the 1.4 release, separately testing the
-client (default) and -server
options. To test the effect of the RandomAccess
interface, I used the
java.util.ArrayList and
java.util.LinkedList classes.
ArrayList implements
RandomAccess, while LinkedList
does not. ArrayList has an underlying
implementation consisting of an array with constant access time for
any element, so using the ArrayList iterator is
equivalent to using the ArrayList.get(
method but with some additional overhead.
LinkedList has an underlying implementation
consisting of linked node objects with access time proportional to
the shortest distance of the element from either end of the list,
whereas iterating sequentially through the list can shortcut the
access time by traversing one node after another.
Times shown are the average of three runs, and all times have been
normalized to the first table cell, i.e., the time taken by the
ArrayList to iterate the list using the
List.get( ) method in client mode.
loop counter (i<n) and List.get( )
too long
too long
iterator (Iterator.hasNext( )) and Iterator.next( )
iterator (i<n) and Iterator.next( )
RandomAccess test with loop from row 1 or 3
The most important results are in the last two rows. The last line
shows the times obtained by making full use of the
RandomAccess interface, and the line before that
shows the most optimal general technique for iterating lists if
RandomAccess is not available. The size of the
lists I used for the test (and consequently the number of loop
iterations required to access every element) was sufficiently large
that the instanceof test had no measurable cost in
comparison to the time taken to run the loop. Consequently, we can
see that there was no cost (but also no benefit) in adding the
instanceof RandomAccess test
when iterating the LinkedList, whereas the
ArrayList was iterated more than 20% quicker when
the instanceof test was included.
11.6.4 Forward and Backward Compatibility
Can you use
RandomAccess and maintain backward compatibility with
VM versions prior to 1.4? There are three aspects to using
You may want to include code referencing
RandomAccess without moving to 1.4.
Many projects need their code to be able to run in any VM, so the
code needs to be backward-compatible to run in VMs using releases
earlier than 1.4, where RandomAccess does not
You will want to make your code forward-compatible so that it
automatically takes advantage of RandomAccess when
running in a 1.4+ JVM.
Making RandomAccess available to your development
environment is the first issue, and if you are using an environment
prior to 1.4, this can be as simple as adding the
RandomAccess interface to your classpath. Any
version of the SDK can create the RandomAccess
interface. The definition for RandomAccess is:
package java.util;
public interface RandomAccess { }
We also need to handle RandomAccess in the runtime
environment. For pre-1.4 environments, the test:
if (listObject instanceof RandomAccess)
generates a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime when
the JVM tries to load the RandomAccess class (for
the instanceof test to be evaluated, the class has
to be loaded). However, we can guard the test so that it is executed
only if RandomAccess is available. The simplest
way to do this is to check whether RandomAccess
exists, setting a boolean guard as the outcome of that test:
static boolean RandomAccessExists;
//execute this as early as possible after the application starts
Class c = Class.forName("java.util.RandomAccess");
RandomAccessExists = true;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
RandomAccessExists = false;
Finally, we need to change our
instanceof tests to use the
RandomAccessExists variable as a guard:
if (RandomAccessExists && (listObject instanceof RandomAccess) )
With the guarded instanceof test, the code
automatically reverts to the Iterator loop if
RandomAccess does not exist and should avoid
throwing a NoClassDefFoundError in pre-1.4 JVMs.
And, of course, the guarded instanceof test also
automatically uses the faster loop branch when
RandomAccess does exist and the list object
implements it.