Algorithms in C++,
Robert Sedgewick (Addison Wesley)
The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth
(Addison Wesley)
Building Java Enterprise Applications, Volume I:
Architecture, Brett McLaughlin (O'Reilly)
Concurrent Programming in Java, Doug Lea
(Addison Wesley)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java,
Mark Weiss (Peachpit Press)
High Performance Client/Server, Chris Loosley
and Frank Douglas (John Wiley & Sons)
Inside the Java 2 Virtual Machine, Bill Venners
(McGraw-Hill) (see
Introduction to Computer Performance Analysis with
Mathematica, Arnold O. Allen (Academic Press)
J2EE Performance Testing, Peter Zadrozny and
Philip Aston (Expert Press)
Java Distributed Computing, Jim Farley
Java Threads, Scott Oaks and Henry Wong
Learning Java, Pat Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen
Performance Engineering of Software Systems,
Connie Smith (Addison Wesley)
Sun Performance and Tuning, Adrian Cockcroft and
Richard Pettit (Prentice Hall)
System Performance Tuning, Mike Loukides
Windows NT Applications: Measuring and Optimizing
Performance, Paul Hinsberg (MacMillan Technical
Windows NT Performance Monitoring, Benchmarking, and
Tuning, Mark T. Edmead and Paul Hinsberg (New Riders)
Writing Efficient Programs, Jon Louis Bentley
(Prentice Hall)