7.6 Recursion and Stacks
The techniques for
converting recursive method calls to iterative ones are suitable only
for methods that take a single search path at every decision node
when navigating through the solution space. For more complex
recursive methods that evaluate multiple paths from some nodes, you
can convert a recursive method into an iterative method based on a
stack. This is best illustrated with an example.
I'll use here the problem of looking for all the
files with names ending in some particular string.
The following method runs a recursive search of the filesystem,
printing all nondirectory files that end in a particular string:
public static String FS = System.getProperty("file.separator");
public static void filesearch1(String root, String fileEnding)
File f = new File(root);
String[ ] filelist = f.list( );
if (filelist = = null)
for (int i = filelist.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
f = new File(root, filelist[i]);
if (f.isDirectory( ))
filesearch1(root+FS+filelist[i], fileEnding);
else if(filelist[i].toUpperCase( ).endsWith(fileEnding))
To convert this into an iterative search, it is not sufficient to use
an extra variable to hold the current directory. At any one
directory, there are several possible directories underneath, all of
which must be held onto and searched, and you cannot reference them
all from a plain variable. Instead, you can make that variable into a
collection object. The standard object to use is a stack. With this
hint in mind, the method converts quite easily:
public static void filesearch2(String root, String fileEnding)
Stack dirs = new Stack( );
File f;
int i;
String[ ] filelist;
while(!dirs.empty( ))
f = new File(root = (String) dirs.pop( ));
filelist = f.list( );
if (filelist = = null)
for (i = filelist.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
f = new File(root, filelist[i]);
if (f.isDirectory( ))
else if(filelist[i].toUpperCase( ).endsWith(fileEnding))
In fact, the structures of the two methods are almost the same. This
second iterative version has the main part of the body wrapped in an
extra loop that terminates when the extra variable holding the stack
becomes empty. Otherwise, instead of the recursive call, the
directory is added to the stack.
In the cases of these particular search methods, the time-measurement
comparison shows that the iterative method actually takes 5% longer
than the recursive method. This is due to the iterative method having
the overhead of the extra stack object to manipulate, whereas
filesystems are generally not particularly deep (the ones I tested on
were not), so the recursive algorithm is not particularly
inefficient. This illustrates that a recursive method is not always
worse than an iterative one.
Note that the methods here were chosen for illustration, using an
easily understood problem that could be managed iteratively and
recursively. Since the I/O is actually the limiting factor for these
methods, there would not be much point in actually making the
optimization shown.
For this example, I eliminated the I/O overhead, as it would have
swamped the times and made it difficult to determine the difference
between the two implementations. To do this, I mapped the filesystem
into memory using a simple replacement of the java.io.File
This stored a snapshot of the filesystem in a hash table. (Actually,
only the full pathnames of directories as keys, and their associated
string array list of files as values, need be stored.)
This kind of trick—replacing classes with another
implementation to eliminate extraneous overhead—is quite useful
when you need to identify exactly where times are going.