Event |
DOM Level 2, IE 4, Netscape 4 |
The Event object serves to provide both details about an event and
control over the propagation of an event. DOM Level 2 defines a
standard Event object, but Internet Explorer 4, 5, and 6 use a
proprietary object instead. Netscape 4 has its own proprietary object
that is different from the other two. DOM Level 2 does not
standardize keyboard events, so the Netscape 4 Event object may be
still useful to programmers interested in key events in Netscape 6
and later. The properties of the DOM, IE, and Netscape 4 Event
objects are listed in separate sections below.
In the DOM and Netscape event models, an Event object is passed as an
argument to the event handler. In the IE event model, the Event
object that describes the most recent event is instead stored in the
event property of the Window object.
DOM Constants
These constants are the legal values of the
eventPhase property; they represent the current
phase of event propagation for this event.
The event is in its capturing phase.
- Event.AT_TARGET = 2
The event is being handled by its target node.
The event is bubbling.
DOM Properties
All properties of this object are read-only.
- altKey
true if the Alt
key was held down when an event occurred. Defined for mouse events.
- bubbles
true if the event is of a type that bubbles;
false otherwise. Defined for all events.
- button
Specifies which mouse button changed state during a mousedown,
mouseup, or click event. 0 indicates the left button, 1 indicates the
middle button, and 2 indicates the right button. Note that this
property is only defined when a button changes state: it is not used
to report whether a button is held down during a mousemove event, for
example. Also, this property is not a bitmap: it cannot tell you if
more than one button is held down. Netscape 6.0 uses the values 1, 2,
and 3 instead of 0, 1, and 2. This is fixed in Netscape 6.1.
- cancelable
true if the default action associated with the
event can be canceled with preventDefault( ),
false otherwise. Defined for all events.
- clientX, clientY
These properties specify the X and Y coordinates of the mouse
pointer, relative to the client area of the browser window. Note that
these coordinates do not take document scrolling into account.
Defined for mouse events.
- ctrlKey
true if the Ctrl
key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for mouse events.
- currentTarget
The document node that is currently handling this event. During
capturing and bubbling, this is different than
target. Defined for all events.
- detail
The click count: 1 for a single click, 2 for a double-click, 3 for a
triple click, and so on. Defined for click, mousedown and mouseup
- eventPhase
The current phase of event propagation. The constants above define
the three legal values for this property. Defined for all events.
- metaKey
true if the Meta
key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for mouse events.
- relatedTarget
For mouseover events, this is the document node that the mouse left
when it moved over the target. For mouseout events, it is the node
that the mouse entered when leaving the target. It is undefined for
other types of events.
- screenX, screenY
These properties specify the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer
relative to the upper-left corner of the user's
screen. Defined for mouse events.
- shiftKey
true if the Shift
key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for mouse events.
- target
The target for this event; the document node that generated the
event. Note that this may be any node, including Text nodes; it is
not restricted to Element nodes. Defined for all events.
- timeStamp
A Date object that specifies the date and time at which the event
occurred. Defined for all events, but implementations are not
required to provide a valid timestamp.
- type
The type of event that occurred. This is the name of the event
handler property with the leading
"on" removed. For example,
"load", or
"mousedown". Defined for all
- view
The Window object in which the event was generated.
DOM Methods
- preventDefault( )
Tells the web browser not to perform the default action (if there is
one) associated with this event. If the event is not of a type that
is cancelable, this method has no effect. Returns nothing.
- stopPropagation( )
Stops the event from propagating any further through the capturing,
target, or bubbling phases of event propagation. Returns nothing.
IE 4 Properties
- altKey
A boolean value that specifies whether the Alt key was held down when the event occurred.
- button
For mouse events, button specifies which mouse
button or buttons were pressed. This read-only integer is a bitmask:
the 1 bit is set if the left button was pressed. The 2 bit is set if
the right button was pressed. The 4 bit is set if the middle button
(of a three button mouse) was pressed.
- cancelBubble
If an event handler wants to stop an event from being propagated up
to containing objects, it must set this property to
- clientX, clientY
The X and Y coordinates, relative to the web browser page, at which
the event occurred.
- ctrlKey
A boolean value that specifies whether the Ctrl key was held down when the event
- fromElement
For mouseover and mouseout events, fromElement
refers to the object from which the mouse pointer is moving.
- keyCode
For keyboard events, keyCode specifies the Unicode
character code generated by the key that was struck.
- offsetX, offsetY
The X and Y coordinates at which the event occurred, within the
coordinate system of the event's source element (see
- returnValue
If this property is set, its value takes precedence over the value
actually returned by an event handler. Set this property to
false to cancel the default action of the source
element on which the event occurred.
- screenX, screenY
The X and Y coordinates, relative to the screen, at which the event
- shiftKey
A boolean value that specifies whether the Shift key was held down when the event
- srcElement
The Window, Document, or Element object that generated the event.
- toElement
For mouseover and mouseout events, toElement
refers to the object into which the mouse pointer is moving.
- type
A string property that specifies the type of the event. Its value is
the name of the event handler, minus the
"on" prefix. So, when the
onclick( ) event handler is invoked, the
type property of the Event object is
- x, y
The X and Y coordinates at which the event occurred. These properties
specify coordinates relative to the innermost containing element that
is dynamically positioned using CSS.
Netscape 4 Properties
- height
Set only in resize events. Specifies the new height of the window or
frame that was resized.
- layerX, layerY
Specify the X and Y coordinates, relative to the enclosing layer, at
which an event occurred.
- modifiers
Specifies which keyboard modifier keys were held down when the event
occurred. This numeric value is a bitmask consisting of any of the
constants Event.ALT_MASK,
Event.META_MASK, or
Event.SHIFT_MASK. Due to a bug, this property is
not defined in Netscape 6 or 6.1.
- pageX, pageY
The X and Y coordinates, relative to the web browser page, at which
the event occurred. Note that these coordinates are relative to the
top-level page, not to any enclosing layers.
- screenX, screenY
The X and Y coordinates, relative to the screen, at which the event
- target
The Window, Document, Layer, or Element object on which the event
- type
A string property that specifies the type of the event. Its value is
the name of the event handler, minus the
"on" prefix. So, when the
onclick( ) event handler is invoked, the
type property of the Event object is
- which
For keyboard and mouse events, which specifies
which key or mouse button was pressed or released. For keyboard
events, this property contains the character encoding of the key that
was pressed. For mouse events, it contains 1, 2, or 3, indicating the
left, middle, or right buttons.
- width
Set only in resize events. Specifies the new width of the window or
frame that was resized.
- x, y
The X and Y coordinates at which the event occurred. These properties
are synonyms for layerX and
layerY and specify the position relative to the
containing layer (if any).