2.6 IE 4 DOM
The IE 4 DOM was introduced in Version 4 of
Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. It is a
powerful but non-standard DOM with capabilities similar to those of
the W3C DOM. IE 5 and later include support for most basic W3C DOM
features, but this documentation on the IE 4 DOM is included because
IE 4 is still commonly used. The following subsections document the
IE 4 DOM in terms of its differences from the W3C DOM, so you should
be familiar with the W3C DOM first.
2.6.1 Accessing document elements
The IE 4 DOM does not support the getElementById(
) method. Instead, it allows you to look up arbitrary
document elements by id attribute within the
all[ ] array of the document object:
var list = document.all["mylist"];
list = document.all.mylist; // this also works
Instead of supporting the getElementsByTagName( )
method, the IE 4 DOM takes the unusual step of defining a
tags( ) method on the all[ ]
array, which exists on document elements as well as the Document
object itself. Here's how to find all
<li> tags within the first
<ul> tag:
var lists = document.all.tags("UL");
var items = lists[0].all.tags("LI");
Note that you must specify the desired HTML tag name in uppercase
with the all.tags( ) method.
2.6.2 Traversing the document tree
You can traverse an IE 4 document tree in much the same way that you
can traverse a W3C document tree. The difference is in the names of
the relevant properties: instead of childNodes[ ],
IE 4 uses children[ ], and instead of
parentNode, IE 4 uses
parentElement. IE 4 does not have any analogs to
firstChild, nextSibling, and
related W3C properties. One important difference between the IE 4 and
W3C DOMs is that the IE 4 document tree only includes HTML tags:
comments are ignored and document text is not part of the tree
itself. Instead, the text contained by any element is available
through the innerHTML and
innerText properties of the element object.
(We'll see more about innerHTML
in the next section.)
2.6.3 Modifying document content and structure
The nodes of an IE 4 document tree are Element objects that are
similar to the Element node of the W3C DOM. Like the Element nodes of
a W3C document tree, these objects have properties that correspond to
the attributes of the HTML tags, and you can query and set the
properties as desired. To change the textual content of a document
element, set its innerText property to the desired
text. This deletes any existing tags or text within the element and
replaces it with the specified text.
The IE 4 DOM does not have any methods for explicitly creating,
inserting, removing, or replacing nodes of the document tree.
However, it does support the very important
innerHTML property, which allows you to replace
the content of any document element with an arbitrary string of HTML.
Doing this requires an invocation of the HTML parser, making it less
efficient than manipulating the nodes directly. On the other hand, it
is tremendously convenient, so much so that Mozilla, Netscape 6 and
later, and other modern browsers have implemented
innerHTML despite the fact that it is
The IE 4 DOM also includes the related outerHTML
property, which replaces the element and its content, and the
insertAdjacentHTML( ) and
insertAdjacentText( ) methods. These are not as
commonly used, nor as commonly implemented outside of IE as
innerHTML; you can read about them in the
reference section under Element.
2.6.4 DOM compatibility
If you want to write a script that uses the W3C DOM when it is
available, and otherwise uses the IE 4 DOM if it is available, you
can use a capability-testing approach that first checks for the
existence of a method or property to determine whether the browser
has the capability you desire. For example:
if (document.getElementById) {
// If the W3C method exists, use it
else if (document.all) {
// If the all[] array exists, use it
else {
// Otherwise use the legacy DOM