F.1 Global Settings
A few text
editor settings are global (i.e., they cannot be changed per
language). These can be edited by selecting the General item in the
Text Editor category. The first four govern the
editor's behavior:
- Go to selection anchor after escape
Determines whether the Esc key causes the cursor to move to the start
or end of the current selection. The default (off) behavior is for
the cursor to move to the end of the selection.
- Drag-and-drop text editing
Enables dragging and dropping chunks of text.
- Include insertion point movements in undo list
Determines whether cursor movements (performed with either the mouse
or the arrow keys) are included in the undo/redo history.
- Automatic delimiter highlighting
Controls whether matching pairs of delimiter characters are
highlighted. (For example, if this option is enabled, when you close
a bracket the editor will highlight the matching opening bracket.)
The next four settings change the appearance of the editor:
- Selection margin
Controls the display of a vertical margin on the left side of the
text editor. When enabled, you can use this margin to select a whole
line of text (rather than having to select the whole line manually).
This margin also includes controls that you can use to collapse and
expand classes, methods, and regions.
- Indicator margin
Controls the display of the indicator margin, which is the gray
margin on the left side of the text editor where breakpoint and
bookmark symbols appear.
- Vertical scrollbar
Determines whether a vertical scrollbar appears on the right side of
the text editor pane. (You can still use documents larger than the
screen even without a scrollbar of course—you just have to use
the keyboard for navigation.)
- Horizontal scrollbar
Determines whether a horizontal scrollbar appears on the bottom of
the text editor pane.
F.1.1 Fonts and Colors
The fonts and colors used by the text editor are configured
globally—you cannot specify per-language settings. These
settings live in a slightly different place from the other editor
settings—they are in with all the other font and color
selections for Visual Studio .NET. They are still in the Options
dialog box, but you must select the Environment folder in the
lefthand pane and then select Fonts and Colors.
To change the settings for the text editor, select Text Editor in the
Show Settings For combo box. You can select only one font, but you
can select the color for each different kind of text recognized by
the editor. The different types of text are listed in the Display
Items listbox. You may specify different foreground and background
colors for each type of text.