F.4 C# and J#
C# and J# provide identical options.
Each provides just one extra page, entitled Formatting:
- Leave open braces on same line as construct
When this is turned off, the language service will tell the text
editor to move the opening brace ({) onto its own
line whenever automatic formatting occurs. If this setting is on,
automatic formatting will use the K&R style: the opening bracket
appears on the same line as the construct to which it belongs. (Note
that if the opening and closing braces are on the same line, this
setting is ignored and the braces will not be moved.)
- Indent case labels
Controls indentation of case statements. When this
setting is on, case statements will be indented
from the switch statement. If it is off,
case statements will be aligned with the
switch statement.
- Automatically format completed constructs and pasted source
This setting tells the language service whether it should autoformat
code constructs. With this setting on, code will be reformatted when
it is pasted in from the clipboard. Also, when you type in a closing
brace (}), VS.NET locates the matching opening
brace and will format everything in between the two.
- Smart comment editing
If this is enabled, the editor will place an XML documentation
skeleton when you type in three slashes to begin a comment block.
(These comments enable the C# autogeneration of documentation from
- Enter outlining mode on file open
Enables outlining in the text editor when a .cs
file is opened.
- Collapse #region blocks when files open
Tells the editor whether to have
#region/#endregion sections closed or opened when
a .cs file is opened.
- IntelliSense preselects most frequently used members
(This option is not available on Visual Studio .NET 2002.) With this
option enabled, VS.NET will remember which items you select most
often from IntelliSense member lists and will select them for you as
a default first choice. This is particularly useful for classes that
have several members that start with the same text. For example, the
Debug, Trace, and
Console classes all have both
Write and WriteLine members.
The WriteLine method tends to be used more
frequently, but unfortunately it appears later in the list. If this
option is off, typing in Debug.W will highlight
the Write entry. However, if you have this option
switched on, once you have selected WriteLine a
few times, VS.NET will remember that this is your normal choice and
will highlight that one first.