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8.100. File::Find

Looks for files that match a particular expression. Exports two functions.


find (\&wanted, dir1[, dir2 ...])

Works like the Unix find command; traverses the specified directories, looking for files that match the expressions or actions you specify in a subroutine called wanted, which you must define. For example, to print out the names of all executable files, you could define wanted this way:

sub wanted {
    print "$File::Find::name\n" if -x;

Provides the following variables:

Current directory name ($_ has the current filename in that directory).

Contains $File::Find::dir/$_. You are chdired to $File::Find::dir when find is called.

If true, find does not descend into any directories.

Set this variable if you're using the Andrew File System (AFS).


finddepth (\wanted, dir1[, dir2...])

Like find, but does a depth-first search.

The standard Perl distribution comes with a Perl script, find2perl, which takes a Unix find command and turns it into a wanted subroutine.

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