Chapter 7. The Intermediate Code Compiler
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. [ . . . ] Better than he was before. Better . . . stronger . . . faster. —Oscar Goldman, The Six Million Dollar Man
Intermediate Code
Compiler (IMCC) is an alternate tool for creating and running
Parrot bytecode. It has several
advantages over the method introduced in the previous chapter.
It's a Parrot assembler and embeds the Parrot
runtime engine, so it can compile a PASM file to bytecode and
immediately run the bytecode with a single command. IMCC can also
perform code optimizations, though it doesn't by
IMCC includes its own language, which is commonly called
Parrot Intermediate
Language (PIR). PIR is an overlay on top of Parrot assembly language
and has many higher-level features, though it still
isn't a high-level language. Assembly files
containing PIR code end with an
.imc extension.