12.6 Bits of Knowledge: More Complex OWL Constructs
The example in the last section that allowed us to define a more
complex data type for a specific property begins to demonstrate the
divergence between RDFS and OWL—this ability to attach more
nuances of meaning to the data being modeled, beyond nuances defined
in RDF. Rightfully so—the relational data model provides the
structure necessary to build generic data types that can manage all
data; complex business models such as SAP and PeopleSoft use the
relational model as a base for more complex models representing more
specific business models. The two layers of relational data are
complementary rather than competitive, just as the two layers of
RDF/RDFS and OWL are complimentary rather than competitive.
The OWL elements we'll cover in this section are:
The element names themselves indicate their functional value within
12.6.1 Increasing the Power of the Property
property in RDF provides information about the entity
it's describing, but the information tends to be
somewhat linear. There are two types of information properties in an
RDF record: an actual instance of data, such as a string containing a
name or another resource, continuing the node-arc-node-arc-node path
within the model.
In ontologies, properties can be much more active in their
description of the knowledge described in the ontology with the aid
of some enhancements built directly into the ontology language. OWL
categorizes these property enhancements into characteristics and
restrictions. Property characteristics
Property characteristics increase our ability to record our
understanding about the data we're describing in
such a way that automated tools can infer much more of the reasoning
we used when we pulled all this data together. In any model,
there's a reason why we included this property or
that entity, and not all of these reasons can be determined with the
constructs supported in RDF or even with other data models such as
the relational or object-oriented models.
To demonstrate the property characteristics, some new assumptions and
additions to the existing PostCon ontology are made. In the current
understanding of PostCon, a resource within the system would also
exist as one resource on the server. However,
there's nothing in the system that enforces
this—a single web resource doesn't have to
exist in one physical entity. For instance, an
"article" such as the one used
throughout the book, "Tale of Two Monsters:
Legends" could be separated across many pages, but
still be treated as a single entity within the system. To capture
this information, a new property, partOf, can be
defined and used as follows within the PostCon ontology:
<Resource rdf:ID="Section1">
<partOf rdf:resource="#monsters1" />
<Resource rdf:ID="monsters1">
With the new property, sections of an article can be split into
further sections and so on, with each child section attached to the
parent section through partOf.
This is an effective way to manage larger resources, but one thing
lost with this structure is the fact that all of the sections
ultimately roll up into one document, with each child section rolling
up into the parent section, which may then roll up into another
section and so on. However, OWL property characteristics provide a
way to capture this type of information.
One property characteristic is the
The logic associated with this property is:
P(x,y) and P(y,z) implies P(x,z)
Using TransitiveProperty in PostCon would result
in something similar to the following:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="partOf">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="owl:TransitiveProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;Thing" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Resource" />
<Resource rdf:ID="sectionHeader1a">
<partOf rdf:resource="sectionHeader1" />
<Region rdf:ID="sectionHeader1">
<partOf rdf:resource="#monsters1" />
The TransitiveProperty characteristic is attached
to the property partOf. This property is used to
attach the "sectionHeader1a" section to the parent
section, "sectionHeader1". When the parent section
is then attached to the main article, "monsters1",
by the use of TransitiveProperty, the
"sectionHeader1a" is also defined to be
"part of" the top-level document.
No special processing or understanding of the domain would be
necessary to intuit this information because it's
provided with the characteristic.
A second property characteristic is the
The logic for it is:
P(x,y) iff P(y,x)
With the new PostCon property, sections can be marked as peers to
each other through the use of SymmetricProperty
applied to a new predicate, sectionPeer:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="sectionPeer">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;SymmetricProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Resource" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Resource" />
<Resource rdf:ID="sectionHeader1a">
<partOf rdf:resource="#sectionHeader1" />
<sectionPeer rdf:resource="#sectionHeader1b" />
<Resource rdf:ID="sectionHeader1b">
<partOf rdf:resource="#sectionHeader1" />
<sectionPeer rdf:resource="#sectionHeader1a" />
A third property characteristic is
with the logic:
P(x,y) and P(x,z) implies y = z
Earlier in the section on data types, we created a custom data type,
MovementType, to specify that allowable values be
within a given set. The data type was attached to a specific
property, movementType, which then became
functional (noted by FunctionalProperty) in that
all movement types can be assigned only one value, and the value must
be from the allowable types:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="MovementType" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="movementType">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ResourceMovement" />
<rdf:range rdf:resource="#MovementType" />
The inverseOf
characteristic is pretty straightforward: a new property can be
defined as the inverse of an existing property. The logic for it is:
P1(x,y) iff P2(y,x)
If partOf shows a child section's
relationship to a parent section, then the property
hasChild would define a parent
section's relationship to one of its children:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasChild">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#partOf" />
Finally, the last property characteristic is
which combines the logic of both the inverse and
the FunctionalProperty:
P(y,x) and P(z,x) implies y = z
We can consider partOf as functional (as defined
by FunctionalProperty), because a section is part
of another section, and that other section only (a functional
constraint). And if partOf is functional, then the
inverse functional equivalent of partOf would be
the hasChild property:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="partOf">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="childOf">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty" />
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#partOf" />
Properties can be further refined through restrictions, discussed
next. Property restrictions
If property characteristics enhance reasoning by extending the
meaning behind element relationships with each other, than property
restrictions fine-tune the reasoning by restricting properties within
specific contexts.
Returning to PostCon, the Resource class has two
subclasses, ResourceMovement and
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Resource" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="RelatedResource">
<owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceMovement">
<owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource" />
In the RDF Schema for PostCon, both of these classes would have
"reason" as a predicate, explaining the
association between the classes. In addition,
ResourceMovement also has
Instead of having two different properties, we could have just the
one — reason — and then attach a
property restriction — allValuesFrom —
to it, restricting values for this property to
MovementType values only. The use of this
restriction is demonstrated in the following
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceMovement">
<owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource" />
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#reason" />
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#MovementType" />
Restrictions differ from characteristics in that restrictions apply
to a sub-set of the data, rather than globally to all data. In this
use of allValuesFrom, the restriction applies to
the reason property only when
it's used within the
ResourceMovement class, not when its used in the
RelatedResource class.
A less restricted version of allValuesFrom is
someValuesFrom, used
to specify that at least one of the properties restricted, in this
case reason, must point to a specific
Another restriction is cardinality. Cardinality indicates the
exact number of individual instances of a property allowed within a
class — not the maximum or minimum number, but the exact number
that must exist.
Returning to PostCon, each individual
ResourceMovement can have one and only one
movementType property. This restriction would be
modeled in OWL with the following:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceMovement">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#movementType"/>
According to the OWL Guide, OWL Lite can specify values of only 0 or
1 for the cardinality restriction. However, for OWL Full, in addition
to the use of the cardinality restriction,
can be used to set an upper cardinality, while
can be used to set the lower. Setting both defines a range.
The last property restriction is hasValue, used with a
class to differentiate those with properties from a specific range.
Again returning to ResourceMovement, the use of
hasValue could be used to differentiate
ResourceMovement from
RelatedResource, by adding the restriction that
ResourceMovement classes have a
movementType pointing to the
MovementType class:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceMovement">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#movementType"/>
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#MovementType" />
The more uses of property characteristics and restrictions placed on
objects in the ontology, the better able tools are to make strong
inferences about the true meaning of the data being defined.
12.6.2 Complex Classes
complex class relationships exist than just the simple hierarchy
defined through the use of subClassOf. These
relationships are managed through a set of properties that controls
how one class relates to another. These class expressions, as OWL
defines them, are based on typical set operations used elsewhere,
such as in logic or math. All classes constructed using set
operations, such as intersectionOf, are closed,
explicitly stating the parameters of class membership for a specific
class. Intersection
An intersection of a class and one or more
properties is created using the intersectionOf
property. All members of a class defined with
intersectionOf are
explicitly defined by the intersection of the class membership and
the property or properties specified.
One change that could be made to PostCon is to differentiate between
types of resources, based on the assumption that different types of
resources have different information associated with them. If we do
classify resources in this manner, then we'll also
want to explicitly state without equivocation which class each
resource would belong in. In the following OWL definition, the new
resource class, XMLResource, is restricted to
members that belong to the Resource class and also belong to all
things that are based on XML:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="XMLResource">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Resource" />
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasFormat" />
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#XML" />
The XMLResource class consists of a class defining
a set of properties, all of which can be used to describe something
formatted as XML. The intersection would then be
"Resource" and
"things formatted as XML." The
Collection parseType is a
required attribute in the class definition because the class is being
constructed to define a collection of like material.
Rather than base the intersection on a specific property, you can
also just specify an intersection of classes. In the following, a new
class, RSSXMLResource, is defined as the
intersection between XMLResource and another new
complex class, RSSResource:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="RSSXMLResource">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#XMLResource" />
<owl:Class rdf:about="#RSSResource" />
Members of RSSXMLResource would be resources
formatted as XML but based on some RSS vocabulary; RSS documents that
are not XML formatted wouldn't be included, and
neither would XML documents that aren't based on
RSS. RSS 1.0 (RDF/RSS) would be a member of this class. Union
unionOf construct creates a class whose members
combine the properties of both classes being joined. A demonstration
of this is the following, which defines a new class, called
WebpageResource. This combines the properties of
XMLResource and a new class,
<owl:Class rdf:ID="WebpageResource">
<owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#XMLResource" />
<owl:Class rdf:about="#HTMLResouce" />
XML, XHTML, and HTML pages would all be members of this class.
 |
As the guide notes, defining a class to be a subclass of two classes
results in an intersection of the two classes. With
XMLResource and HTMLResource,
this would be an empty class because HTML, by its nature, is not an
XML document.
| Complement
class that consists of all members of a specific domain that do not
belong to a specific class can be created using the
complementOf construct. Continuing our
classification of PostCon resources, all web resources that
aren't HTML, XML, or XHTML can be lumped into one
class membership using a class definition like the following:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="WebResource" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="NotWebPage">
<owl:complementOf rdf:resource="#WebpageResource" />
According to the OWL documentation, complementOf
is usually used with other set operations. With PostCon, this
increasingly complex construct could be used to define a class that
contains all members of resources that are not XML-formatted RSS with
the following definition:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="NotRSSXMLResource">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Resource"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="RSSXMLResource">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#XMLResource" />
<owl:Class rdf:about="#RSSResource" />
If a circle were drawn around XML-formatted RSS files, everything
outside of this circle that is a Resource would
belong to NotRSSXMLResource. Enumeration
enumeration is a class with a predetermined, closed set of members.
Applied to web resources, this could be an enumeration of graphics
types supported at a particular web site, as shown in the following,
using the OWL enumeration operator, oneOf:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="GraphicResource">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource"/>
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Thing rdf:about="#JPEG"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:about="#PNG"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:about="#GIF"/>
The list could, of course, be extended to include other graphics
types. A member of an enumerated class belongs to one, and only one,
of the collection members. Disjoint
Finally, the last complex class
construction is the disjoint construct, which lists all of the
classes that a particular class is guaranteed not to be a member of.
As an example, the following defines a new class,
TextFile, guaranteed not to be a member of the
GraphicResource and
VideoResource classes:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="TextFile">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#GraphicResource"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#VideoResource"/>