5.4 RDF Schema Alternatives
RDF isn't the only
specification related to describing schemas. XML documents (and their
SGML predecessors) have long been validated through the use of
Document Type
Declarations (DTDs), described in the first release of the XML
specification and still in heavy use. DTDs generally define how
elements relate to one another within a schema; for example, they
allow applications to check whether a specific element is required or
one or more elements can be contained within another.
While useful for validating how elements within a schema relate to
one another, DTDs have long had their critics. First of all, DTDs are
based on a syntax totally unrelated to XML. This forces a person to
become familiar with not one but two syntaxes in order to create a
valid as well as well-formed XML document. The following DTD fragment
defines an Items element, its child
item, and the contents of item:
<!ELEMENT Items (item*)>
<!ELEMENT item (productName, quantity, USPrice, comment?, shipDate?)>
<!ATTLIST item
<!ELEMENT productName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT quantity (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT shipDate (#PCDATA)>
As you can see, the DTD syntax is fairly intuitive; however,
syntactic elegance or not, DTDs do not provide the same type of
functionality as the RDF specification. XML DTDs define how elements
within a vocabulary relate to one another, not how they relate to the
world at large, and the description of their contents is pretty
vague. #PCDATA and its attribute cousin,
CDATA, just mean
"text." RDF provides a means of
recording data within a global context, not just how elements in one
specific vocabulary relate to one another.
Another mechanism to record
schemas is defined by the W3C XML Schema 1.0 Specification. This
specification is more closely related to the functionality used to
define a relational table or to describe an object in object-oriented
development. Schemas are used to define elements in relation to one
another, as with the DTD syntax; it goes beyond DTDs, though, by
providing a means of recording data types about the elements and
attributes—a functionality long needed with XML vocabularies,
as shown in the following fragment based on the specification:
<xsd:element name="Items">
<xsd:complexType name="Items">
<xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="productName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="quantity">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger">
<xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
<xsd:element name="USPrice" type="xsd:decimal"/>
<xsd:element ref="comment" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="shipDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="partNum" type="SKU" use="required"/>
As you can see, W3C XML Schema is an effective specification for
defining XML elements, their relationships, and much more information
about associated data types than DTDs provide.
A third approach, RELAX NG Compact Syntax, offers a combination
of DTD readability and W3C XML Schema data typing, though it also has
a mathematical foundation that in some ways has more in common with
RDF than with DTDs or W3C XML Schema. The same example in RELAX NG
Compact Syntax looks like:
Items = element Items { item* }
item =
element item {
att.partNum, productName, quantity, USPrice, comment?, shipDate?
att.partNum = attribute partNum { text }
productName = element productName { text }
quantity = element quantity { xsd:positiveInteger {maxExclusive="100"}}
USPrice = element USPrice { xsd:decimal }
comment = element comment { text }
shipDate = element shipDate { xsd:date }
start = Items
All of these schema approaches facilitate automated processing of
XML. Still, the various XML Schema tools can't
replace the functionality provided by the RDF specification. To
overgeneralize, XML tools are concerned with describing markup
representations and their contents, while RDF tools are concerned
with describing models. You can get a model from a representation or
vice versa, but the two approaches focus on different things.
The RDF specification defines information about data within a
particular context. It provides a means of recording information at a
metadata level that can be used regardless of the domain.
RDF's relationship with XML is that XML is used to
serialize an RDF model; RDF is totally unconcerned whether XML is
valid (that is, conforming to a DTD, RELAX NG description, or W3C XML
Schema) as long as the XML used to serialize an RDF model is well
formed. In addition, concepts such as data types and complex and
simple element structures—focal points within the W3C XML
Schema—again focus on XML as used to define data, primarily for
data interchange; they have nothing to do with recording data about
data in order to facilitate intelligent web functionality.