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System.Security.Policy (mscorlib.dll)sealed class
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : CodeGroup {
// Public Constructors
   public FileCodeGroup(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, 
     System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess access);
// Public Instance Properties
   public override string AttributeString{get; }  
// overrides CodeGroup
   public override string MergeLogic{get; }       
// overrides CodeGroup
   public override string PermissionSetName{get; }
// overrides CodeGroup
// Public Instance Methods
   public override CodeGroup Copy(  );     
// overrides CodeGroup
   public override bool Equals(object o);        
// overrides CodeGroup
   public override int GetHashCode(  );    
// overrides CodeGroup
   public override PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence);
 // overrides CodeGroup
   public override CodeGroup ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(Evidence evidence);
 // overrides CodeGroup
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void CreateXml(System.Security.SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level);
 // overrides CodeGroup
   protected override void ParseXml(System.Security.SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level);
 // overrides CodeGroup

This class is a subclass of the CodeGroup class. FileCodeGroup does not support attributes and does not contain a statically defined permission set, and so there is no need to assign it a PolicyStatement. With each call to Resolve( ), the FileCodeGroup object determines if the provided Evidence collection contains Url evidence that represents a URL with the "file://" protocol. If so, the FileCodeGroup dynamically generates a permission set that contains a System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission that grants access to the directory specified in the Url evidence. The type of file access to grant (read, write, and so on) is specified in the FileCodeGroup constructor using a member of the System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess enumeration.

Members of a FileCodeGroup are tested for membership against all of its child code groups. The final permission set granted by the FileCodeGroup is the union of its permission set and the permission sets of the children to which the assembly or application domain also qualifies for membership.


System.Object CodeGroup FileCodeGroup

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