7.2 Running a Command Repeatedly
Credit: Philip Nunez
7.2.1 Problem
You need to run a command
repeatedly, with arbitrary periodicity.
7.2.2 Solution
offers a simple approach to this task:
import time, os, sys, string
def main(cmd, inc=60):
while 1:
if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _' :
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " command [seconds_delay]"
cmd = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
inc = string.atoi(sys.argv[2])
main(cmd, inc)
7.2.3 Discussion
You can use this recipe with a command that periodically checks for
something (e.g., polling) or performs an endlessly-repeating action,
such as telling a browser to reload a URL whose contents change
often, so you always have a recent version of that URL up for
viewing. The recipe is structured into a function called
and a body that is preceded by the usual if _ _name_ _=='_
_main_ _': idiom, which ensures that the body executes only
if the script runs as a main script. The body examines the
command-line arguments you used with the script and calls
main appropriately (or gives a usage message if
there are too many or too few arguments). This is always the best way
to structure a script, so its key functionality is also available to
other scripts that may import it as a module.
The main function accepts a cmd
string, which is a command you should pass periodically to the
operating system's shell, and, optionally, a period
of time in seconds, with a default value of 60 (one minute).
main loops forever, alternating between executing
the command with os.system and waiting (without
consuming resources) with time.sleep.
The script's body looks at the command-line
arguments you used with the script, which are found in
sys.argv. The first,
sys.argv[0], is the name of the script, often
useful when the script identifies itself as it prints out messages.
The body checks that there are one or two other arguments in addition
to this name. The first (mandatory) is the command to be run. The
second (optional) is the delay in seconds between two runs of the
command. If the second argument is missing, the body calls
main just with the command argument, accepting the
default delay (of 60 seconds). Note that if there is a second
argument, the body must transform it from a string (all items in
sys.argv are always strings) into an integer. In
modern Python, you would do this with the int
built-in function:
inc = int(sys.argv[2])
But the recipe is coded in such a way as to work even with old
versions of Python that did not allow you to use
int in this way.
7.2.4 See Also
Documentation of the standard library modules os
and time in the Library