Position-Specific Iterated BLAST
(PSI-BLAST) is an iterative search in which sequences found in one
round of searching are used to build a score model for the next round
of searching. For details, see Section 7.1 at the end of this
An example of PSI-BLAST command-line entry:
blastpgp -i queryfilename -B alignmentfilename -j 2 -d databasefilename where -j 2 indicates to search for 2 rounds.
Most BLAST options can be used with PSI-BLAST. However, there are
several blastpgp parameters specifically for
PSI-BLAST. The following table summarizes these PSI-BLAST options.
"Constant"used in the pseudocount
e-value threshold for including sequences in the score matrix model.
Maximum number of rounds.
Provides a way to jump start PSI-BLAST from a master-slave multiple
alignment computed outside PSI-BLAST.
[File In]
Stores the query and frequency count ratio matrix in a file.
[File Out]
Output File for PSI-BLAST Matrix in ASCII.
[File Out]
Restarts from a file stored previously.
[File In]
Produce HTML output [T/F].