descseq allows you to change the name or
description of a sequence, then write out a new file containing the
changes. The original sequence is unaltered.
Set the name of a sequence to
% descseq -seq clone23 -out clone23.seq -name "myclone23" Set the description of a sequence to "This is my
clone number 244":
% descseq -seq xy24 -out xy24.seq -desc "This is my clone number 244" Append some text to the description of a sequence:
% descseq -seq est.seq -out est4.seq -desc " (submitted)" -append
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-sequence] (sequence)
Sequence USA.
- [-outseq] (seqout)
Output sequence USA.
Optional qualifiers:
- -name (string)
Name of the sequence.
- -description (string)
Description of the sequence.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -append (boolean)
This allows you to append a name or description to the existing name
or description of a sequence.