will search a
protein database for matches with the mass spectrometry data.
Here is a sample session with emowse:
% emowse
Protein identification by mass spectrometry
Input sequence(s): sw:*
Input file: test.mowse
Whole sequence molwt [0]:
Output file [100k_rat.emowse]:
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-sequences] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- [-infile] (infile)
Name of molecular weight data file.
- -weight (integer)
Whole sequence molecular weight.
- -outfile (outfile)
Output filename.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -enzyme (menu)
Enzyme or reagent.
- -aadata (string)
Molecular weight data for amino acids.
- -pcrange (integer)
Allowed whole sequence weight variability.
- -frequencies (string)
Frequencies file.
- -tolerance (float)
Float value
- -partials (float)
Partials factor.