hmoment plots or writes out the hydrophobic
moment. Hydrophobic moment is the hydrophobicity of a peptide
measured for a specified angle of rotation per residue.
Here is a sample session with hmoment:
% hmoment sw:hbb_human
Hydrophobic moment calculation
Output file [hbb_human.hmoment]:
Mandatory qualifiers (bold if not always prompted):
- [-seqall] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- -graph (xygraph)
Graph type.
- -outfile (outfile)
Output filename.
Optional qualifiers:
- -window (integer)
- -bangle (integer)
Beta sheet angle (degrees).
Advanced qualifiers:
- -aangle (integer)
Alpha helix angle (degrees).
- -baseline (float)
Graph marker line.
- -plot (boolean)
Produce graphic.
- -double (boolean)
Plot two graphs.