allows you to type a sequence into a
file in a quick and easy manner.
Type in a short sequence to the file mycc.pep in
EMBL format:
% newseq
Type in a short new sequence.
Output sequence [outfile.fasta]: embl::mycc.pep
Name of the sequence: cytoc
Description of the sequence: fragment of cytochrome C
Type of sequence
N : Nucleic
P : Protein
Type of sequence [N]: p
Enter the sequence: KKKEERADLIAY Display the resulting new file:
% more mycc.pep
ID cytoc STANDARD; PRT; 12 AA.
DE fragment of cytochrome C
SQ SEQUENCE 12 AA; 1464 MW; 2BF1DB53 CRC32;
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-outseq] (seqout)
Output sequence USA.
- [-name] (string)
The name of of the sequence should be a single word that you will use
to identify the sequence. It should have no (or few) punctuation
characters in it.
- [-description] (string)
Enter any description of the sequence that you require.
- [-type] (menu)
Type of sequence.
- [-sequence] (string)
The sequence itself. Because of the limitation of the operating
system, you will only be able to type in a short sequence of around
250 characters. The keyboard will beep at you when you have reached
this limit and you will not be able to press the Return or Enter key
until you have deleted a few characters.