looks for inverted repeats
(stem loops) in a nucleotide sequence.
Here is a sample session with palindrome.
Because there are a number of overlapping possibilities in this
sequence, we choose a longer minimum repeat length:
% palindrome
Input sequence: embl:hsts1
Enter minimum length of palindrome [10]: 15
Enter maximum length of palindrome [100]:
Enter maximum gap between repeated regions [100]:
Number of mismatches allowed [0]:
Output file [hsts1.pal]:
Report overlapping matches [Y]:
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-insequence] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- -minpallen (integer)
Enter minimum length of palindrome.
- -maxpallen (integer)
Enter maximum length of palindrome.
- -gaplimit (integer)
Enter maximum gap between repeated regions.
- -nummismatches (integer)
Number of mismatches allowed.
- [-outfile] (outfile)
Output filename.
- -[no]overlap (boolean)
Report overlapping matches.