detects and displays various useful metrics about a protein sequence.
Here is a sample session with pepinfo:
% pepinfo
Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel
Input sequence: sw:opsd_human
Graph type [x11]:
Output file [pepinfo.out]:
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-inseq] (sequence)
Sequence USA.
- -graph (xygraph)
Graph type.
- [-outfile] (outfile)
Output filename.
Optional qualifiers:
- -hwindow (integer)
Window size for hydropathy averaging.
- -aaproperties (string)
User-defined amino acid properties
- -aahydropathy (string)
User-defined hydropathy data.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -[no]generalplot (boolean)
Plot histogram of general properties.
- -[no]hydropathyplot (boolean)
Plot graphs of hydropathy