translates nucleic
acid sequences to the corresponding peptide sequence.
To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in the first frame (starting at the first base and proceeding to the
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in the second frame:
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -frame=2 To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in the third frame in the reverse sense (starting at the last base
and proceeding to the start):
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -frame=-1 To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in all three forward frames:
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -frame=F To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in all three reverse frames:
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -frame=R To translate a sequence "pop.seq"
in all six forward and reverse frames:
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -frame=6 To translate a specific set of regions corresponding to a known set
of coding sequences:
% transeq pop.seq pop.pep -reg=2-45,67-201,328-509 To translate a sequence "mito.seq"
using the mammalian mitochondrion genetic code table:
% transeq mito.seq mito.pep -table=2
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-sequence] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- [-outseq] (seqoutall)
Output sequence(s) USA.
Optional qualifiers:
- -frame (menu)
Frame(s) to translate.
- -table (menu)
Code to use. See the fuzztran description for
- -regions (range)
Regions to translate. If this is left blank, the complete sequence is
translated. A set of regions is specified by a set of pairs of
positions. The positions are integers. They are separated by any
non-digit, non-alpha character. Examples of region specifications
24-45, 56-78
1:45, 67=99;765..888
Note: you should not try to use this option with any other frame than
the default, -frame=1.
- -trim (boolean)
This removes all X and asterisk characters from the right end of the
translation. The trimming process starts at the end and continues
until the next character is not an X or an asterisk.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -alternative (boolean)
The default definition of frame -1 is the
reverse-complement of the set of codons used in frame 1.
(frame -2 is the set of codons used by frame 2,
similarly frames -3 is the set used by 3). This is
a common standard, used by the Staden package and other programs. If
you prefer to define frame -1 as using the set of
codons starting with the last codon of the sequence, set this to