is used to tidy up the ends of sequences,
removing all the bits that you would really rather were not
Tidy up the sequence ends, stopping at the first wanted code:
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 1 -percent 100 Tidy up the sequence ends, removing poor bits at the ends:
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 5 -percent 40 Tidy up the sequence ends, removing very poor bits at the ends:
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 20 -percent 80 Tidy up the sequence ends, removing even maginally poor bits at the
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 20 -percent 10 Tidy up the sequence ends, removing poor bits including ambiguity
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 20 -percent 50 -strict Tidy up the sequence ends, removing asterisks from a protein end:
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 1 -percent 100 -star Tidy up the sequence ends, removing poor bits at only the left end:
% trimseq xyz.seq xyz_clean.seq -window 20 -percent 50 -noright
Mandatory qualifiers:
- [-sequence] (seqall)
Sequence database USA.
- [-outseq] (seqoutall)
Output sequence(s) USA.
Optional qualifiers:
- -window (integer)
This determines the size of the region that is considered when
deciding whether the percentage of ambiguity is greater than the
threshold. A value of 5 means that a region of 5
letters in the sequence is shifted along the sequence from the ends
and trimming is done only if there is a greater or equal percentage
of ambiguity than the threshold percentage.
- -percent (float)
This is the threshold of the percentage ambiguity in the window
required in order to trim a sequence.
- -strict (boolean)
In nucleic sequences, trim off not only Ns and Xs, but also the
nucleotide IUPAC ambiguity codes M, R, W, S, Y, K, V, H, D and B. In
protein sequences, trim off not only Xs but also B and Z.
- -star (boolean)
In protein sequences, trim off not only Xs, but the asterisks as well.
Advanced qualifiers:
- -[no]left (boolean)
Trim at the start.
- -[no]right (boolean)
Trim at the end.