Recipe 8.2 Encrypted Mail with vim
8.2.1 Problem
You want to compose an encrypted mail
message, and your mail editor is
8.2.2 Solution
map ^E :1,$!gpg --armor --encrypt 2>/dev/null^M^L
map ^G :1,$!gpg --armor --encrypt --sign 2>/dev/null^M^L
map ^Y :1,$!gpg --clearsign 2>/dev/null^M^L
The ^X symbols are actual control characters inserted into the file, not a caret followed by a letter. In vim, this is accomplished by pressing ctrl-V followed by the desired key, for example, ctrl-V ctrl-E to insert a ctrl-E.
8.2.3 Discussion
These macros filter the entire edit buffer (1,$) through
gpg. The first macro merely encrypts the buffer,
the second encrypts and signs, and the third only signs.
You'll be prompted for your passphrase for any
8.2.4 See Also
gpg(1), vim(1). Credit goes to Rick van Rein for this tip: