Chapter 10. The Emacs Editor
The Emacs editor is found on many Unix systems,
including Linux, because it is a popular alternative to vi. Many versions are available. This book
documents GNU Emacs, which is available from the Free Software
Foundation in Cambridge, MA. For more information, see the
O'Reilly book Learning GNU
Emacs is much more than "just an
editor"—in fact, it provides a fully
integrated user environment. From within Emacs you can issue
individual shell commands, or open a window where you can work in the
shell, read and send mail, read news, access the Internet, write and
test programs, and maintain a calendar. To fully describe Emacs would
require more space than we have available. In this chapter,
therefore, we focus on the editing capabilities of Emacs.
To start an Emacs editing session, type:
You can also specify one or more files for Emacs to open when it
emacs files