9.1 Filenames Versus Patterns
used in
pattern matching are different from those used for filename
expansion. When you issue a command on the command line, special
characters are seen first by the shell, then by the program;
therefore, unquoted metacharacters are interpreted by the shell for
filename expansion. The command:
$ grep [A-Z]* chap[12]
could, for example, be interpreted by the shell as:
$ grep Array.c Bug.c Comp.c chap1 chap2
and grep would then try to find the
pattern "Array.c" in files
Bug.c, Comp.c,
chap1, and chap2. To bypass
the shell and pass the special characters to grep, use
$ grep "[A-Z]*" chap[12]
Double quotes suffice in most cases, but single quotes are the safest
Note also that * and ? have subtly different meanings in pattern
matching and filename expansion by the shell.