The Outcast Manufacturers
A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book
Edited by Mr. X
Editor's Introduction
The Outcast Manufacturers was the only published novel by Charles
Hoy Fort. The original edition was published by B.W. Dodge and Company in 1909, and, later, the novel was serialized in the American edition of Pearson's Magazine. Only five chapters were published in Pearson's, before they ceased to appear; and, instead of reprinting the original novel, Fort had revised the first eight chapters of his novel into the five installments, which did appear. The original novel and my transcription of the texts from Pearson's were published in 1988 by the Printed Heritage Preservation Society with a foreward by Leonard Leshuk.
Only minor editing has been done upon the original editions to correct errors that had escaped any earlier proof-reading. And, I would indicate that "Washington Park," (identified as such in chapter 11), is better known as Washington Square Park, at the southern end of Fifth Avenue at Waverly Place.
Mr. X
B.W. Dodge and Company (1909) edition:
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Pearson's Magazine (American Edition) version:
1 2 3 4 5
The Pearson's version can be resumed at chapter 9 of the Dodge edition.
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