15. How You Can Be Involved

Accelerated Learning is evolving quickly into a world-wide movement, embraced not only by individual schools and universities, but by National and State Educational authorities.

We hope this book will excite your interest. The application of the Accelerated Learning method is as broad as you want it to be - for homework, for induction courses, hobbies, re-training, language learning and, of course, for specific subjects - computer programming, English literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics and chemistry. This book has been directed to people who want to take advantages of Accelerated Learning in their home environment, or at least working on their own or in small groups.

We know already of dozens of individuals who are already applying the methods to their own specialist subjects. In doing so they are continually evolving practical improvements and ideas. For them, and we hope for you, we have founded The Accelerated Learning Association.

The Association will publish a regular bulletin that describes the latest findings on Accelerated Learning from around the world. It will include articles and will review and list worthwhile literature and books. The Association will invite interested professionals to prepare Accelerated Learning Courses in a wide variety of subjects, and will then edit, layout, print and record those courses. The resulting courses will then be offered for sale to the membership of the Association. The originators will receive a Royalty on world wide sales. In this way the number of subjects given the "Accelerated Learning" treatment will expand rapidly, the income will be returned to the early pioneers, and the movement will have a continuously expanding catalogue of material.

There is a small annual subscription price for membership which includes the bulletins and the address is "Accelerated
Learning Association", 50 Aylesbury Road, Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, Bucks, ENGLAND. Tel. (0296) 631177.

Those readers who are professional teachers - rather than learners - may also want to join SALT Society for Accelerated Learning and Teaching - whose address is Box No. 1216, Welch Station, Ames, Iowa 50010 U.S.A, or SEAL, Society for Effective Affective Learning, c/o Western Language Centre, Forge House, Kemble, Gloucestershire, GL7 6AD. This society arranges teacher training courses and meetings and publishes a journal.

The Accelerated Learning Association will be pleased to hear of your practical experiences and successes. Letters will be individually answered. The Bulletin will also report on the progress of the pre-school programme currently in preparation.

The Association will be helpful in another way. People who have experienced Accelerated Learning sometimes raise an objection (which is nevertheless a powerful indirect compliment). They ask what to do with the extra time they have. One obvious answer is to do another course! Thus when Don Schuster of Iowa State University taught 1 year of Spanish in 3 months, he spent the extra time in teaching French. Since the effect appears cumulative, it seems a good solution and the Association can keep you informed on all new courses.

In North America readers interested in joining the Accelerated Learning Association or purchasing the Learn-to-Learn tapes or Full Language Courses should contact:

Accelerated Learning Systems (N.A.) Inc. 178 Osborne Lane Southport Connecticutt 06490 (203) 255 9707


