State University Extension
Food Safely - 01600510
Most fruits can be frozen satisfactorily, but the quality
of the frozen product will vary with the kind of fruit,
stage of maturity and type of pack.
Generally, most flavors are retained by freezing.
Texture may be somewhat softer than that of fresh fruit.
Some fruits require special treatment when packed to make
them more pleasing in color, texture or flavor after
thawing. Most fruits are best frozen soon after
harvesting. Some, such as peaches and pears, may need to
be held a short time to ripen.
Wash all fruits in cold water before packing. A
perforated or wire basket is useful for this task. Wash a
small quantity at a time to save undue handling, which may
bruise delicate fruits such as berries. Do not let fruit
stand in the water.
In general, fruit is prepared for freezing in the same way
as for serving. Large fruits generally make a better
product if cut in pieces or crushed before freezing. Many
fruits can be frozen successfully in several forms.
Peel, trim, pit and slice fruit. Prepare enough fruit
for two or three quarts at one time, especially those fruits
that darken rapidly.
If directions call for fruit to be crushed, select one of
the following methods for crushing fruit. Crush soft fruits
with a wire potato masher, pastry fork or slotted spoon; if
fruits are firm, crush with a food chopper. For making
purees, a colander, food press or strainer is useful.
Use equipment of earthenware, enameled ware, glass or
stainless steel.