State University Extension
Food Safely - 01600735
Sometimes, a lid on the pressure canner will become
"stuck" if the lid is not removed when the pressure has
reached zero. NEVER try to hurry the cooling of any canner
or force it open by pouring cold water over it. This shock
treatment could cause the seals to loosen, the liquid to
siphon off, or the jars to break. Reheating the canner and
letting it return once again to zero pressure should release
the vacuum.
Other methods that are recommended:
Using a rubber mallet, gently tap around the rim.
Then, exert equal downward pressure when turning the cover.
Never use a regular hammer. If the canner lid is stubborn
due to a sticky sealing ring, it's time to replace the
gasket. Rings are prelubricated before packaging and only
need oiling occasionally. Oiling the gasket too frequently
can cause swelling, rapid deterioration, and even more