Administrator's Guide

Microsoft® Student with Encarta® Premium

Microsoft® Encarta® Premium

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This guide describes how to make Microsoft® Student and Microsoft Encarta® Premium available to simultaneous users of a local area network. It also includes information about how to limit access to certain features, and update the program with the latest content.

Note   This guide, named AG.htm, is found in the Support folder on the installation DVD or CD (disc 1). After you run the Setup Wizard for Administrators, a copy of this guide is also available in the Support folder on the network share that contains the server image of the installation files.


Licensing Requirements

Enrolling in Encarta Education Online Services

Installing the Program over a Network

Changing Program Settings on Client Computers

Downloading Content Updates

Tips for Improving Network Performance

Licensing Requirements

To comply with the Microsoft Software License Terms for this program, a license is required for each client computer on which the program is installed. You must also have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to restrict the number of users accessing the program simultaneously over the network based on the number of licenses.

Note   If you have multiple copies of the program (in CD or DVD form), and count these copies as available licenses for use over the network, do not install these copies on computers that are not connected to the network.

For more information about your licensing rights for using the program, refer to the license terms that accompany the program and, if applicable, your volume license agreement.

Enrolling in Encarta Education Online Services

If you have licensed Microsoft Student through a Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement, you are eligible to enroll in Encarta Academic Online (for schools) or MSN Encarta Premium (for other organizations). During your network installation, you are asked to enter your unique access URL. If you provide the URL, links to MSN Encarta online within the program are directed to the appropriate site.

To get your unique access information, go to the Encarta Volume Licensing activation page at To activate the online service for your school or organization, you need to provide your Enrollment Number, number of licenses, and an e-mail address. A confirmation mail containing the unique URL used for site access by your school or organization is sent to the e-mail address you provide. The enrollment number and number of licenses purchased is included in the letter you received when you purchased your volume license. Contact your Authorized Education Reseller or Microsoft sales representative if you have not received this information.

Installing the Program over a Network

Making the program available over the network is a four-step process:

  1. Create a shared folder
  2. Determine the installation location for Learning Essentials
  3. Create a server image of the installation files
  4. Install the program on client computers

The following sections describe these steps.

1. Create a Shared Folder

Create a shared folder on the server to contain the program files. Do not create separate folders for each disc if your product came on more than one disc. The path used to access the shared folder is \\server_name\shared_folder.

Administrators need Read and Write permissions for the shared folder if they will be managing content updates. Other users should have only Read permission to this shared folder. Ensure that the server has network access. For information about creating shared folders, see Windows Help.

Note   Install each instance of the program in a new shared folder; do not use an existing folder. If you are installing multiple versions of the program, install each in its own folder.

The following disk space is required on the server:

2. Determine the installation location for Learning Essentials

If you install Microsoft Student on client computers, Learning Essentials for Microsoft Office program files are also installed. Learning Essentials is a desktop application that works with Microsoft Office to provide students and teachers a customized Office environment. Learning Essentials includes curriculum-based templates and toolbars for Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint®, and Microsoft Office Excel. It also includes academic tutorials and project assistance from leading education publishers.

If you are storing Microsoft Student content in a centralized location, you may also want to store Learning Essentials content and User Center files in a centralized location, and install only the program files on client computers. This helps to minimize the amount of disk space required on client computers. You can store Learning Essentials content centrally in a shared folder on a server or in a Windows® SharePoint® Services document library.

Important   If client computers already have Learning Essentials installed, we recommend uninstalling it before you install Microsoft Student from the server. If Learning Essentials is already installed on client computers when Microsoft Student is installed from the server, links in Microsoft Student to Learning Essentials content may not work. If this occurs, uninstall Learning Essentials and reinstall Microsoft Student from the server.

Caution   If any users have customized Learning Essentials, these customizations will be lost after installing Microsoft Student. We recommend that you alert users about this change.

For information about storing Learning Essentials content centrally, customizing User Center files, and setting options in Learning Essentials, see the Administrator’s Guide for Learning Essentials.

3. Create a Server Image of the Installation Files

To make the program available to client computers on the network, the Setup Wizard for Administrators copies program files to the shared folder you created. This step does not install the program on the server.

Note   If you have licensed Microsoft Student through a Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement, you will need to enter your unique access URL for enrolling in Encarta Online Services during Setup.

To run the Setup Wizard for Administrators, insert the program installation DVD or CD (Disc 1). If the client Setup Wizard opens automatically, you can close it. In Windows Explorer, open the root directory of the program DVD or CD, double-click Admsetup.exe, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

During Setup, you can disable program settings for all client computers:

4. Install the Program on Client Computers

The program must be installed on each client computer. Ensure that you have sufficient privileges on each client computer to perform the installation and that each computer meets the system requirements.

From each client computer, browse to the shared folder on the server, double-click Setup.exe, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Note   The syntax for creating a network connection is \\server_name\shared_folder. If you choose the Run from Network option on client computers, the client computers must have a persistent connection to the server’s shared folder.

Changing Program Settings on Client Computers

During Setup, you can disable options for all client computers. On each client computer, you can enable or disable individual program features and settings such as program registration, sounds, and Web browsing.

To enable or disable a feature on an individual client computer

  1. In Windows Explorer on the client computer, open the Support folder located in the shared folder on the server.
  2. Double-click the appropriate file from the following table.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to update the registry.
  4. Click OK
File Feature
ceip_off.reg Disables participation in Customer Experience Improvement Program
ceip_on.reg Enables participation in Customer Experience Improvement Program
dl_off.reg Disables monthly reminders to Update Encarta
dl_on.reg Enables monthly reminders to Update Encarta
eesndoff.reg Disables menu and button sounds
eesndon.reg Enables menu and button sounds
mm_off.reg Disables the MindMaze game
mm_on.reg Enables the MindMaze game
opt_off.reg Disables the Options menu
opt_on.reg Enables the Options menu
ss_off.reg Disables startup sounds
ss_on.reg Enables startup sounds
web_off.reg Disables Web browsing through the default browser
web_on.reg Enables Web browsing through the default browser

Note   Not all files are available in all program versions.

Downloading Content Updates

To stay current with the latest information, it is important to update the program content periodically. To use the Update Encarta feature, an administrator must log on to a client computer that has access to the shared folder and the Internet.

Note   The administrator must have Read and Write permissions to the Updates folder in the shared folder on the server.

To download content updates, follow these steps:

  1. Open the program.
  2. On the Help menu, click Check for Encarta Updates.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Downloaded files are copied directly to the shared Updates folder on the server. All other client computers will have access to the content updates.

Tips for Improving Network Performance

Network traffic may cause the program to perform more slowly. To improve network performance, try the following:

For information about improving the overall performance on client computers, see Help for Windows.

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