a. (in Etym.) | adoption of, adopted from | |
a (as a 1850) | ante, before, not later than | |
a. | adjective | |
abbrev. | abbreviation (of) | |
abl. | ablative | |
absol. | absolute, -ly | |
Abstr. | (in titles) Abstract, -s | |
acc. | accusative | |
Acct. | (in titles) Account | |
A.D. | Anno Domini | |
ad. (in Etym.) | adaptation of | |
Add. | Addenda | |
adj. | adjective | |
Adv. | (in titles) Advance,-d, -s | |
adv. | adverb | |
advb. | adverbial, -ly | |
Advt. | advertisement | |
Aeronaut. | (as label) in Aeronautics; (in titles) Aeronautic, -al, -s | |
AF., AFr. | Anglo-French | |
Afr. | Africa, -n | |
Agric. | (as label) in Agriculture; (in titles) Agriculture, -al | |
Alb. | Albanian | |
Amer. | American | |
Amer. Ind. | American Indian | |
Anat. | (as label) in Anatomy; (in titles) Anatomy, -ical | |
Anc. | (in titles) Ancient | |
Anglo-Ind. | Anglo-Indian | |
Anglo-Ir. | Anglo-Irish | |
Ann. | Annals | |
Anthrop., Anthropol. | (as label) in Anthropology; (in titles) Anthropology -ical | |
Antiq. | (as label) in Antiquities; (in titles) Antiquity | |
aphet. | aphetic, aphetized | |
app. | apparently | |
Appl. | (in titles) Applied | |
Applic. | (in titles) Application, -s | |
appos. | appositive, -ly | |
Arab. | Arabic | |
Aram. | Aramaic | |
Arch. | in Architecture | |
arch. | archaic | |
Archæol. | in Archæology | |
Archit. | (as label) in Architecture; (in titles) Architecture, -al | |
Arm. | Armenian | |
assoc. | association | |
Astr. | in Astronomy | | |
Astrol. | in Astrology | |
Astron. | (in titles) Astronomy, -ical | |
Astronaut. | (in titles) Astronautic, -s | |
attrib. | attributive, -ly | |
Austral. | Australian | |
Autobiogr. | (in titles) Autobiography, -ical | |
A. V. | Authorized Version | |
| | |
B.C. | Before Christ | |
B. C. | (in titles) British Columbia | |
bef. | before | |
Bibliogr. | (as label) in Bibliography; (in titles) Bibliography, -ical | |
Biochem. | (as label) in Biochemistry; (in titles) Biochemistry, -ical | |
Biol. | (as label) in Biology; (in titles) Biology, -ical | |
Bk. | Book | |
Bot. | (as label) in Botany; (in titles) Botany, -ical | |
Bp. | Bishop | |
Brit. | (in titles) Britain, British | |
Bulg. | Bulgarian | |
Bull. | (in titles) Bulletin | |
| | |
c (as c 1700) | circa, about | |
c. (as 19th c.) | century | |
Cal. | (in titles) Calendar | |
Cambr. | (in titles) Cambridge | |
Canad. | Canadian | |
Cat. | Catalan | |
catachr. | catachrestically | |
Catal. | (in titles) Catalogue | |
Celt. | Celtic | |
Cent. | (in titles) Century, Central | |
Cent. Dict. | Century Dictionary | |
Cf., cf. | confer, compare | |
Ch. | Church | |
Chem. | (as label) in Chemistry; (in titles) Chemistry, -ical | |
Chr. | (in titles) Christian | |
Chron. | (in titles) Chronicle | |
Chronol. | (in titles) Chronology, -ical | |
Cinemat., Cinematogr. | in Cinematography | |
Clin. | (in titles) Clinical | |
cl. L. | classical Latin | |
cogn. w. | cognate with | |
Col. | (in titles) Colonel, Colony | |
Coll. | (in titles) Collection | |
collect. | collective, -ly | |
colloq. | colloquial, -ly | |
comb. | combined, -ing | |
Comb. | Combinations | |
Comm. | in Commercial usage | |
Communic. | in Communications | |
comp. | compound, composition | |
Compan. | (in titles) Companion | |
compar. | comparative | |
compl. | complement | |
Compl. | (in titles) Complete | |
Conc. | (in titles) Concise | |
Conch. | in Conchology | |
concr. | concrete, -ly | |
Conf. | (in titles) Conference | |
Congr. | (in titles) Congress | |
conj. | conjunction | |
cons. | consonant | |
const. | construction, construed with | |
contr. | contrast (with) | |
Contrib. | (in titles) Contribution | |
Corr. | (in titles) Correspondence | |
corresp. | corresponding (to) | |
Cotgr. | R. Cotgrave, Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues | |
cpd. | compound | |
Crit. | (in titles) Criticism, Critical | |
Cryst. | in Crystallography | |
Cycl. | (in titles) Cyclopædia,-ic | |
Cytol. | (in titles) Cytology, -ical | |
| | |
Da. | Danish | |
D.A. | Dictionary of Americanisms | |
D.A.E. | Dictionary of American English | |
dat. | dative | |
D.C. | District of Columbia | |
Deb. | (in titles) Debate, -s | |
def. | definite, -ition | |
dem. | demonstrative | |
deriv. | derivative, -ation | |
derog. | derogatory | |
Descr. | (in titles) Description, -itive | |
Devel. | (in titles) Development, -al | |
Diagn. | (in titles) Diagnosis, Diagnostic | |
dial. | dialect, -al | |
Dict. | Dictionary; spec., the Oxford English Dictionary | |
dim. | diminutive | |
Dis. | (in titles) Disease | |
Diss. | (in titles) Dissertation | |
D.O.S.T. | Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue | |
Du. | Dutch | |
| | |
E. | East | |
Eccl. | (as label) in Ecclesiastical usage; (in titles) Ecclesiastical | |
Ecol. | in Ecology | |
Econ. | (as label) in Economics; (in titles) Economy, -ics | |
ed. | edition | |
E.D.D. | English Dialect Dictionary | |
Edin. | (in titles) Edinburgh | |
Educ. | (as label) in Education; (in titles) Education, - al | |
EE. | Early English | |
e.g. | exempli gratia, for example | |
Electr. | (as label) in Electricity; (in titles) Electricity, -ical | |
Electron. | (in titles) Electronic, -s | |
Elem. | (in titles) Element, -ary | |
ellipt. | elliptical, -ly | |
Embryol. | in Embryology | |
e.midl | east midland (dialect) | |
Encycl. | (in titles)Encyclopædia,-ic | |
Eng. | England, English | |
Engin. | in Engineering | |
Ent. | in Entomology | |
Entomol. | (in titles) Entomology, -logical | |
erron. | erroneous, -ly | |
esp. | especially | |
Ess. | (in titles) Essay, -s | |
et al. | et alii, and others | |
etc. | et cetera | |
Ethnol. | in Ethnology | |
etym. | etymology | |
euphem. | euphemistically | |
Exam. | (in titles) Examination | |
exc. | except | |
Exerc. | (in titles) Exercise, -s | |
Exper. | (in titles) Experiment, -al | |
Explor. | (in titles) Exploration, -s | |
| | |
f. | feminine | |
f. (in Etym.) | formed on | |
f. (in subordinate entries) | form of | |
F. | French | |
fem. (rarely f.) | feminine | |
fig. | figurative, -ly | |
Finn. | Finnish | |
fl. | floruit, flourished | |
Found. | (in titles) Foundation, -s | |
Fr. | French | |
freq. | frequent, -ly | |
Fris. | Frisian | |
Fund. | (in titles) Fundamental, -s | |
Funk or Funk's Stand. Dict. | Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary | |
| | |
G. | German | |
Gael. | Gaelic | |
Gaz. | (in titles) Gazette | |
gen. | genitive | |
gen. | general, -ly | |
Geogr. | (as label) in Geography; (in titles) Geography, -ical | |
Geol. | (as label) in Geology; (in titles) Geology, -ical | |
Geom. | in Geometry | |
Geomorphol. | in Geomorphology | |
Ger. | German | |
Gloss. | Glossary | |
Gmc. | Germanic | |
Godef. | F. Godefroy, Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française | |
Goth. | Gothic | |
Govt. | (in titles) Government | |
Gr. | Greek | |
Gram. | (as label) in Grammar; (in titles) Grammar, -tical | |
Gt. | Great | |
| | |
Heb. | Hebrew | |
Her. | in Heraldry | |
Herb. | among herbalists | |
Hind. | Hindustani | |
Hist. | (as label) in History; (in titles) History, -ical | |
hist. | historical | |
Histol. | (in titles) Histology, -ical | |
Hort. | in Horticulture | |
Househ. | (in titles) Household | |
Housek. | (in titles) Housekeeping | |
| | |
Ibid. | Ibidem, in the same book or passage | |
Icel. | Icelandic | |
Ichthyol. | in Ichthyology | |
id. | idem, the same | |
i.e. | id est, that is | |
IE. | Indo-European | |
Illustr. | (in titles) Illustration, -ted | |
imit. | imitative | |
Immunol. | in Immunology | |
imp. | imperative | |
impers. | impersonal | |
impf. | imperfect | |
ind. | indicative | |
indef. | indefinite | |
Industr. | (in titles) Industry, -ial | |
inf. | infinitive | |
infl. | influenced | |
Inorg. | (in titles) Inorganic | |
Ins. | (in titles) Insurance | |
Inst. | (in titles) Institute, -tion | |
int. | interjection | |
intr. | intransitive | |
Introd. | (in titles) Introduction | |
Ir. | Irish | |
irreg. | irregular, -ly | |
It. | Italian | |
| | |
J., (J.) | (quoted from) Johnsons Dictionary | |
(Jam.) | Jamieson, Scottish Dict. | |
Jap. | Japanese | |
joc. | jocular, -ly | |
Jrnl. | (in titles) Journal | |
Jun. | (in titles) Junior | |
| | |
Knowl. | (in titles) Knowledge | |
| | |
l. | line | |
L. | Latin | |
lang. | language | |
Lect. | (in titles) Lecture, -s | |
Less. | (in titles) Lesson, -s | |
Let., Lett. | letter, letters | |
LG. | Low German | |
lit. | literal, -ly | |
Lit. | Literary | |
Lith. | Lithuanian |
LXX | Septuagint |
| |
m. | masculine |
Mag. | (in titles) Magazine |
Magn. | (in titles) Magnetic, -ism |
Mal. | Malay, Malayan |
Man. | (in titles) Manual |
Managem. | (in titles) Management |
Manch. | (in titles) Manchester |
Manuf. | in Manufacture, -ing |
Mar. | (in titles) Marine |
masc. (rarely m.) | masculine |
Math. | (as label) in Mathematics; (in titles) Mathematics, -al |
MDu. | Middle Dutch |
ME. | Middle English |
Mech. | (as label) in Mechanics; (in titles) Mechanics, -al |
Med. | (as label) in Medicine; (in titles) Medicine, -ical |
med.L. | medieval Latin |
Mem. | (in titles) Memoir, -s |
Metaph. | in Metaphysics |
Meteorol. | (as label) in Meteorology; (in titles) Meteorology, -ical |
MHG. | Middle High German |
midl. | midland (dialect) |
Mil. | in military usage |
Min. | (as label) in Mineralogy; (in titles) Ministry |
Mineral. | (in titles) Mineralogy, -ical |
MLG. | Middle Low German |
Misc. | (in titles) Miscellany, -eous |
mod. | modern |
mod. L | modern Latin |
(Morris), | (quoted from) E. E. Morris's Austral English |
Mus. | (as label) in Music; (in titles) Music, -al; Museum |
Myst. | (in titles) Mystery |
Mythol. | in Mythology |
| |
N. | North |
n. | neuter |
N. Amer. | North America, -n |
N. & Q. | Notes and Queries |
Narr. | (in titles) Narrative |
Nat. | (in titles) Natural |
Nat. Hist. | in Natural History |
Naut. | in nautical language |
N. E. | North East |
N.E.D. | New English Dictionary, original title of the Oxford English Dictionary (first edition) |
Neurol. | in Neurology |
neut. (rarely n.) | neuter |
NF., NFr. | Northern French |
No. | Number |
nom. | nominative |
north. | northern (dialect) |
Norw. | Norwegian |
n.q. | no quotations |
N.T. | New Testament |
Nucl. | Nuclear |
Numism. | in Numismatics |
N.W. | North West |
N.Z. | New Zealand |
| |
obj. | object |
obl. | oblique |
Obs., obs. | obsolete |
Obstetr. | (in titles) Obstetrics |
occas. | occasionally |
OE. | Old English (= Anglo Saxon) |
OF., OFr. | Old French |
OFris. | Old Frisian |
OHG. | Old High German |
OIr. | Old Irish |
ON. | Old Norse |
ONF. | Old Northern French |
Ophthalm. | in Ophthalmology |
opp. | opposed (to), the opposite (of) |
Opt. | in Optics |
Org. | (in titles) Organic |
orig. | origin, -al, -ally |
Ornith. | (as label) in Ornithology; (in titles) Ornithology, -ical |
OS. | Old Saxon |
OSl. | Old (Church) Slavonic |
O.T. | Old Testament |
Outl. | (in titles) Outline |
Oxf. | (in titles) Oxford |
| |
p. | page |
Palæogr. | in Palæography |
Palæont | (as label) in Palæontology; (in titles) Palæontology, -ical |
pa. pple | passive participle, past participle |
(Partridge), | (quoted from) E. Partridges Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English |
pass. | passive, -ly |
pa.t. | past tense |
Path. | (as label) in Pathology; (in titles) Pathology, -ical |
perh. | perhaps |
Pers. | Persian |
pers. | person, -al |
Petrogr. | in Petrography |
Petrol. | (as label) in Petrology; (in titles) Petrology, -ical |
(Pettman), | (quoted from) C. Pettmans Africanderisms |
pf. | perfect |
Pg. | Portuguese |
Pharm. | in Pharmacology |
Philol. | (as label) Philology; (in titles) Philology, -ical |
Philos. | (as label) Philosophy; (in titles) Philosophy, -ic |
phonet. | phonetic, -ally |
Photogr. | (as label) in Photography; (in titles) Photography,-ical |
phr. | phrase |
Phys. | physical; (rarely) in Physiology |
Physiol. | (as label) in Physiology; (in titles) Physiology, -ical |
Pict. | (in titles) Picture, Pictorial |
pl., plur. | plural |
poet. | poetic, -al |
Pol. | Polish |
Pol. | (as label) in Politics; (in titles) Politics, -al |
Pol. Econ. | in Political Economy |
Polit. | (in titles) Politics, -al |
pop. | popular, -ly |
Porc. | (in titles) Porcelain |
poss. | possessive |
Pott. | (in titles) Pottery |
ppl.a, pple.adj. | participial adjective |
pple. | participle |
Pr. | Provençal |
pr. | present |
Pract. | (in titles) Practice, -al |
prec. | preceding (word or article) |
pred. | predicative |
pref. | prefix |
pref., Pref. | preface |
prep. | preposition |
pres. | present |
Princ. | (in titles) Principle, -s |
priv. | privative |
prob. | probably |
Probl. | (in titles) Problem |
Proc. | (in titles) Proceedings |
pron. | pronoun |
pronunc. | pronunciation |
prop. | properly |
Pros. | in Prosody |
Prov. | Provençal |
pr. pple. | present participle |
Psych. | in Psychology |
Psychol. | (as label) in Psychology; (in titles) Psychology, -ical |
Publ. | (in titles) Publications |
| |
Q. | (in titles) Quarterly |
quot(s). | quotation(s) |
q.v. | quod vide, which see |
| |
R. | (in titles) Royal |
Radiol. | in Radiology |
R.C.Ch. | Roman Catholic Church |
Rec. | (in titles) Record |
redupl. | reduplicating |
Ref. | (in titles) Reference |
refash. | refashioned, -ing |
refl. | reflexive |
Reg. | (in titles) Register |
reg. | regular |
rel. | related to |
Reminisc. | (in titles) Reminiscence, -s |
Rep. | (in titles) Report, -s |
repr. | representative, representing |
Res. | (in titles) Research |
Rev. | (in titles) Review |
rev. | revised |
Rhet. | in Rhetoric |
Rom. | Roman, -ce, ic |
Rum. | Rumanian |
Russ. | Russian |
| |
S. | South |
S.Afr. | South Africa, -n |
sb. | substantive |
sc. | scilicet, understand or supply |
Sc., Scot. | Scottish |
Scand. | (in titles) Scandinavia, -n |
Sch. | (in titles) School |
Sc. Nat. Dict. | Scottish National Dictionary |
Scotl. | (in titles) Scotland |
Sel. | (in titles) Selection, -s |
Ser. | Series |
sing. | singular |
Sk. | (in titles) Sketch |
Skr. | Sanskrit |
Slav. | Slavonic |
S.N.D. | Scottish National Dictionary |
Soc. | (in titles) Society |
Sociol. | (as label) in Sociology; (in titles) Sociology, -ical |
Sp. | Spanish |
Sp. | (in titles) Speech, -es |
sp. | spelling |
spec. | specifically |
Spec. | (in titles) Specimen |
St. | Saint |
Stand. | (in titles) Standard |
Stanf. | (quoted from) Stanford Dictionary of Anglicised Words & Phrases |
str. | strong |
Struct. | (in titles) Structure, -al |
Stud. | (in titles) Studies |
subj. | subject |
subord. cl. | subordinate clause |
subseq. | subsequent, -ly |
subst. | substantively |
suff. | suffix |
superl. | superlative |
Suppl. | Supplement |
Surg. | (as label) in Surgery; (in titles) Surgery, Surgical |
s.v. | sub voce, under the word |
Sw. | Swedish |
s.w. | south-western (dialect) |
Syd. Soc. Lex. | Sydenham Society, Lexicon of Medicine & Allied Sciences |
syll. | syllable |
Syr. | Syrian |
Syst. | (in titles) System, -atic |
| |
Taxon. | (in titles) Taxonomy, -ical |
techn. | technical, -ly |
Technol. | (in titles) Technology, -ical |
Telegr. | in Telegraphy |
Teleph. | in Telephony |
(Th.), | (quoted from) Thorntons American Glossary |
Theatr. | in the Theatre, theatrical |
Theol. | (as label) in Theology; (in titles) Theology, -ical |
Theoret. | (in titles) Theoretical |
Tokh. | Tokharian |
tr., transl. | translated, translation |
Trans. | (in titles) Transactions |
trans. | transitive |
transf. | transferred sense |
Trav. | (in titles) Travel(s) |
Treas. | (in titles) Treasury |
Treat. | (in titles) Treatise |
Treatm. | (in titles) Treatment |
Trig. | in Trigonometry |
Trop. | (in titles) Tropical |
Turk. | Turkish |
Typog., Typogr. | in Typography |
| |
ult. | ultimately |
Univ. | (in titles) University |
unkn. | unknown |
U.S. | United States |
U.S.S.R. | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
usu. | usually |
| |
v., vb. | verb |
var(r)., vars. | variant(s) of |
vbl. sb. | verbal substantive |
Vertebr. | (in titles) Vertebrate, -s |
Vet. | (as label) in Veterinary Science; (in titles) Veterinary |
Vet. Sci. | in Veterinary Science |
viz. | videlicet namely |
Voy. | (in titles) Voyage, -s |
v.str. | strong verb |
vulg. | vulgar |
v.w. | weak verb |
| |
W. | Welsh; West |
wd. | word |
Webster | Websters (New International) Dictionary |
Westm. | (in titles) Westminster |
WGmc. | West Germanic |
Wks. | (in titles) Works |
w.midl. | west midland (dialect) |
WS. | West Saxon |
| |
(Y.), | (quoted from) Yule & Burnells Hobson-Jobson |
Yrs. | (in titles) Years |
| |
Zoogeogr. | in Zoogeography |
Zool. | (as label) in Zoology; (in titles) Zoology, -ical |