The following table shows how to work out the names of accented roman characters in order to search for words containing them. In each case, the name begins with the plain roman character (which may be capitalized) and is followed by the name of the accent.

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Accent Name of character Example Occurs on
acute *acu caf#eacu# = café A, a, c, E, e, g, I, i, n, O, o, r, S, s, t, U, u, y, z
apostrophe above *apos ya#wapos#elmani = ya{wapos}elmani w
bar through letter (horizontal or diagonal) *bar sm#obar#rbr#obar#d = smørbrød b, d, h, i, L, l, o, p
breve *breve bl#abreve#c = bl{abreve}c A, a, C, c, e, G, g, I, i, n, O, o, r, S, s, u, y, z
breve below *brbl #Hbrbl#atti = {Hbrbl}atti H, h
cedilla *ced gar#cced#on = garçon a, C, c, d, i, n, S, s, t, z
circle above *ang #Aang#ngstrom = Ångstrom A, a, u
circle below *circbl p#ncircbl#t = p{ncircbl}t l, m, n, r
circumflex *circ ma#icirc#tre = maître A, a, E, e, I, i, O, o, s, U, u, w, y
dot above *dotab Vish#ndotab#u = Vish{ndotab}u a, c, d, e, g, h, I, m, n, o, p, r, S, s, t, u, y, z
dot below *dotbl Dravi#ddotbl#a = Dravi{ddotbl}a c, D, d, E, e, H, h, K, k, l, m, n, o, R, r, S, s, T, t, x, z
circumflex (rounded) *frown T#afrown#ng = T{afrown}ng A, a, o, u
circumflex (rounded) below *frbl q#ufrbl# = q{ufrbl} e, i, u
grave *grave voil#agrave# = voilà A, a, e, I, i, o, s, u
hacek *hacek #Chacek#ech = {Chacek}ech a, C, c, e, g, i, n, o, q, r, S, s, u, w, Z, z
hook *hook greb#ahook# = greb{ahook} a, c, E, e, O, o, S, s, u
hosszu *hosszu peng#ohosszu# = peng{ohosszu} a, c, E, e, O, o, S, s, u
macron *mac J#omac#ruri = J{omac}ruri A, a, E, e, g, I, i, n, O, o, S, u, y
tilde *tilde se#ntilde#ora = señora a, c, g, N, n, o, r, u, w
tilde below *tildebl #dtildebl#aama = {dtildebl}aama d
umlaut/diaeresis *uml na#iuml#f = naïf A, a, e, i, O, o, U, u, y
umlaut below *umlbl t#ocirc##lumlbl#a = {lumlbl}a l, s
underline *undl laba#kundl# = laba{kundl} B, b, d, e, G, g, h, j, K, k, m, n, o, p, r, S, s, T, t, Y, z

Letters may have more than one accent, in which case the name consists of the plain letter followed by each accent in turn, usually reading from the lowest placed to the highest, e.g. #amacacu# is the name of the character {amacacu}.

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