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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

          This is the transcript of the Online Beltane CON held on May 2,
          1990 in Section 8 (New Age/Pagan/Occult) of the Religion Forum. 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) This is a special night... 
              relax, and the extra energy of it... 
              will flow into you... 
              we are a part of the Earth... 
              dig your toes down into the soil, like the trees... 
              and pull up the energy of the Mother... 
              Breathe in with your heartbeat... 
              also a lifeforce of the Earth... 
              circulate the energy, and see the Earth as it is at night...

              visualize a bubble of blue light... 
              forming to the East... 
              spreading North... 
              around to the West.... 
              through the South, and connecting east again... 
              and know that this circle is purified of the mundane. 
              Facing the East ... 
              Hail, Guardians of the Watchtower of the East... 
              We do summon, stir and call ye... 
              to join us, witness this rite, and Guard our Circle! 
              Hail and Welcome! 
              Facing the South... 
              Hail, Guardians of the Watchtower of the South... 
              We do summon, stir and call ye... 
              to join us, witness this rite, and Guard our Circle! 
              Facing West... 
              Hail, Guardians of the Watchtower of the West... 
              We do summon, stir, and call ye... 
              to join us, witness this rite, and Guard our Circle! 
              Facing North... 
              Hail, Guardians of the Watchtower of the North... 
              We do summon, stir, and call ye... 
              to join us, witness this rite, and guard our Circle! 
              Inspiration and air from the East... 
              Fire and passion from the South... 
              Water and Compassion from the West... 
              Earth and stability from the North... 
              All meet in the center, and form a web of life and power! 
              So mote it be! 
          (8-1,S.H.) So mote it be 
          (8-5,Ian) So mote it be! 
          (8-2,Jehana) so mote it be! 
          (8-4,Peri) so mote it be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) On this night at the beginning of the Warmtimes...


              let us remember the Belfire, and how it came to be... 
              The Moon and the Sun, Goddess and God... 
              are great lovers, the model for us all... 
              and like human lovers, they have had quarrels. 
              This particular quarrel developed because of the god... 
              He built himself a beautiful garden... 
              though he would not let his lady in to see it... 
              a minor point became overblown... 
              as it usually happens... 
              and they stopped speaking for a while... 
              Of course once forbidden... 
              the lady wanted to see it all the more... 
              and so the Moon Goddess wrapped herself in a cloak of
              and by stealth got into this Garden... 
              Well, the God was no fool... 
              and he laid a trap for her... 
              and so once inside, she could not leave again without
          alerting him... 
              So the Goddess hid herself and began waiting... 
              and since her patience far outshone that of the God... 
              he began looking for her; he tired of waiting 
              As soon as he left his post at the entrance of the garden...

              she sprang again into the air, getting free! 
              So began a great chase through the Heavens... 
              though the God could not catch his lady against her will... 
              the people on Earth meanwhile were very worried... 
              with all of the comings and goings of the Sun and Moon... 
              and their priests bid them build great bonfires... 
              on all of the hills to get the attention of the God and
              Well, they eventually tired of the chase... 
              and the Goddess let the God catch her... 
              and being too tired to go back to that lovely garden... 
              they forgave each other right in the middle of the sky... 
              and so the eclipse was born... 
              though it only looks like one from the Earth... 
              it is really that cloak of the Goddess... 
              covering their rites of Love! 
              So we commemorate this beginning of warmtimes with the    
          Belfire to this day. 
          (8-2,Jehana) So mote it be. 
          (8-5,Ian) As it was, so shall it be. 
          (8-4,Peri) so mote it be! 
          (8-1,S.H.) So mote it be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Green-eyed Lady, laughing lady! 
              Brown-eyed Lady, sensuous lady! 
              Blue-eyed Lady, Lady of Steel... 
              Join our Circle... Be Wellcome!! 
              Please honor the Goddess as you choose... 
              in all of Her Forms, be Welcome! 


          (8-2,Jehana) Be welcome! 
          (8-5,Ian) Ceud Mile Fialte, Lady! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Lady of Flame, Lady of Night, Blessed Be! 
          (8-1,S.H.) With Adoration, I implore you. 
          (8-1,S.H.) Blessed Be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Lord of Stream and Field... 
              Lord of Mountain and King of Beasts... 
              Wild Man of Nature, Be WellCome! 
              Behold, the God has come to his Lady! 
              Please honor the God in your own way... 
          (8-1,S.H.) Hail Bounding One, Lord of Life and Death! 
          (8-2,Jehana) Hail Hunter! 
          (8-5,Ian) Ceud Mile Fialte, Lord! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Great trickster, yet faithful master, Blessed Be!

          (8-1,S.H.) Blessed Be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Help me build the Bel-fire, so that the Lord and
          Lady be honored... 
              As the flames jump higher and higher... 
              So grows the cone of power... 
              As we circle round the fire... 
              in imitation of the Great Chase of the God and Goddess... 
              so the energy builds and builds... 
              envision that which you wish... 
              and that which you wish to lose... 
              and in this night of joy and celebration... 
              cast it into the fire! 
              That which we wish SO MOTE IT BE!! 
          (8-1,S.H.) So mote it be! 
          (8-4,Peri) so mote it be! 
          (8-2,Jehana) So mote it be! 
          (8-5,Ian) So mote it be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Allow the flames of the Belfire to calm down
              and as they lower, know that the energy is not gone... 
              just transmuted... 
              as the love of Goddess and God ever changes... 
              yet always endures... 
              <any specific problems can be mentioned here...> 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) May the energy help me with my finals next week...
              and those papers <g> 
          (8-2,Jehana) May the energy keep a one I know healthy. 
              Thru the surgery he will have to undergo. 
          (8-1,S.H.) May the problems of my past year and stay in last
          (8-5,Ian) I wish for the physical and spiritual strength to
          continue my physical rehabilitation and integration of my person


          (8-6,Gwynndon) Together we are greater than alone... 
              and the Goddess and God are here to guide our energy
              So let's leave them to finish their lovemaking in private...
              and thank them for attending!! 
          (8-2,Jehana) Thank you, oh, yes! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Great God... thank you for your help and
              and may we meet again!... Hail and Farewell, though not
          (8-1,S.H.) Oh My Lady, thou art the breath in my life... 
              Oh my Lord, thou art the blood in my veins... 
              As Life goes on, I shall never forget not forsake you. 
          (8-5,Ian) Great Lord & Noble Lady, thank you for attending this
          (8-1,S.H.) Blessed Be, and Merry Meet! 
          (8-4,Peri) Hail and Farewell! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) and let us not keep the lady from her lover... 
              Merry met, merry do we part, and merry shall we meet again! 
          (8-1,Ian) So mote it be!  Blessed Be! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Guardians of the Watchtowers, without your
          balanced elements... 
          (8-1,S.H.) Thank you Lord and Lady, and thank you Gwynndon,
          Blessed Be and Merry Meet! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) the world would not be.... thank you for attending
          our Circle! 
          (8-2,Jehana) Hail & Farewell! 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) The circle is open, but the Magic lingers... 
          (8-1,S.H.) Hail and Fare thee well, oh Guardians of the Towers of
          the Universe. 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) Thank you all!<g> 
          (8-2,Jehana) And, thank you, Gwynndon!! 
          (8-1,S.H.) (pouring wine for Gwynndon) 
          (8-2,Jehana) (g) 
          (8-6,Gwynndon) takes a sip...<g>..good wine! 
          (8-5,Ian) (passing buttered Scones!) 
          (8-2,Jehana) Nice vintage! 
          (8-2,Jehana) <trying scones>  Yum. 
          (8-1,S.H.) nothing but the best for this crew... 


Next: Imbolc.90