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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                      ADF BASIC RITUAL NUMBER ONE 
              by P.E.I. Bonewits, Sally Eaton and others

Procession, lead by D1 and D2:

    D1: Ta muid anseo leis na Deithe a adhradh.
    D2: We are here to honor the Gods.
    D1: A Dheithe, an Airde, a Thabharthoiri ar Bheatha - eistigi
    agus freagairt orainn!
    D2: O Gods, High Ones, Givers of Life - hear and answer us!

Processional song:

    We come from the mountains,
    Living in the mountains,
    Turn the world around.

    We come from the oceans,
    Living in the oceans,
    Turn the world around.

    We come from the fire,
    Living in the fire,
    Turn the world around.

    We come from the breezes,
    Living in the breezes,
    Turn the world around.

Settling song:

    She changes everything she touches,
    And everything she touches changes.

Tree Meditation:

    When e'er we stand in a sacred place
    Beneath the Sun's or Moon's bright face,
    In a circle's rim or shady grove,
    Our spirits go to the Gods we love.

    Let all our minds go clear and free,
    and form the image of a treee,
    A youthful sapling of the glade,
    Whose budding branches cast no shade.

    Around this tender, supple youth,
    Are seen its sturdy forbearers growth,
    Those forest Elders strong and wise,
    Who nurture those of lesser size.

    So close your eyes, and in your mind
    Become one of the spirit kind.
    Cast off your cares and disbelief,
    and enter tree from root to leaf.


    Relax and breathe and center will,
    Then let the peace within you swell
    Until it is a thing profound.
    Now send it deep in the ground.

    In every little tender root
    Feel water flow, and and then transmute;
    The sap will flow through ever vein,
    Our links to our ancestors regain.

    Now let the sap rise in a flood,
    And race to every branch and bud;
    Each branch extend into the air,
    Each leaf unfold in green so fair.

    The gentle zephers toss each bough,
    And to you calming breaths endow,
    While rays of golden summer light
    Give warmth and lend their power's might.

    Let water rise and fire descend,
    And lively air the branches bend;
    Thus firmly planted in the Earth,
    The elements give us rebirth.

    Now let the green entwine,
    And form our sacred grove devine.
    With branch and root our circle form,
    And magic from mundane transform.

    We all are rooted just the same,
    We feel the same supernal flame,
    We drink the water free to all,
    We hear the gentle airy call.

    Now let us feel our spirits surge,
    And into one great spirit merge
    To let the Lord and Lady know
    That we are ready below.

    And let us all link hand to hand,
    Before all of the gods we stand,
    And in this hallowed space we start
    To show all that is in our heart.


Specifacation of ritiual:

Invocation of Ogma the Gate Keeper, or Mannanon in English and Irish:
(English by Sally Eaton, Irish by James Duran)
(visualization is a triangle shaped iris opening)

        D1: A Oghma, a thiarna na nGeatai, a thiarna an Fheasa, oscail
        na geatai duinn. Ta muid ag siul i do lorg, ta' muid ag siul ar
        do bhealach. Scaoil duinn do theagasc taispeain duinn cen chaol
        a siul faidh muid slan. Molann muid thu mar gheall ar do
        chumhacht. Siuil linn a Oghma!


        D1: A Mhanannon, a thiarna na nGeatai, a thiarna an Fheasa,
        oscail na geatai duinn. Ta muid ag siul i do lorg, ta' muid ag
        siul ar do bhealach. Scaoil duinn do theagasc taispeain duinn
        cen chaol a siul faidh muid slan. Molann muid thu mar gheall ar
        do chumhacht. Siuil linn a Mhanannon!

        D2: O Ogma, Lord of the Gates, Lord of Knowledge, open the ways
        for us. We walk in your footsteps, we walk your roads. Reveal to
        us your teaching, reveal to us the way to walk in safety. We
        praise you for the brightness of your power. Walk with us, Ogma!


        D2: O Manannon, Lord of the Gates, Lord of Knowledge, open the
        ways for us. We walk in your footsteps, we walk your roads.
        Reveal to us your teaching, reveal to us the way to walk in
        safety. We praise you for the brightness of your power. Walk
        with us, Manannon!

    D1: Siuil linn a Oghma...
    D2: ...walk with us Ogma!
    D1: Siuil linn a Oghma...
    D2: ...walk with us Ogma!
    D1: Siuil linn a Oghma...
    D2: ...walk with us Ogma!


    D1: Siuil linn a  Mhanannon...
    D2: ...walk with us Manannon!
    D1: Siuil linn a Mhanannon...
    D2: ...walk with us Manannon!
    D1: Siuil linn a Mhanannon...
    D2: ...walk with us Manannon!



    We invoke thee Ogma, Opener of every Gate
    We invoke thee Ogma, Opener of every Gate.
    You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
    You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
    (repeat nine times)


    We invoke Manannon, Opener of every Gate
    We invoke Manannon, Opener of every Gate.
    You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
    You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
    (repeat nine times)

Invoke Matron of Bards (Bridget nominally)

    O Bridget, our heart, Our brightest Queen;
        Cast your blessings unto us.
    We are your children, You are our mother;
        So harken unto us.
    You are the Cauldron now in our grove;
        Earth-Mother inspire us.
    O fire of love, O fire of life;
        Please Bridget, come to us!

Triad invocations and consecrating of the waters:

Nature: Fill main chalice with whiskey and secondary chalice with water.
Hold them up and say:

        D2: O spirits of the old times and of this place, our
        companions, our teachers, hallow these waters. Share with us the
        renewal of the Earth. Share with us comfort, knowledge, and
        blessing. Speak to our hearts, that we may become one with you
        all...Behold the waters of life.

        D1: A sprideanna na seanaimsire, agus na haite seo, a
        chomhghuaillithe,a mhuinteori, beannaigi na h-uisci seo duinn.
        Roinnigi orainn athbheochan na Talun. Roinnigi orainn
        suaimhneas, eolas, agus beannacht. Labhraigi linn inar gcroi, le
        go mbeadh muid in  aon bhall libhse...Seo iad uisci na beatha!

Sip from each chalice and passes to D2 then to sunwise (left), saying:

    Behold the waters of life.

Asperging song/chant (Fur and Feathers) for while waters being passed.

    Fur and feather and scale and skin,
        Different without, the same within.
    Many of body but one of soul,
        Through all creatures, the Gods made whole.
    (repeat nine times)


        D2: O people of the old times, our ancestors, our kindred,
        hallow these waters. Share with us the bond of life upon the
        Earth. Share with us comfort, knowledge, and blessing. Speak to
        our hearts, that we may become one with you all ... Behold the
        waters of life!

        D1: A sheana, a shinseara, a mhuintir, beannaigi n h-uisci seo
        duinn. Roinnigi orainn ceangal na beatha ar Talamh. Roinnigi
        orainn suaimhneas, eolas, agus beannacht. Labhraigi linn inar
        gcroi, le go  mbeadh muid in aon bhall libhse .... Seo iad uisci
        na beatha!

Asperging song/chant:

    It's the blood of the ancients,
        That runs through our veins.
    And the forms pass,
        But the Circle of Life remains.

Gods as a whole:

        D2: O Gods of the old times, our mothers, our fathers, hallow
        these waters. Share with us your power to regenerate the Earth.
        Share with us comfort, knowledge, and blessing. Speak to our
        hearts, that we may become one with you all ... Behold the
        waters of life!

        D1: A Dheithe na seanaimsire, a mhaithreacha, a aithreacha,
        beannaigi na h-uisci seo duinn. Roinnigi orainn bhur gcumhacht
        le go nginfeadh muid an Domhan. Roinnigi orainn suaimhneas,
        eolas, agus beannacht. Labhraigi linn inar gcroi, le go mbeadh
        muid in aon bhall libhse ... Seo iad uisci na beatha!

Asperging song/chant:

    Mother I feel You under my feet. Mother I hear your heart beat.
    Mother I feel You under my feet. Mother I hear your heart beat.
    Father I see You where the eagle flies.  Spirit going to take me
    Father I see You where the eagle flies.  Spirit going to take me

Praise offerings and major power raising:

The sacrifice: (see FESTNAME.TXT for diety names of holidays)

        D2: Our praise goes up with thee on the wings of eagles; our
        voices are carried up to thee on the shoulders of the winds.
        Hear now, o Name, o Name, we pray thee, as we offer up this
        sacrifice of life. Accept it we pray thee, and cleanse our
        hearts, giving to us of your peace and life.


        D1: Teann ar moladh suas chugat ar sciathain iolar; beitear ar
        nglortha suas chugat ar ghuailne na gaoithe. Eistigi anois,
        a..., an ..., mas e bhur dtoil e, agus sinn ag ofrail na
        h-iobairte seo ar son na beatha. Glacaigi lei, mas e bhur dtoil
        e, agus glanaigi ar gcroithe, ag roinnt arainn do chuid siochana
        is do bheatha.

The Omen:

    D2: Have you accepted our sacrifice of life and human effort?
    D1: Give unto us an omen!

Possible repitition of Praise offerings and Omen seeking, if needed.

    D1: Rejoice! The NAME and NAME have accepted our sacrifices!

Meditation on personal needs:

Repetition on group needs: done by D1 & D2

Induction of Receptivity:

        D1:  Of what does the Earth-Mother give, that we may know of the
             continual flow and renewal of life?
        D2: The waters of life.
    D1: From whence do these waters flow?
    D2: From the bosom of the Earth-Mother, the ever changing All-Mot-
    D1: And how do we honor this gift that causes life?
    D2: By partaking of the waters of life.
    D1: Has the Earth Mother given forth of Her bounty?
    D2: She has.
    D1: Then give me the waters!

Final consecration and sharing:

        D1: A NAME, an NAME, Eistigi agus freagairt orainn!  Bean- naigi
        na h-uisci seo duinn.  Muide do chlann, a mhol thu, agus anois
        iarrann muid ort leigheas, beannachtai, cumhacht agus
        tinfeadh... Seo iad uisci na beatha!

        D2: O NAME, O NAME, hear us and answer us! Hallow these waters!
        We your children have praised you, and now we ask from you
        healing, blessing, power and inspiration .... Behold the waters
        of life!

Passing song/chant:

    Burn bright, flame within me,
        Kindled of eternal fire.
    Of the people I do be,
        And the people part of me,
    All one in many parts,
        A single fire of flaming hearts!

Meditation on reception of blessings and reinforcement of group bonds:


Affirmation of success:

    D1: NAME and NAME have Blessed us!

    D2:Every time we invoke them, they become stronger and more alert
    to the needs of their people.

    D1: With joy in our hearts, let us return to the realm of mortals,
    to do the  will of the Gods and our own.

    D2: Yet, before we leave, we must give thanks to those whom we
    invited here today.

Thanking of the Entities involved:

    D2: O NAME and NAME,
    D1: A NAME, an NAME,
    D2: We thank you!
    D1: Go raibh maith agaibh!

    All: Go raibh maith agaibh!

    D2: O Gods and Goddesses of the old times,
    D1: A Dheithe na seanaimsiri -

    All: Go raibh maith agaibh!

    D2: O people of the old times, our ancestors, our kindred,
    D1: A sheana, a shinseara, a mhuntir -

    All: Go raibh maith agaibh!

    D2: O spirits of the old times, and of this place,
    D1: A sprideanna na seanaimsire, agus na haite seo -

    All: Go raibh maith agaibh!

    D2: O Bridget, Fire of Life and Fire of Love, Mother of Bards
    and Goddess of inspiration, we thank you.
    D1: A Bhrid, a Thine Bheatha agus a Thine Ghra, a Mhathair na
    Bardai agus Bheandia na Thinfeadh, go raith maith agat!

Closing of the Gates:

    D2: O Ogma, Lord of the Gates, Lord of Knowledge, we thank you.
    Now let the Gates Between the Worlds be closed!
    D1: A Oghma, a Thairna na nGeatai, a Thairna an Fheasa, go raith
    maith agat. Anois biodh na geatai idir na saolta a druidte!


    D2: O Mhannon, we thank you. Now let the Gates Between the Worlds be
    D1: A Mannonon go raith maith agat. Anois biodh na geatai idir na
    saolta a druidte!


Reversing the Tree meditation:

    Our sacred grove the Gods do love,
    The Earth beneath, the sky above,
    But now this ritual must end,
    Toward our home and hearthstone fend.

    Again we cleat our mind and heart;
    The branches shrink and pull apart.
    The roots untie and backward turn,
    And spirit fire less brightly burns.

    Let water sink, let fire go,
    Let gentle zephers homeward flow,
    And as if in a cleansing rain
    Become a single tree again.

    Then from this solitary tree
    Your soul breaks loose, a being free.
    Your body calls, your spirit flies,
    Returns, you slowly open your eyes.


        D1: To thee we return this portion of thy bounty, o NAME our
        Mother, even as we must someday return unto thee.

Final Benediction:

        D1: Let us go out into the world,  secure in the knowledge that
        our sacrifices have pleased the Gods and Goddesses, and that we
        go forth upon the Earth under their protection.

    D2: We have finished this ceremony!
    D1: So be it!
    All: Biodh se!

Recessional song/chant: Walk with Wisdom

    Walk with wisdom
        from this hallowed place.
    Walk not in sorrow,
        our roots shall ere embrace.
    May Strength be your brother,
        and Honor be your friend.
    and Luck be your lover until we meet again.

From:THE DRUIDS PROGRESS, Report #6. The DRUIDS PROGRESS is  published
semiannually (Gods Willing) and is sent primarily to the subscribing
members of ADF. For Further information write:  ADF, PO Box 1022, Nyack,
NY USA 10960-1022 (include a SASE). All Items accredited to "the
Archdruid" have been written by and are (C) 1990 by P.E.I. Bonewits. All
items created by other parties are (C) 1990 by them. All opinions
expressed, save those specifically attributed to the Board of Trustees,
are the opinions of the individuals expressing them and are Not official

ADF policy.  Reprint Procedure: Neopagan, Druidic, Medievalist and all 
cultural publications may reprint any material written by P.E.I.   
Bonewits, but his copyright notice must appear in full. If more than 250
words are excerpted, one cent per word should be donated to ADF.  


Next: Pagan Manners (Grey Cat)