(1) That which another man said to me; 'Open my eyes,' unto four times. (2) [A vessel-divination:] 'Open my eyes; open thy eyes,' (and) vice versa, unto three times. 'Open, Tat; Open, Nap,' three times; (3) 'open [unto me?]' three [times?], 'for I am Artamo, born of Hame-o (?), the great basilisk of the East, rising in glory together with thy father (4)at dawn; hail (bis), Heh, open to me Hah,' you say it with a drawling (?) voice, 'Artamo, open to me Hah; if thou dost (5) not open to me Hah, I will make thee open to me Hah. O Ibis (bis), sprinkle(?), that I may (?) see the great god. Anubis, the power, (6) that is about (?) my head, the great protector (?) of the uzat, the power, Anubis, the good ox-herd, at every opening(?) (of the eye?) which I have (?) made, (7) reveal thyself to me; for I am Nasthom,
[paragraph continues] Naszot, Nashoteb, Borilammai (bis), (8) Mastinx, Anubis, Megiste, Arian, thou who art great, Arian, Pi-anuzy (?), Arian, (9) he who is without. Hail, Phrix, Ix, Anaxibrox, Ambrox, Eborx, Xon, (10) Nbrokhria, the great child, Anubis; for I am that soldier. O ye of the Atef-crown, ye of Pephnun, Masphoneke; (11) hail! let all that I have said come to pass here to-day; say, hail! thou art Tham, Thamthom, Thamathom, (12) Tharnathomtham, Thamathouthi, Amon (bis), thy correct name, whom they call Thom, (13) Anakthom; thou art Itth; Thouthi is thy name, Sithom, Anithom Op-sao (?), Shatensro (14) black; open to me the mouths of my vessel here to-day; come to me to the mouths of my vessel, my bandage (?), let (15) my cup make the reflection (?) of heaven; may the hounds of the hulot give me that which is just in the abyss; may they tell me (16) that about which I inquire here to-day truly (bis), there being no falsehood in them
, Makhopneuma.' (17) Formula: you take a bowl of bronze, you engrave a figure of Anubis in it; you fill it with water left to settle (?) and (18) guarded(?) lest(?) the sun should reach it; you finish its (sur-)face (of the water) with fine oil. You place it on [three?] new bricks, their lower sides being sprinkled (19) with sand; you put four other bricks under the child; you make the child lie down upon (?) his stomach; (20) you cause him (?) to place his chin on the brick of the vessel; you make him look into
the oil, he having a cloth spread over his head, (21) there being a lighted lamp on his right, and a censer with fire on his left; you put a leaf of (22) Anubis-plant on the lamp, you put this incense on (the fire); you recite these spells, which are above, to the vessel seven times. The incense which you put (23) on (the fire): frankincense (?), wax (?), styrax, turpentine (?), date-stone (?); grind them with wine; you make them into a (24) ball and put them on (the fire). When you have finished, you make the child open his eyes, you ask him, saying, 'Is the god coming in?' If he says (25) 'The god has come in,' you recite before him: formula; 'Thy bull(?) Mao, ho! Anubis, this soldier(?), this Kam, (26) this Kem ... Pisreithi (bis), Sreithi (bis), Abrithi is thy name, by thy correct name.' (27) You ask him concerning that which you [desire]; when you have finished your inquiry which you are asking about, you call to him seven times; you dismiss the god to his home. His dismissal formula: (38) ' Farewell (bis) Anubis, the good ox-herd, Anubis (bis), the son of a (?) jackal (and?) a dog . another volume saith: the child of . (29) Isis (?) (and 7) a dog, Nabrishoth, the Cherub (?) of Amenti, king of those of.....' Say seven times. You take (30) the lamp from (?) the child, you take the vessel containing water, you take the cloth off him. You do it also (31) by vessel-inquiry alone, excellent (bis), tried (?), tested nine times.
The Anubis-plant. It grows in very numerous places;
[paragraph continues] (32) its leaf is like the leaf of Syrian [plant (?)]; it turns (?) white; its flower is like the flower of conyza.
(33) ... you ... eye .... before you ... the vessel.