Utterance 244.
249a. To say: O Osiris N., this here is the [hard] eye of Horus.
249b. Take it to thee that thou mayest be strong, (and) that he (Set) may fear thee.
Rubric. Breaking of two red jars.
Utterance 245.
250a. This N. comes to thee Nut; this N. comes to thee Nut.
250b. He has thrown his father to the ground; he has left Horus behind him.
250c. His two wings are grown as (those of) a falcon; (his) two feathers as (those of) a gmḥśw-falcon.
250d. His ba has brought him (here); his magic power has equipped him.
251a. Thou openest thy place in heaven, among the stars of heaven;
251b. thou art the only star, the companion of Ḥw; thou lookest down on Osiris,
251c. as he commands the spirits. Thou standest there far from him.
251d. Thou are not of them; thou shalt not be of them.
Utterance 246.
252a. See, how N. stands there among (you), the two horns on him (like) two wild-bulls,
252b. for thou art the black ram, son of a black sheep.
252c. born of a white sheep, nursed by four sheep.
253a. The blue-eyed Horus comes against you; guard yourselves against the red-eyed Horus,
253b. furious in wrath, whose might no one withstands.
253c. His messengers go; his runner hastens.
253d. They announce to him who lifts up his arm in the East
254a. that this One passes in thee of whom Dwn-‘n.wi said: "He shall command my (?) fathers, the gods."
254b. The gods are silent before thee; the Ennead lay their hands upon their mouth,
254c. before this One in thee (of whom) Dwn-‘n.wi said: "He shall command my (?) fathers, the gods."
255a. Stand at the doorway of the horizon; open the double doors of ḳbḥ.w,
255b. that thou mayest stand at their (the gods') head, as Geb at the head of his Ennead--
255c. they (the gods) enter, they are smitten with fear; they depart, they lift up their head.
256a. They see thee like Min, chief of the two ’itr.t-palaces.
256b. He stands, he stands behind thee, thy brother stands behind thee, thy relative (nś) stands behind thee.
256c. Thou perishest not; thou art not destroyed.
256d. Thy name remains among men; thy name has its being among the gods.
Utterance 247.
257a. To say: Thy son Horus has done (this) for thee.
257b. The great tremble when they have seen the sword which is in thy hand,
257c. as thou comest forth from the Dwȝ-t.
258a. Greetings to thee, wise one.
258b. Geb has created thee; the Ennead have engendered thee.
258c. Horus is satisfied with his father, (as) Atum is satisfied with his years.
258d. The gods of the East and West are satisfied with the great (thing) which is come to pass in the embrace of the divine mother (Nut).
259a. N., O. N., (thou) who hast seen; N., O. N., (thou) who hast regarded;
259b. N, O (thou) who hast heard; N., O N., (thou) who hast been there;
260a. N., O N., lift thee up upon thy side, (thou) doer of command;
260b. (thou) who hatest sleep, (thou) who art made tired, stand up, (thou) who art in Ndi.t.
260c. Thy fine bread is made (i.e. offered, cf. CT, I Spell 67, 286b) in Buto; take thy power in Heliopolis.
261a. This Horus commanded to do (this) for his father. The lord of tempest prevented the saliva of Set,
261b. when he (Set) should carry thee. It is he who will carry the one who is (again) complete.
Utterance 248.
262a. To say; N. is great. N. has come forth from between the thighs of the Ennead.
262b. N. was, conceived by Sekhmet, it is Šsmt.t who gave birth to N.,
263a. (as) the star with piercing front (glance) and wide of stride, who brings provisions for (his) journey to Rē‘ every day.
263b. N. has come to his throne, which is higher than (or, over, above) the two protective goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt; N. appears (or, shines) as a star.
Utterance 249.
264a. To say: O ye two contestants, announce now to the honourable one in this his name:
264b. N. is this sšsš-plant which springs from the earth.
264c. The hand of N. is cleansed by him who has prepared his throne.
265a. N. it is who is at the nose of the powerful Great One.
265b. N. comes out of the Isle of Flame,
265c. (after) he, N., had set truth therein in the place of error.
265d. N. it is who is the guardian of laundry, who protects the uraeus-serpents,
265e. in the night of the great flood, which proceeds from the Great.
266a. N. appears as Nefertem, as the flower of the lotus at the nose of Rē‘;
266b. as he comes forth from the horizon every day, the gods purify themselves, when they see him.
Utterance 250.
267a. To say: "It is N. who is chief of the kas, who unites the hearts," so says be (or she) who is chief of the wise, the Great One,
267b. "he who is in possession of the divine book, who knows, who is at the right of Rē‘."
267c. N. comes to his throne, he is chief of the kas, N. unites the hearts, (so says she) who is chief of the wise, the Great One,
267d. N. comes into being, he who knows, being in possession of the divine book, he who is at the right of Rē‘.
268a. O thou who art vindicated by N.,
268b. it is N. who says (is saying) what is in the heart of the Great One (Nut), at the Feast of Red Clothes,
268c. (for) it is N., it is N., who knows, who is at the right of Rē‘;
268d. (thus) the heart of the chief of the abyss of Nun is vexed.
Utterance 251.
269a. To say: O ye, who are (set) over the hours, who are (go) before Rē‘, make (ready) the way for N.,
269b. that N. may pass through in the midst of the border guard of hostile mien.
270a. N. is on the way to his throne, (like) one whose places are in front, who is behind the god, with bowed head,
270b. adorned with a sharp (and) strong antelope's horn,
270c. like one in possession of a sharp knife, which cuts the throat.
270d. The driver-away (?) of suffering from the bull, the punisher of those in darkness,
270e. (is) the strong antelope's horn, which is behind the Great God.
271a. N. has reduced them to punishment; N. has crushed their head.
271b. The arm of N. will not be resisted in the horizon.
Utterance 252.
272a. To say: Lift up your head, ye gods, who are in the Dwȝ.t,
272b. for N. is come. Ye see him (how) he becomes as, a great god.
272c. Introduce N. with trembling; adorn N.,
273a. who has honoured ye all, (as) he commanded mankind (also to do).
273b. N. judges those who live in the midst of the land of Rē‘,
273c. as N. speaks to this pure land, wherein he has established his residence, with the judge of the two gods,
274a. N. is mighty in his presence; N. bears the ȝmś-sceptre, when he (Thot) would reject N.
274b. N. sits with those who row Rē‘.
274c. N. commands the good, and he (Thot) does it, (for) N. is the Great God.
Utterance 253.
275a. To say: He is pure, who was purified in the Marsh of Reeds.
275b. Rē‘ is purified in the Marsh of Reeds.
275c. He is pure, who was purified in the Marsh of Reeds.
275d. This N. is purified in the Marsh of Reeds.
275e. The hand of N. is in the hand of Rē‘; Nut takes his arm;
275f. Shu lifts him up; Shu lifts him up.
Utterance 254.
276a. The Great (Uraeus) burns incense to the bull of Nḫn.
276b. The heat of a flaming breath is against ye, who surround the chapel.
276c. O Great God, whose name is unknown, an offering is on the place (i.e. in place) for the One-lord.
277a. O lord of the horizon, make place for N.
277b. If thou makest not place for N., N. will put a curse on his father Geb:
277c. The earth will no more speak; Geb will no more be able to defend himself.
278a. Whom N. finds on his way, him he eats for himself bit by bit.
278b. The ḥn.t-pelican announces, the pśd.ti-pelican comes forth; the Great One arises,
278c. the (Three) Enneads speak: A dam shall dam up the earth,
279a. both boundaries-of-the-cultivation shall be united, both riverbanks shall be joined,
279b. roads shall be closed against passengers,
279c. stairs for those who would ascend shall be destroyed.
279d. Adjust the cable, traverse the mśḳ.t, hit the ball on the meadow of Ḥȝpi.
280a. O, thy fields tremble, O, ’iȝd-star, at the column of the stars,
280b. when they see the column of Kns.t, the ox (or, bull) of heaven,
280c. and how the ox-herd is terrified (overwhelmed) at him.
281a. O, be afraid, tremble, ye criminals, before the tempest of heaven;
281b. he opened the earth with that which he knew, on the day he loved to come;
282a. so said, he--he who is rich in arable-land, he who inhabits the Dȝt.
282b. Behold, she comes to meet thee, the "Beautiful West," to meet thee,
232c. with her beautiful tresses, she says: "He comes whom I have borne,
283a. whose horn shines, the varnished column, the ox (or, bull) of heaven.
283b. Thy figure is, exalted, pass in peace.
284a. I have protected thee, says she, the "Beautiful West," to N.
284b. Go, voyage to the Marsh of Offerings;
284c. bring the oar to Ḥri-ḳȝ.t.f.
285a. So said he who is chief of his department (or, thigh offering). Thou decayest in the earth
285b. as to thy thickness, as to thy girt, as to thy length
285c. (but as spirit) thou seest Rē‘ in his bonds, thou adorest Rē‘ in-his freedom (from) his bonds,
285d. through the great protection which is in his red robes.
286a. The lord of peace gives to thee his (with W.) arm.
286b. O ye, his she-monkeys, who cut off heads,
286c. may N. pass by you in peace, (for) he has attached (again) his, head to his neck,
286d. (for) the neck of N. is on his trunk, in his name of "Head-attacher,"
286e. (as) he attached the head of the Apis in it (that is, in his name), the day the bull was caught with a lasso.
287a. Those whom N. has made to eat (they eat of their food); (and) in their drinking,
287b. they drink of their abundance.
287c. O that N. be respected there by those who see him.
288a. The ḥkn-wt.t-serpent is on her d‘m-sceptre, the sister (?) of N. who holds Shu aloft.
288b. She makes his place wide in Busiris, in Mendes, in the necropolis of Heliopolis;
288c. she erects two standards before the Great Ones;
289a. she digs a pool (?) for N. in the Marsh of Reeds;
289b. she establishes his field in the two Marshes of Offerings.
289c. N. judges in the Mḥ.t-wr.t-cow between the two wrestlers,
290a. for his strength is the strength of the eye of Tbi (Rē‘),
290b. his might is the might of the eye of Tbi.
290c. N. has freed himself from those who did this against him,
290d. who took from him his dinner,
291a. when it was there, who took his supper from him,
291b. when it was there, who took the breath from his nose,
291c. who brought to an end the days of his life.
291d. N. is mightier than they, appearing upon his shore.
292a. Their hearts fall into his fingers,
292b. their entrails to the inhabitants of heaven (birds), their blood to the inhabitants of earth (beasts),
292c. their inheritance to the poor,
292d. their houses to fire, their farms to high Nile (inundation).
293a. Let the heart of N. be glad; let the heart of N. be glad!
293b. N. is Unique, the ox (or, bull) of heaven.
293c. He has exterminated those who have done this against him, he has destroyed those who are on the earth.
294a-c. Belonging to his throne, what he will take, what he will lift up, is that which his father Shu has given him in the presence of Set.
Utterance 255.
295a. To say: The Horizon burns incense to Horus of Nḫn; provisions for the lords.
295b. The horizon burns incense to Horus of Nḫn,
295c. the heat of its flaming breath is against you who surrounded the chapel,
295d. the poison of its flaming breath is against you who wear the Great (Lower Egyptian crown).
296a. The horizon burns incense to Horus of Nḫn; provisions for the lords.
296b. O the ugly, the ugly of form (speech?), the ugly of form,
297a. remove thyself from thy place, lay down on the ground the dignity for N.
297b. If thou removest not thyself from thy place and layest (not) down on the ground thy dignity for N.;
297c. then will N. come, his face like the Great One, lord of the ȝ.t-helmet,
297d. mighty through that in which he is, injured;
298a. then will he impart heat to his eye, which will surround you,
298b. and will let go a tempest on those who did wrong,
298c. and will let loose an inundation over the Ancients;
299a. then will he strike away the arms of Shu under Nut,
299b. and then will N. put his arm on the wall (protection) on which thou leanest.
300a. The Great (Rē‘) stands tip in the interior of his chapel,
300b. and lays down to the ground his dignity for N.,
300c, after N. had taken command (Ḥw) and had laid hold of knowledge (Śiȝ).
Utterance 256.
301a. To say: N. has inherited Geb; N. has inherited Geb.
301b. He has inherited Atum; he is upon the throne of Horus, the eldest.
301c. His eye is his might; his protection consists in that which was done to him.
302a. The heat of the flaming breath of his uraeus-serpent
302b. is like that of the Rnn-wt.t-serpent on his forehead.
302c. N. has put his fear in their heart,
302d. in making a massacre among them.
303a. The gods saw (it) disrobed,
303b. and they bowed themselves before N. in homage (saying):
303c. "His mother conducts him; his home-town tows him;
303d. Hai, let go thy rope."
Utterance 257.
304a. To say: There is a clamour in heaven.
304b. "We see a new thing," say the primordial gods.
304c. O Ennead, a Horus is in the rays of the sun.
304d. The lords of form serve him,
304e. the Two Enneads entire serve him,
305a. as he sits in place of the All-lord. N. wins heaven, he cleaves its firmness.
305b. N. is led along the ways of Khepri;
306a. N. rests from life in the West, the dwellers in the Dȝ.t following him.
306b. (Then) N. rises renewed in the East,
306c. (and) he who judged the quarrel comes to him with obeisance.
306d. "Serve N., ye gods, as he who is elder than the Great (Rē‘) ";
306e. so says he, "(him) who has made himself mighty in his place."
307a. N. layeth hold on command (Ḥw), eternity is brought to him
307b. and knowledge (Śiȝ) is placed at his feet.
307c. Shout for joy to N.; be hath won the horizon.
Utterance 258.
308a. To say: N. is Osiris in a dust-storm.
308b. His abomination is the earth; N. has not entered into Geb,
308c. that he might be destroyed; nor has he slept in his house on earth,
308d. that his bones might be broken. His wounds are effaced:
308e. N. has purified himself with the eye of Horus; his wound is effaced by the two mourners of Osiris;
308f. N. has let the running (of his wound) flow to the ground at Ḳuṣ.
309a. It is his sister, the lady of P, who wept for him.
309b. N. is on his way to heaven; N. is on his way to heaven; on the wind; on the wind.
309c. He is not hindered; there is no one by whom he is hindered.
309d. N., he is "on his own," the eldest of the gods.
310a. His bread comes on high with (that of) Rē‘;
310b. his offering comes out of Nun.
310c. N. is one who comes again;
310d. he goes, he comes with Rē‘.
310e. His houses are visited by him.
311a. N. seizes kas; he frees kas;
311b. he covers up evil; he abolishes evil.
311c. N. spends the day; he spends, the night, while he appeases the two choppers in Wn.w.
311d. Nothing opposes his foot; nothing restrains his heart.
Utterance 259.
312a. To say: N. is Osiris in a dust-storm.
3112b. The abomination of N. is the earth; he has, not entered into Geb,
312c. that N. might perish; nor has he slept in his house on earth,
312d. that the bones of N. might be broken. His wounds are effaced;
312e. N. has purified himself with the eye of Horus; his wound is effaced by the two mourners of Osiris;
312f. N. has let the running (of his wound) flow to the ground at Ḳuṣ.
313a. It is the sister of N., the lady P, who wept for him.
313b. The two nurses (or, attendants), who wept for Osiris, wept for him.
313c. N. is on his way to heaven; N. is on his way to heaven, with Shu and Rē‘.
313d. N. is not hindered; there is no one who hinders him.
313e. N. is upon his feet, the eldest of the gods.
313f. N. has no session in the divine court.
314a. The bread of N. comes on high with (that of) Rē‘;
314b. his offering comes out of Nun.
314c. N. is one who comes again;
314d. N. goes with Rē‘; N. comes with Rē‘.
3,4e. His houses are visited by him.
3,5a. He covers up evil; he abolishes evil.
315b. He seizes kas; he frees kas.
315c. N. spends the day; he spends the night; N. frees the two choppers in Wn.w.
315d. Nothing opposes the feet of N.; nothing restrains the heart of N.