The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1892], at
[This is the index to the previous section, Âpastamba's Yagña-Paribhâshâ-Sûtras, not the entire volume. References are to Sûtras (unless a page number is specified explicitly), with a raised c indicating the commentary for the Sûtra. The entries are sorted in Sanskrit alphabetic order.—JBH]
agni, the (sacrificial) fire, Sûtra 55, 92 (Âhavanîya fire), 138, 145, 159; the (three) fires, 22.
agnipranayana, the fetching of the Âhavanîya from the Gârhapatya fire, 159.
agnishtoma, the Agnishtoma, a Soma sacrifice, 7, 140, 143c, 144; p. 344.
agnihotra, the Agnihotra, the morning and evening Homa, 6, 91, 148c; p. 344.
agnîshomîya, intended for Agni and Soma, 74, 78, 115, 124, 126c, 127c.
agnyâdhâna, the (first) laying of the fires, 22c.
agnyâdheya, p. 344.
aṅga, member (of the sacrifice), auxiliary act, 3c, 70c, 71c, 73c, 75, 80 (anaṅga), 83 (sâṅga), 157c, 158c.
aṅgahîna, cripple, 2c.
atikram, to pass (the altar), 94.
atirâtra, a Soma sacrifice, 144c; p. 344.
atyagnishtoma, p. 344.
atharvaveda, the Atharva-veda, 7c, 19c.
adhivapana, the strewing, 102, 105c.
adhisrapana, cooking, 109.
adhisrapanamantra, the cooking verse (gharmoऽsi), 109.
adhrigu, the Adhrigu hymn (daivyâh samitârah, &c.), 43.
adhvaryu, the Adhvaryu priest, 18, 24.
anaṅga, not an Aṅga, 80.
anâdhyâya, prohibition of reciting, 37.
anâmnâta, not handed down, 35.
anirdesa, without special instruction, 72.
anumati, a kind of full moon, 65c.
anumantrana, the Anumantrana-mantras, 8c.
anuyâga, a certain auxiliary Homa, 75c.
anuvâkyâ, Mantra used for invocation, 50, 95, (113), 149c.
antarâ, turned inside, 57.
antarâ, between (the high and the low tone), 11.
anna, roasted grains, 108c.
anvârambhanîyâ, initiatory ceremony, 156, 157c, 158c.
apakkhid, to slice off (the cake), 99.
apaparyâvrit, to turn away from, 55.
apûrva, standing by itself, 85; what has not been told before, 152.
aptoryâma, p. 344.
apratishiddha, not prohibited, 135.
abhighârana, sprinkling with fat, 95.
abhimantrana, the Abhimantrana-mantras, 8c.
amantra, not to be classed as Mantras, 35.
amâvâsyâ, new moon, new-moon day, 63, 65c, 68; new-moon sacrifice, 63, 76.
amedhyapratimantrana, conjuring of unlucky omens, 40.
ayagñiya, not fit for sacrifice, 135c.
ayuta, butter when slightly melted, 23c.
arthanirvritti, accomplishment of the object, 41.
arthalopa, loss of purpose, 139.
arthavâda, explanation, 33; that part of the Mantra which does not refer to anything special in the sacrifice, 132, 133.
avadâna, the slice or slicing of butter, 90c, 95, 100c.
avavarshana, down-pour of rain, 40.
asrotriya, person ignorant of the Veda, 2c.
ashtakâ, p. 344.
ashtâkapâla, the cake baked in eight cups (at the full-moon and new-moon sacrifices), 74, 76.
asannipâtin, not producing an immediate effect, 42.
asamavetârtha, words (of a Mantra) not connected with the sacrifice, 133c.
asomayâgin, one who does not sacrifice with Soma, 76, 78.
astamitoditâ = râkâ, 65c.
astu=ayuta, 23c.
ahargana, a series of daily and nightly sacrifices, 141.
ahîna, a series of sacrifices lasting from two nights to eleven nights (opp. sattra), 141c.
âgnâvaishnava, for Agni and Vishnu, 124c, 125c.
âgneya, intended for Agni, 74, 76, 123.
âgrayana, the Âgrayaneshti, sacrifice with the new grain, 148c; p. 344.
âgrahâyanî, p. 344.
âghâra, sprinkling of clarified butter, 46.
âk, to bend (one's knee), 92.
âgya, melted butter, 23, 122c.
âgyabhâgau, the Âgya-portions, 12.
âtmâbhimarsana, rubbing oneself, 53.
âdipradishta, indicated by the first words (Mantras), 47.
âdhâna, the laying of the fires, 28.
âmikshâ, a preparation of milk, 121, 122c.
ârambha, the undertaking (of a sacrifice), 158.
ârtvigya, the priestly office, 21.
âvap, to throw (the grains) in, 109.
âvritti, repetition, 43.
âvesht, to tie (ropes), 61.
âsvayugî, p. 344.
âsîna, sitting, 92.
âhavanîya, the Âhavanîya fire (the grandson), 22c, 27, 94, 144c.
âhuti, the offering at a Darvihoma, 94, 96, 89.
idamsabda, the word idam (to be used for assigning the havis to each deity), 104.
indrâsomiya, intended for Indra and Soma, 127c.
ishtakâ, brick (for building the altar, &c.), 98, 151c.
ishti = yagña, sacrifice, 1c, 112, 113 (kâmyâ ishtayah), 114, 122c, 123c.
îsânabali, p. 344.
îshatsadrisa, a little like, 135.
ukthya, a Soma sacrifice, 144c; p. 344.
ukkaih, with a loud voice, 8, 12c.
utkara, heap of rubbish, 54c.
uttama, highest tone, 11c.
uttara, successive, 145.
uttarata-upakâra, on the northern side of which the performances take place, 54.
uttaravedi, the Soma altar, 144, 145c.
Uttarâ-amâvâsyâ = Kuhû, 65c.
Uttarâ-paurnamâsî = Râkâ, 65c.
utpavana, cleansing, 108.
utpû, to cleanse (the grains), 108.
udagapavarga, performed towards the north, 59.
udagâvritta, turning to the north 94.
udgâtri, the Udgâtri priest, 17.
upakâra, priestly performance, 54.
upadhâ, to put on the fire, 106.
upadhâna, putting on the fire, 106.
upabandha, belonging to, 155.
upayâma, the Upayâma, the words upayâmagrihîtoऽsi, 97.
upavas, to abstain, 65.
upavâsa, abstaining from meat, &c., 66c.
upastarana, spreading of fat, 95.
upaspris (apah), to touch water, 53.
upâmsu, by murmuring, 9, 11c, 113.
upâmsûyâga, the muttered offering of butter (at the full-moon sacrifice), 74.
ûha, substitution of one word for another in a Mantra, 35, 107c, 131, 132.
rigveda, the Rig-veda, 4, 5, 8, 9c, 16.
ekakapâla, a purodâsa cake baked in one cup, 120.
ekadevatâ, offering for one deity, 123.
ekaprakarana, one (typical) performance, 70.
ekamantra, accompanied by one Mantra, 38.
ekâdasakapâla, cake baked in eleven cups (at the full-moon and new- moon sacrifices), 74, 76, 124c.
ekâha, sacrifice accomplished in one day, 140.
aikâdasina, the Aikâdasinas, 117, 118.
aindra, intended for Indra, 127.
aindrâgna, intended for Indra and Agni, 76, 79, 125, 126, 127c.
autsargika (vidhi), general (rule), 93c.
aupâsanahoma, p. 344.
kandûyana, rubbing, 40.
kapâla, jar in which the rice is cooked, 106.
kapâlamantra, verse used for the Kapâla, 106.
kartri, the performer, 24, 57, 84.
karmakodanâ, precept for the sacrifice, 32.
karman, sacrifice, sacrificial act, 37, 38, 44, 45 (karmâdi), 59 (daivâni karmâni), 138, 149, 150, 159.
kâmay, to wish, 147.
kâmya, wishful, 113 (kâmyâ ishtayah).
kumbhî, a large pot, 153.
Kuhû the new moon on the first day of the lunar phase, 65c, 68c.
krishnâgina, black skin used for the strewing (adhivapana), 102c.
kratu, sacrifice, 22, 145, 147 (kratvâdau).
kratukâma, object of the sacrifice, 147.
kraya, buying (of Soma), 52.
krushta, sharp voice, high tone, 11c, 14.
krauñka, high tone, 11c.
kshînâ = kharvikâ, 67c.
kharvikâ, the Kharvikâ full moon, 67.
gavâmayana, 142.
gârhapatya, the Gârhapatya fire (the father), 22c.
gârhya (nâman), the domestic name, 35c.
grah, to take (the butter), 88, 89.
graha, offering of Soma, also Soma vessel, 97.
ghrita, butter when hardened, 23c.
katurgrihîta, the taking four times, 95.
katurdasîyuktâ, the full moon beginning on the fourteenth day, 65c.
kandramas, moon, 65.
karu, a pulse consisting of grains of rice or barley, and clarified butter, 99c, 102, (103, 105), 110, 122c, 123c, 127, 128c.
karupurodasîya, belonging to the Karus and Purodâsas, 102.
karusthâlî, vessel for boiling the karu, 106c, (110).
kâturmâsya, one of the seven Haviryagñas, 7c, 148c; p. 344.
kâtvala, a hole in the ground for the sacrifices, 54c.
keshtâprithaktvanirvartin, to be carried out by separate (repeated) acts, 39.
kaitrî, p. 344.
khedana, cutting, 53.
gapa, the Gapa-mantras, 8c.
gâtibheda, difference of the kind (of animal), 154.
gânu, knee, 92.
guhoti, see hu.
guhotikodana, ordered by the word guhoti, he pours out, 86.
taddharma, having the same qualities, 136.
tantra, rule, 104, 153. See pratitantram.
tayâ-deva-tena, the words for placing the bricks together, 98.
târa, high tone, 11c.
tulyavat, like, 81.
tritîyasavana, the third oblation of Soma, 14.
dakshina, the Dakshina fire (the son), 22c.
dakshina, right, 92 (gânu).
dakshinâ, southward, 94.
dakshinâpavarga, towards the south, 60.
darvihoma, libation from a ladle, 85, (86 to 91), 92, 95.
darsapûrnamâsau, the new and full-moon sacrifices, 5, 7c, 14c, 111, 114, 122c, 123c, 127c, 148c, 155c to 158c; p. 344.
dâkshâyana, 148c.
dundubhisabda, the sound of a drum, 36.
devatânigama, address of the deity, 155.
devatopadesana, indication of the deity, 101.
desa, place, 84.
daiva, intended for the gods (karman), 59.
dravya, substance (of an offering), 129, 130.
dravyasamukkaya, accumulation, 52.
dvâdasakapâla, the cake baked in twelve cups (at the new-moon sacrifice), 76, 123c.
dvâdasâha, a Soma sacrifice lasting twelve days, 141.
dvikapâla, a cake baked in two cups, sacrifice for the two Asvins, 151c.
dvidevatâ, offering for two deities, 124.
dhânya, corn with the husk, 108c.
dhârâ, pouring out of Soma, 46.
nadîtarana, crossing a river, 40.
navanîta, fresh butter, 23c.
navayagña, p. 344.
nâmadheyagrahana, the mentioning of the name (of particular sacrificers), 35.
nikâyin, a series of sacrifices, all having the same name, but different rewards, 143.
nigama, address, 155.
nindâ, reproof, 33.
nimitta, special cause, 148c.
nigama, precept, 148c.
nirasana, throwing away, 53.
nirûdhapasu, the animal sacrifice, 148c; p. 344.
nirdis, to prescribe with special reference to, 84.
nirdesa, special instruction, 73. See anirdesa.
nivrit, to stop, to cease to apply, 138, 139.
Nishâdasthapati, a Nishâda chieftain, 2c.
nîvâra, wild growing rice, 129c, 136c.
nairrita, offering to Nirriti, 53.
pakti, cooking, 154.
parakriti, story, 33.
paravâkya, words referring to something else, 133.
parikraya, redemption, 52.
parva-sandhi, the juncture of the two phases of the moon, 65c.
pasu, animal sacrifice, 7c, 115.
pasugana, 118.
pasubandha, Pasubandha sacrifice, 112; p. 344.
pâkayagña, domestic sacrifices, 148c; p. 344.
pâtra, sacrificial vessel, 25, 28.
pârvana, p. 344.
pindapitriyagña, the sacrifice to the Fathers, 80c; p. 344.
pitri-yagña, sacrifice to the Fathers, 80; p. 344.
pitrya, intended for the Fathers, 60.
pishta, pl., meal, 108.
purastât, before, 65.
purastâtpaurnamâsî, the full moon beginning on the fourteenth day, 65c.
purâkalpa, tradition, 33.
purodâsa, cake made of meal, 78, 99, 102, (103, 105), 122c, 123c, 124c, 127, 128c, 129c, 137c.
puronuvâkyâ, the Puronuvâkyâ hymn (preceding the Yâgyâ, following after the Sampraisha), 43.
pûrita, full (the moon), 66.
pûrna, full (the moon), 65.
pûrvâ-amâvâsyâ, the new moon on the fourteenth day, 65c.
pûrvâ-paurnamâsî = purastâtpaurnamâsî, 65c.
paitrika, offering to the Pitris, 53.
paurnamâsî, full moon, full-moon day, 64, 65, 74.
paurnamâsyâ, full-moon sacrifice, 64.
prakarana, typical performance, 70c, 71.
prakriti, norm (for a sacrifice), 114, 122c, 123c, 127c, 131, 132c, 139, 140, 152, 155, 156, 157c, 158c.
prakritidevatâ, the deity of the prakriti, 127.
pranî, to bring forward (the fire), 159.
pratitantram, at every sacrifice, 29.
pratinidhâ, to substitute, 135.
pratinidhi, substitute, 134, 138.
pratipad, the first day of the lunar phase, 65c.
pratimantrana, conjuring, 40.
pratimantram, each (act) with one Mantra, 150.
pratishidh, to bar, 82.
pratishedha, prohibition, 138, 139.
pratîka, first words of a verse, 47c.
pratyâmnâna, corollary, 139.
pratyâhuti, for each Âhuti, 89.
pradakshinam, turning towards the right, from left to right, 59, 61, 62.
pradâna, offering, 87.
pradhâna, principal act, 70, 74, 80c, 83, 113 (the name of the chief deities).
prabhutva, fitness, 153.
pramâna, rule, 30.
prayâga, a certain auxiliary Homa, 75c.
prayâna, journey, 41.
pravara, the words used in choosing priests, 10, 35.
prasamsa, praise, 33.
prasamkhyâna, the being enumerated, 81.
prasavyam, turning towards the left, from right to left, 60, 61.
prâgapavarga, performed towards the east, 59.
prâkînâvîtin, with the Brahmanic cord over the right and under the left arm, 60.
prâtahsavana, the morning-oblation of Soma, 12.
prâtarhoma, p. 344.
prâyaskitta, penance, 136c.
bahudevatâ, offering for many deities, 125.
bahumantra, accompanied by many hymns, 44.
Bridhu = Bribu, 2c.
Bribu, 2c.
brahman, the Brahma-priest, 19.
brâhmana, m., the Brâhmana (caste), 2, 21, 78.
brâhmana, n., the Brâhmanas (sacred books), 30, 31, 32, 33.
bhid, bhidyate, there is difference, 154.
bhedana, breaking, 53.
madhyama, middle tone, 11c, 13.
manotâ, the Manotâ hymn (tvam hy agne prathamo manotâ, &c.), 43.
mantra, verse, 30, 31, 34, 37, 44c, 45 (mantrânta), (46), 47, 107 (mantram samnamati), 133c, 149, 150, 151c. See ekamantra, bahumantra.
mantravat, hallowed by a Mantra, 58.
mâtrâpakâra, wanting of the measure, 137.
mâdhyandina, the midday-oblation of Soma, 13.
mâsha, phaseolus radiatus, 135c.
mâsisrâddha, p. 344.
mudga, kidney bean, phaseolus mungo, 135c.
moksha, eternal happiness, 148c.
yag, to sacrifice, 63, 64, 87c.
yagana = yagña, 1c.
yagurveda, the Yagur-veda, 4, 5, 6, 8c, 9, 18.
yagñâṅga, sacrificial utensil, 57, 58.
yagñâṅga, special part of a sacrifice, 148.
yagñâṅgakâma, object of part of a sacrifice, 148.
yagñopavîtin, with the Brahmanic cord over the left and under the right arm, 59.
yathâdevatam, according to the deities, 103.
yathâbhâgam, for each portion, 99, 100.
yathârtham, according to the sense, 132.
yava, barley, 136c.
yâga=yagña, 1c.
yâgamâna, Mantra recited by the sacrificer himself, 49.
yâgyâ, Mantra used with the oblation, 43c, 50, 95, (113), 149c, 155.
yûpa, the sacrificial post for fastening the animal, 130c.
yûpadravya, material for the sacrificial post, 150.
rathakâra, chariot-maker, or name of a clan, 2c.
rathasabda, the sound of a carriage, 36.
Râkâ, the full moon on the first day of the lunar phase, 65c.
râkshasa, offering to the Râkshasas, 53.
râganya, the Râganya (caste), 2.
raudra, offering to Rudra, 53.
lopa, omission, 151.
laukika (agni), ordinary (fire), 159.
vakana, the saying expressly, 20, 44, 93.
vanaspati, the Vanaspati sacrifice, 155.
vapâsrapanî, the two spits for roasting the omentum (vapâ), 153.
varunapraghâsa, a certain sacrifice, 119.
varna, colour or caste, 2.
varnâviseshena, without distinction of caste, 79.
vashatkâra, the word Vashat (to be uttered by the Hotri-priest), 95, 96.
vashatkri, to utter the sacrificial interjection vashat, 96.
vâkya, words, 133.
vâksandrava, the movement of the voice, 15.
vâgapeya, a certain Soma sacrifice, 146; p. 344.
vâgasaneyin, pl., the Vâgasaneyins, 67.
vâhya, turned outside, 57.
vikâra, modification, 122, 123, 124, (125), 126, 127c, 146c, 155.
vikriti, modification (of the prakriti), 144c, 123c, 127c, 128c, 129c, 132, 152c, 156, 157c, 158c.
vidhâna, rule, prescription, 70 (samânavidhâna), 80 (svakâlavidhâna).
vidhi, rule, 71, 93c, 133c, 147c.
vipratishedha, impossibility, 20.
virodha, contradiction, 129, 130.
vivriddhi, addition, 151.
vihâra, the sacrificial ground, 54, 56.
veda, the (three) Vedas, 3; Veda = Mantras and Brâhmanas, 31.
vaisya, the Vaisya (caste), 2.
vaisvadeva, sacrifice for the Visve Devâs, 119, 120c, 121; p. 344.
vaisvadevika, belonging to the Vaisya deva, 120.
vaishamya, diversity, 154.
vaushat, sacrificial interjection, 96c.
vyatishikta, separated, 105.
vyavasthâ, to be restricted, 73.
vyâprita, employed elsewhere, 26.
vyâvrit, to separate, 99, 100.
sabda, word, 138.
sasya, the corn of the field, 108c.
sâkhâ, recension, 3c.
sâstrîya, consecrated (fire), 159c.
sishta, what is prescribed, 134.
sulba, rope, 61.
sûdra, the Sûdra (caste), 2c.
sûla, spit for boiling the heart (of the sacrificial animal), 153.
sesha, essential part, 157.
srâddha, p. 344.
srâvanî, p. 344.
sraushat, sacrificial interjection, 96c.
svahpûritâ= Râkâ, 65c.
shanda, eunuch, 2c.
shodasin, a certain Soma sacrifice, 144c, 146; p. 344.
samvâda, dialogue, 10.
samskâra, purification, 29; preparation (of an offering), 129.
samskâra, initiation, 52.
saṅkhyâ, number, 51.
saṅkhyâyukta, having a number, 39.
samkara, path between the Kâtvâla and Utkara, 54c.
sattra, a series of sacrifices lasting from thirteen to one hundred nights or more (opp. ahîna), 141c, 142c, 146.
sadyaskâlâ, name of the Kharvikâ full moon and the corresponding day of abstinence, 67c.
sandhyâ-paurnamâsî = purastâtpaurnamâsî, 65c.
samnam, to adapt and change (a verse), 107.
samnâma = ûha, modification of a verse, 107c.
samnipat, Caus., to let coincide, 45, 96.
samnî, to offer the Sâmnâyya, 79.
samavadyo, to divide (the butter), 90.
samavetârtha, words (of a Mantra) connected with the sacrifice, 133c.
samas, to join (ropes), 61, 62.
samânavidhâna, having the same rule, 70.
samâruh, to return (to the firesticks, the divine fire), 159.
samâsa, joining, 61 (°am gakkhanti, they have to be joined).
samidh, fuel, 91.
samukkaya, aggregation, 49, 52.
sarpabali, p. 344.
sarpis, Adj., running, in sarpir âgya, melted butter, 23.
savanîya, the Soma sacrifice, 116, 117.
sâmvatsarika, a sacrifice lasting one, two, or more years, 142.
sâkamedha, a certain sacrifice, 119.
sâṅga, accompanied by auxiliary acts, 83.
sâdhârana, general, 72.
sâmnâyya, the mixture (of sour and sweet milk, intended for Indra and Mahendra, at the new-moon sacrifice), 77, 79c, 100c, 122c.
sâmaveda, the Sâma-veda, 4, 8, 9c, 17.
sâmânya, similarity, 122, 128, 134.
sâmidhenî, the hymns or verses used for lighting the fire, 11, 111.
sâyamhoma, p. 344.
sârasvata (sattra), 146.
Sinîvâlî = pûrvâ-amâvâsyâ, 65c, 69c.
sîra, a certain sacrifice, 119.
susadrisa, very like, 135.
somayâgin, one who sacrifices with Soma, 77, 79c.
somasamsthâ, Soma sacrifices, 148c; p. 344.
somendrakaru, the karu intended for Soma and Indra, 127.
sautrâmanî, p. 344.
Saudhanvanas, 2c.
saumya, intended for Soma, 127c.
strî, woman (admitted to sacrifice), 2c.
sthâlî, see karusthâli.
sthâlîpâka, p. 344.
sruk, spoon, 26c.
sruva, ladle, 26.
svadhâ, sacrificial interjection, 96c.
svapna, sleeping, 40.
svasabda, having its own name, 84.
svâdhyâya, self-reading (of the Veda), 37.
svâmin, master, i.e. sacrificer, 138.
svâhâ, sacrificial interjection, 96c.
svâhâkârapradâna, (a sacrifice) which is offered with the word Svâhâ, 87.
svishtakrit, the sacrifice for Agni Svishtakrit, 13, 155.
haviryagña, a class of sacrifices, 148c; p. 344.
havishkrit, the Havishkrit hymn, used when the havis is made, 43.
hu, to pour out, to sacrifice, 23, 25c, 86, 87c, 92, 94.
hotri, the Hotri-priest, 16, 49c.
hotrâ, Mantra recited by the Hotri-priest, 49.
homa, the Homa, burnt-oblation, 25c, 75.