Sacred Texts
An Arthurian Miscellany at sacred-texts.com
[pseudonym of Jane Brereton]
Humbly inscrib'd to his R.H. the PRINCE of WALES.
ROYAL FREDERICK! Britain' s Pride!
Prince , for future Safety giv'n;
For Thee 's decree'd a Virtuous Bride,
Choicest Gift of bounteous Heav'n.
To reward thy filial Duty,
To perpetuate Brunswick' s Race,
Wit, and Learning, Youth, and Beauty,
Heav'n prepares for thy Embrace.
No blust'ring Storms, affright the Fair,
No raging Billows, dare to rise;
Safe by Heav'n' s, and George' s Care,
May She bless our longing Eyes!
Neptune , sooth old Father Ocean ,
Mild Favonius , waft thy Gales;
May One repell each theat'ning Motion,
For Albion , t' other swell the Sails!
Behold! She comes, enrich'd with Charms,
Indulgent to thy plighted Love!
Receive the Blessing to thy Arms,
And Hymen' s hallow'd Rites approve.
Illustrious Pair! wou'd You in Story,
Thro' succeeding Ages shine?
Wou'd You tread the Paths to Glory?
Follow George , and Caroline .
And lo! I see a glorious Race,
Successive rising to Renown!
Decree'd Britannia 's Throne to grace;
And give new Lustre to a Crown.
Ordain'd, to wield the Sceptre Royal,
With righteous Pow'r, and gentle Sway;
And rule o'er Britons , Brave, and Loyal,
'Till Heavn, and Earth, shall melt away.
Next: Merlin: A Poem: Humbly Inscrib'd to her Majesty Queen Guardian, by Melissa [pseudonym for Jane Brereton] [1735]