Sacred Texts
An Arthurian Miscellany at sacred-texts.com
Him best in all the dim Arthuriad,
Of lovers of fair women, him I prize,--
The Pagan Palomydes. Never glad
Was he with sweetness of his lady's eyes,
Nor joy he had.
But, unloved ever, still must love the same,
And riding ever through a lonely world,
Whene'er on adverse shield or crest he came,
Against the danger desperately hurled,
Crying her name.
So I, who strove to You I may not earn,
Methinks, am come unto so high a place,
That though from hence I can but vainly yearn
For that averted favour of your face,
I shall not turn.
No, I am come too high. Whate'er betide,
To find the doubtful thing that fights with me,
Toward the mountain tops I still shall ride,
And cry your name in my extremity,
As Palomyde,
Until the issue come. Will it disclose
No gift of grace, no pity made complete,
After much labour done,--much war with woes?
Will you deny me still in Heaven, my sweet;--
Ah, Death--who knows?
Next: The Mill, by Henry Van Dyke [1902]