The tone is the writer's attitude toward the subject matter. |
The tone can be angry, bitter, neutral, or formal. |
The tone depends on your audience and purpose. Since your research paper is being read by educated professionals and your purpose is to persuade, use a formal, unbiased tone. The writing should not condescend to the audience, insult them, or lecture them. |
The language used in most academic and professional writing is called Standard Written English, the writing found in magazines such as Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, and the Atlantic. Such language conforms to the widely established rules of grammar, sentence structure, usage, punctuation, and spelling. It has an objective, learned tone. It's the language to use in your research paper. |
The Nitty-Gritty of Research Paper Style |
1. Write simply and directly. Perhaps you were told to use as many multisyllabic words as possible since ''big'' words dazzle people. Much of the time, however, big words just set up barriers between you and your audience. Instead of using words for the sake of impressing your readers, write simply and directly. |
Select your words carefully to convey your thoughts vividly and precisely. |
"Blissful," "blithe," "cheerful," "contented," "gay," "joyful," and "gladdened" all mean "happy." Yet each one conveys a different shade of meaning. |
2. Use words that are accurate, suitable, and familiar. Familiar words are easy to read and understand. Accurate words say what you mean. Suitable words convey your tone and fit with the other words in the document. |
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