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#1, #I-1, Sep 1975 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.1: The Book of Coming Forth by Night - Set
2: Temple of Set Officials
3: Please Note
4: Bits and Pieces
5: Conference Planned
6: A Few Words from the Ed.#2, #I-2, Oct 1975 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Book of Coming Forth by Night: Historical Commentary - Michael Aquino V°
2: Aphorism - Goethe
3: Temple of Set Regional Publications
4: What is the Temple of Set? - Michael Aquino V°
5: About Degrees - Michael Aquino V°
6: Reviews: Dogs of War, Supernature - Stuart Munro II°
7: Trans: Book of Coming Forth by Night hieroglyphs
8: Handy Household Hints
9: Bits and Pieces
10: Where are your Pendants?
11: National Conclave - Lilith Sinclair IV°#3, #I-3, Nov 1975 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Book of Coming Forth by Night: Background Material - Michael Aquino V°
2: Crowley & The Book of the Law - Michael Aquino V°
3: Thanks to Bubastis Pylon
4: Psychic Hazards & Proper Use of Ritual Magic - L. Dale Seago IV°
5: Bits and Pieces#4, #I-4, Dec 1975 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Gods of Christmas - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Conclave Report (Santa Barbara)
3: A neb kekui Set!Ami pert em kher! - R. Amn DeCecco III°
4: Set and the Creation of the Universe - Robert Ethel IV°
#5, #I-5, Jan 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.1: Fables for the Bicentennial - DEMly
2: God and the Magician - Michael Waters II°
3: What Set Means to Me - Marie Kelly I°#6, #I-6, Feb 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Devil Down Under - Leon Marvell I°
2: Temple of Set Publications - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: Clearing the Air - Michael Waters III°
4: Questions and Answers - Margaret Wendall IV°#7, #I-7, Mar 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Help! Help! Help! - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Short Issue This Month - Margaret Wendall IV°#8, #I-8, Apr 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Yoga from Yuggoth - A. Roland Holt III°
2: Special Thanks to Samuel Weiser - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: How has your life been Affected by the Æon of Set?
4: Reminders
5: Questions and Answers
6: The Abyss-Chasm or Sarcasm? - William Murray III°
7: Aphorism - Will Rogers
8: That Phi Ratio - Margaret Wendall IV°#9, #I-9, May 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: To the Members of the Temple - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: “Rotten Saturday” - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: O.T.O./A.'.A.'./Temple of Set - Michael Aquino V°
4: Ye Scroll Ed. is On Strike - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: Ed.'s Note - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Xepera Xeper Xeperu - L. Dale Seago IV°
7: Bulletin Board#10, #I-10, Jun 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The First Year - Michael Aquino V°
2: Abortion - James Lewis I°
3: Temple of Set First Eastern Conclave - Robert Ethel IV°
4: Austin Osman Spare - Leon Marvell I°#11, #I-11, Jul 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: I Pledge Allegiance ... - R. Amn (DeCecco) III°
2: Nineteen Parts of the Word of Set - Robert Ethel IV°
3: Ye Public Notice/Bulletin Board - Margaret Wendall IV°#12, #I-12, Aug 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Set-Experiences - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: On Being a Setian - Martee L. Zaccirey I°
3: The Vision - Lowana Knaust II°
4: Jersey City Meeting
5: Bubastis Pylon Name - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Night Light - Ricco Zappitelli II°#13, #II-1, Sep 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Non-Partisan Political Aspects - Howard Sinnott III°
2: The Right to Die - James Lewis I°
3: Why I Collect Science Fiction - Forrest J Ackerman HS
4: Council of Nine - Michael Waters III°
5: Reviews: Siege of Wonder, Missing Man- Yael Dragwyla I°
6: Forum: Letters to the Ed. - Robert Brink II°#14, #II-2, Oct 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Physiology in the Ritual Chamber - A. Roland Holt III°
2: What's Happening? - Lilith Sinclair IV°
3: Ap-uat Library Project (ALP) - Ronald K. Barrett III°
4: Forum:
Abortion - Joan Keller II°
Set-Experiences - L. Dale Seago IV°
Brink on Set-Experiences - Lowana Knaust II°
Brink on Set-Experiences - A. Roland Holt III°
Right to Die/Scroll Input - James Lewis I°
Brink on Set-Experiences - Martee Zaccirey I°
The Concept of Set - William Murray III°
5: Forum Comment - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Editorial Comments - Michael Waters III°
7: More Thanks Due - Margaret Wendall IV°#15, #II-3, Nov 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Setian Greeting Cards? - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Profile: L. Dale Seago IV° - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: Individualistic Collectivism - Alan Sturrock II°
4: True Flavor of Setian Philosophy - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: Follow-Up [Again] - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Californians Have “Right to Die” - Margaret Wendall IV°
7: The Voyage - Robert Christian I°
8: The Quest - Robert Christian I°#16, #II-4, Dec 1976 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Religious Racism - L. Dale Seago IV°
2: The Holidays - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: Bubastis Winter Solstice - Margaret Wendall IV°
4: Forum: Possession - Susan Wylie II°
5: Lilith Sinclair Lawsuit - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Pamphlets for Non-Members - Margaret Wendall IV°
7: Dark (?) Ages - Margaret Wendall IV°
8: Speculation of Space - Anne Allee II°
#17, #II-5, Jan 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.1: The God Set - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: Tolerance - Howard Sinnott III°
3: Under the Public Eye - Michael Waters III°#18, #II-6, Feb 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: On the Day and Hour of the Sun - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Psychological Impact - Alan Sturrock II°
3: Satan Doesn't Live Here Anymore ... - Martee Zaccirey I°
4: Review: The Art of Loving - Linda Parrinello I°
5: Poetry - Susan Morrison I°
6: The Two Paths - Richard Murad I°#19, #II-7, Mar 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Things that go Hump in the Night - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: The Temple of Set and the I.R.S.
3: Southeastern Conclave - James Lewis II°
4: Scroll Quiz - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: Forum: Setamorphosis - Paul Uriaz I°#20, #II-8, Apr 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Input, or Poor Magistra Wendall - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Profile: Jinni Bast III°, Councillor - Jinni Bast III°
3: Criticism - Michael Waters III°
4: Two Poems - Linda Parrinello I°#21, #II-9, May 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Simultaneous Rituals - Thomas Huddleston III°
2: First Foundation: A New Beginning - Howard Sinnott III°
3: Update - Margaret Wendall IV°
4: In Memoriam: William Bennett I° - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: Operation “On Call” - Ronald K. Barrett III°
6: New Pylon (Sekhmet) - L. Dale Seago IV°
7: Selket (photo)
8: What “sex” are Set and HarWer - Lowana Knaust II°
9: Rite for the Festival of Bubastis - Bubastis Pylon#22, #II-10, Jun 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Second Year - Michael Aquino V°
2: From the Executive Director's Head - William Murray III°
3: Biography: William Murray III°
4: It's all Greek to Me! - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: A Note on Courtesy - L. Dale Seago IV°
6: Set in the Far East - Linda Thomas III°
7: Destruction! Compassion - Robert Menschel I°#23, #II-11, Jul 1977 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Rituals Without Chambers - L. Dale Seago IV°
2: Last Editorial - Margaret Wendall IV°
3: It Has Come Into Being (birth of Ian Seth Reynolds)
4: Forum:
Operation On Call - Paul Uriaz I°
Booties Pink or Booties Blue? - John Renaud II°
Sex of Set - James Lewis II°
5: The Value of Re-evaluation - Richard Murad II°
6: Rameses II “Takes the Cure” - Margaret Wendall IV°
7: Film Review: Star Wars - Alexandra Sarris II°#24, #II-12, Aug 1977 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: The Pentagram of Set - Benjamin Kracauer II°
2: Along the Path to Xeper - Marie Kelly II°
3: Council of Nine Appointments - Margaret Wendall IV°
4: Editorial: A Door into the Future - Michael Waters III°
5: A Poem - Robert Brink II°
6: Incense in Sense - R. Amn DeCecco III°#25, #III-1, Sep 1977 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Sainthood vs. Sethood - Robert Menschel I°
2: How to Win Friends & Influence Nerds-Linda Thomas III°
3: Genetic Engineering: Toward 1984? - Janice Harris II°
4: IV° Recognition: Ronald K. Barrett
5: National Conclave Planned
6: Ecological Working - Bubastis Pylon
7: Familiar Familiar with Ritual? - Margaret Wendall IV°#26, #III-2, Oct 1977 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Mundane World Involvement - Howard M. Sinnott III°
2: Second Western Conclave - Lilith Sinclair IV°
3: Administrative Xeper
4: Life After Death - Lowana Knaust II°
5: Invocation to Set
6: Heresy and the Temple of Set - by Michael Waters III°
7: Happy Halloween! - from the Scroll Staff#27, #III-3, Nov 1977 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: How an Eclipse Happens - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: A Challenge - Robert Menschel I°
3: Worth Repeating - Anton Chekhov
4: On Heresy - Rosemary Kooiman II°
5: Report on the Santa Barbara Conclave - Glinda
6: Scroll of Set Theory and Practice - Michael Aquino V°
7: New Administrative Systems - Michael Aquino V°
8: First Steps on the Left-Hand Path - Michael Aquino V°
9: Editorial: Write It Down! - by Michael Waters III°#28, #III-4, Dec 1977 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Setward Evolution - Robert Menschel II°
2: Subjective Universe & Life After Death-Richard Murad II°
3: Goals/Challenges - Janet Menschel II°
#29, #III-5, Jan 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.1: Xeper: The Double-Edged Sword - Linda Thomas III°
2: To Xeper -Become - Ricco Zappitelli II°
3: Ritual Building - Bruce Bibee II°
4: Xeper Errors - James Lewis II°
5: Magical Timing - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: Ethel and Holt Resign - Michael Aquino V°
7: Tut Show: Los Angeles, Elsewhere, Slides Available
8: Close Encounters of the II° - Michael Aquino V°#30, #III-6, Feb 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: A Setian Mandala - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: An Organization & Philosophy to Build Upon - Loki III°
3: The Integrated Self - Sandy Sarris II°
4: Aphorism - Samuel Ullman
5: On Xeper - James Lewis III°
6: Council of Nine
7: Pyramid for Egypt (AP Wirephoto)
8: Response to Robert Ethel - by Michael Waters III°
9: Implications of Elitism - L. Dale Seago IV°#31, #III-7, Mar 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Any Other Name - Sandy Sarris & Linda Reynolds III°s
2: Setamorphosis Through Alchemy - Ricco Zappitelli III°
3: Ode to Set - Ricco Zappitelli III°
4: Open Letter to the Temple of Set - Joan Keller II°#32, #III-8, Apr 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Shared Thoughts - Janet Menschel II°
2: Aphorism - Disraeli
3: On Elitism - Richard Murad II°
4: Forum Topic: Symbolism#33, #III-9, May 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: From Thoughts to Words - Ricco Zappitelli III°
2: Reply to “On Elitism” - L. Dale Seago IV°
3: Reply to “On Elitism” - James Lewis III°
4: Symbolism (1) - Margaret Wendall IV°
5: Symbolism (2) - Paul Uriaz I°#34, #III-10, Jun 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Problems of Perception - L. Dale Seago IV°
2: Thunder from Storms Road - Colleen Huddleston III°
3: Cthulhu Pylon Formed
4: What is Psychological Magic? - Paul Uriaz I°
5: Religion: Theory va. Practicality - Alan Sturrock II°
6: The Temple of Set and Telepathy - Robertt Neilly II°
7: From Within - Jackie DiBene II°#35, #III-11, Jul 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: The Third Year - Michael Aquino V°
2: Council of Nine Appointments
3: Setian Elitism - Leon Marvell II°
4: Notice Concerning William F. Murray#36, #III-12, Aug 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: The Dual Nature of the Beast - Linda Thomas III°
2: Review: Close Encounters - Sandy Sarris III°
3: How To .... - Alan Sturrock II°
4: In Memoriam: Lowana J. Knaust III°
5: Concerning “Problems of Perception” - L.Dale Seago IV°
6: Letter to an Enquirer Under Age 18 - L. Dale Seago IV°
7: Application of Magic - Alan Sturrock II°
8: Famous Monsters #148#37, #IV-1, Sep 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: 1F From the Ground Up - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: More Thunder from Storms Road- Colleen Huddleston III°
3: Book Review: Earthsea Trilogy - Robert Menschel II°
4: Set - Jinni Bast III°
5: Anubis, the Opener of the Way - Ricco Zappitelli III°
6: Black Holes? and Uriaz' “Faculty X” - Paul Uriaz II°
7: Origin of Will - Robert Menschel II°#38, #IV-2, Oct 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: From Psychology to Philosophy - Ricco Zappitelli III°
2: The Ancient Wisdom - Leon Marvell II°
3: The Crystal Tablet - L. Dale Seago IV°
4: Communication with Set - Leon Marvell II°
5: Maat - Sandy Sarris III°
5: 1F Report - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: The Game Room - James Lewis IV°#39, #IV-3, Nov 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Objective vs. Subjective Analysis - Alan Sturrock III°
2: Nature/Neter - Linda Reynolds III°
3: Implementing Black Magic - Paul Uriaz II°
4: Deja Vu - Pat Turner II°
5: Set-Amentet Pylon in Los Angeles - Connie Moffatt II°
6: Daimonhood - Paul Uriaz II°
7: National Geographic's Ancient Egypt#40, #IV-4, Dec 1978 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Food for Thought, or Pristinians - John Furcean II°
2: To Give or not to Give? - Margaret Wendall IV°
#41, #IV-5, Jan 1979 - Michael Waters III° Ed.1: The Symbolic Ka - Stephen Bushey II°
2: Biography: Bettye Fischer III° - Constance Moffatt II°
3: Simultaneous Thought Patterns - Stephen Bushey II°
4: 1F Report - Margaret Wendall IV°#42, #IV-6, Feb 1979 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Biography: Magistra Lilith Sinclair - Constance Moffatt II°
2: About those “Set-Experiences” - “Anthat” III°
3: 1F Report - Margaret Wendall IV°
4: Objective vs. Subjective - Robert Brink III°
5: Concerning the Neteru - L. Dale Seago IV°
6: For Linda Thomas - Michael Aquino V°#43, #IV-7, Mar 1979 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: International Conclave Update - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: Questions - John Furcean II°#44, #IV-8, Apr 1979 - Michael Waters III° Ed.
1: Autobiography - R. Amn DeCecco III°
2: Ronald K. Barrett V° Recognition#45, #IV-9, May 1979 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: The Coming Into Being of Xem - Constance Moffatt II°
2: IV° Recognition: Linda Thomas - Ronald K. Barrett V°
3: Thrones - James Lewis III°
4: My Thanks to You - Linda Thomas IV°
5: Experiments in Telepathy - John Furcean II°
6: The Council of Nine
7: Relative Relativity - Raj Dakkar
8: Freedom of the Elect - Paul Uriaz II°
9: Magic and the Law of Karma - Richard Arbib I°
10: Apotheosi Setiani: Anthem-R.Amn DeCecco III°
11: III° Recognition: Stephen Bushey - Ronald K. Barrett V°
12: The Seasons - Ricco Zappitelli III°
13: Lunar and Solar Sabbats - Stephen Bushey III°
14: Exeunt: Margaret Wendall, Alan Sturrock, Pat Turner
15: Commerce More than One Meaning- Robert Moffatt III°
16: Set and Stoicism - Robert Moffatt III°
17: Set-Experience Analysis - Robert Brink II°
18: Re-Definition “Solidarity”-Linda Thomas IV°
19: Some Causes of Magical Indigestion - Paul Uriaz II°
20: Tarot-Astro Indications - Stephen Bushey III°
21: 1F Director (Seago IV°) - Ronald Barrett V°#46, #IV-10, Aug 1979 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Set-I Int’l Conclave-Constance Moffatt II°
2: The Ipsissimus Has Evolved - Robert Moffatt III°
3: Set-I Brings Record Attendance
4: Conclave Presentations
5: Set-I Conclave Reflections - Linda Blood I°
6: “Brothers and Sisters” - Robertt Neilly III°
7: Pentagram - John Furcean II°
8: Dark Thoughts from San Francisco - Linda Thomas IV°
9: A Vision of/in Maat - Linda Thomas IV°
10: Conclave will be Yearly Event
11: III°+ Meet at XemSet Jun 30th
12: Set & God: Power of Telesmic Images - Richard Arbib II°
13: III° Recognition: Robertt Neilly - Ronald K. Barrett V°
14: Calendar: Aug-Sep XIV
15: Not Your Ordinary Convention - Constance Moffatt II°
16: Ipsissimus - Robert Moffatt III°
17: We Know that We are a Temple - Constance Moffatt II°
18: The Bond - Willie Browning I°
19: The First Foundation Again - L. Dale Seago IV°
20: All Nine Councillors Meet - Constance Moffatt II°#47, #V-1, Sep 1979 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: Robertt Neilly III° - Constance Moffatt II°
2: Greetings from XemSet - Ricco Zappitelli III°
3: Film Review: Dracula (Langella) - Linda Thomas IV°
4: Aphorisms - Jack Smith & Knight's Law
5: Poem - Susan Wylie II°
6: Behind the Tarot Designs - Lynn Norton IV°
7: Ordination of Robertt Neilly - R. Jzamon DeCecco III°
8: Practical Magick: Learning the Ropes - Corey Cole I°
9: Notes on C.A.T.E.-II Results - Robertt Neilly III°
10: Exeunt: Colleen Huddleston & Marie Kelly
11: Calendar: Oct XIV - Steve Bushey III°#48, #V-2, Oct 1979 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biogaphy: Ricco Zappitelli III° - Constance Moffatt II°
2: Executive Director (L. Reynolds) - Ronald K. Barrett V°
3: Rite of the Undead - Ronald K. Barrett V°
4: Let Them Eat Their Sour Grapes - Ronald K. Barrett V°
5: Set-II Plans - Ronald K. Barrett V°
6: Thanks for Birthday Greetings - Ronald K. Barrett V°
7: Tutankhamen's Egypt on T.V.
8: Tarot Update: a Great Work - Lynn Norton IV°
9: Ruby Tablet Lives On - R. Jzamon DeCecco III°
10: Thoughts on Windsor (Set-I) - Willie Browning I°
11: Surprise Party Held (for RKB) - Constance Moffatt II°
12: Cat Risking - Paul Uriaz II°
13: Starlight Magic - James Lewis III°
14: Calendar: Nov XIV - Stephen Bushey III°
15: Set-Amentet Pylon to Meet in Santa Barbara#49, #V-3, Nov 1979 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: Robert J. DeCecco III° - Constance Moffatt II°
2: The “Wigging Out Syndrome” - L. Dale Seago IV°
3: III° Recognition: Betty Ford - Linda Thomas IV°
4: Nosferatu - “Joseph Curwen”
5: 6+6+6 Endure the Fangs of Undeath Rite
6: T.S. Protocol - Ricco Zappitelli III°
7: The Being Inside Me - Robertt Neilly III°
8: Mortal Fear - Joseph DiBene II°
9: Set-Amentet Monsters to Meet
10: Calendar: Dec XIV - Stephen Bushey III°
11: Are You “Just an Adept”? - Constance Moffatt II°
#50, #V-4, Jan 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.1: Biography: Jinni Bast III° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: Nefer's Anti-Christmas Party - Linda Thomas IV°
3: Season's Greetings from Shetat - Constance Moffatt III°
4: Can This be my Brother? - Barbara Fritz II°
5: Magical Behavior and Thought - Robert Menschel II°
6: All Setians are VIPs - Willie Browning II°
7: From Sebek - Robert Brink III°
8: From Khensu - Robert Moffatt III°
9: From the Serpent One - Lilith Sinclair IV°
10: From Xonsu - Linda Reynolds III°
11: Some Causes of Magical Indigestion - Paul Uriaz II°
12: Become With Love - Robert Moffatt III°
13: To the Timid One - Robert Moffatt III°
14: III° Recognition:Constance Moffatt - Ronald K. Barrett V°#51, #V-5, Mar 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Welcoming Letter for New Setians - Ronald K. Barrett V°
2: Mini-Conclave Held in Massachusetts - Barbara Fritz II°
3: Massachusetts Maelstrom - Suzie Vandenbussche I°
4: Friend - Jinni Bast III°
5: Duel - Susan Wylie II°
6: Set-Amentet Pylon Ritual is Black Marriage#52, #V-6, Apr 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Lay Member Renewals Endorsement-Ronald K. Barrett V°
2: IV° Recognition: Jinni Bast - Ronald K. Barrett V°
3: Poem - Barbara Fritz II°
4: Poem - Susan Wylie II°
5: Moonlight's Gossamers - Susan Wylie II°
6: Editorial: Altar Photos Requested - Constance Moffatt III°
7: What Happens from There? - Barbara Fritz II°
8: Aphorisms - Hufstader's Insight & Mark Twain
9: The Riddle - Susan Wylie II°
10: A Letter from a Priest to an Adept - Robert Brink III°
11: The Song of Belial: A Self-Portrait - Phil Folkler III°
12: Hogwash in the Sunshine State - Jerry Reynolds II°
13: III° Recognition: Phil Folkler - Ronald K. Barrett V°
14: Music “Strange & Weirdly Beautiful” - James Lewis III°
15: Graduation Day - Phoenix II°#53, #V-7, May 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: James Lewis III° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: Perceptions of my First Ritual - Susan Mitchell I°
3: Transformation - Dr. Yogami
4: Research and the Setian - Corey Cole II°
5: Summer Flight of Friends - J. David Furcean II°
6: Khaibit Pylon Report - Richard Arbib I°#54, #V-8, Aug 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Set-II and XemSet - Constance Moffatt III°
2: A Lay View of Set-II - Corey Cole II°
3: We are the significance of the Temple - Robert Moffatt III°
4: The Scarlet Letter - Anonymous
5: Transition - Robert Moffatt III°
6: Letter - Susan Mitchell II°
7: Letter - Amber Shelley I°
8: Letter - Lynn Norton IV°
9: The Gift of Set - Amber Shelley I°
10: Changes - Susan Wylie II°
11: The Council of Nine is Whole
12: If a Constant, it is Change - Ronald K. Barrett V°
13: A Tribute to Ra-en-Set - Ronald K. Barrett V°
14: IV° Recognition: Robert DeCecco- Ronald K. Barrett V°
15: Thoughts on my First Group Ritual - Charles Weiss II°#55, #VI-1, Sep 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: Robert Brink III° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: Set-II Talk on Neters - Alexandra Sarris III°
3: Norton Tarot Project
4: Letter to Pyramid II° Contacts - James Lewis III°
5: Letter: Working - Willie Browning II°
6: Pre-Ordeal - Robert Moffatt III°
7: Call Me Doctor Doomuch - Robert Moffatt III°
8: Royal Names - Alexandra Sarris III°#56, #VI-2, Nov 1980 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: Lynn Norton IV° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: Initiation, Magic, & Temple of Set - L. Dale Seago IV°
3: III° Recognition: Robert Menschel - L. Dale Seago IV°
4: I Myself - Robert Moffatt III° & Linda Thomas IV°
5: A Little Help from the Cosmic Ham - Robert Moffatt III°
6: A Glimpse of Freedom - Linda Thomas IV°
7: I Am - Willie Browning II°
8: Re “Pre-Ordeal” in the Sep Scroll - Corey Cole II°
9: I Am - Suzie Vandenbussche II°
10: Can We Control the Power Brokers? - Jerry Reynolds II°
11: On Faith (!): A Setian Definition - Robertt Neilly III°
12: Egyptian Place Names - Alexandra Sarris III°
13: III° Recognition: Susan Wylie - R. Amn DeCecco IV°
#57, #VI-3, Jan 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.1: From the Guardians' Chair - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: Dare you Partake of The Dark Side?-Michael Aquino VI°
3: The Virtue in Vice, or Master Speaks! - Lynn Norton IV°
4: On the Value in Conclaves - Constance Moffatt III°
5: III° Recognitions: Roger Whitaker & Willie Browning
6: II° Recognition: Amber Shelley
7: Reflections - Robertt Neilly III°
8: Affirmation - Robert Moffatt III°
9: Exeunt: Schneider, Arbib, Furcean, Thomas, Reynolds
10: Soundness - Ricco Zappitelli III°
11: On Terminology - Corey Cole II°
12: Move Not, for the Place is Holy - Dennis Garrett I°#58, #VI-4, Mar 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: The Devil's Game - Susan Wylie III°
2: Letter: We Can't Print This - Tong N. Cheek
3: Letter: On Cole's “Terminology” - Amber Shelley II°
4: Letter: “Karmic Law” - Stephen Bushey III°
5: Response to Bushey Letter - Corey Cole II°
6: Do You Worship the Devil? - Ricco Zappitelli III°
7: Specialness - Anonymous I°/II°
8: Searching - Julie Stout I°
9: John Dee and Abra=Melin - Robert Menschel III°
10: Thoth Pylon Discusses Satanism - Ricco Zappitelli III°
11: Book Reviews by Grond - Dennis Mann II°
12: Comments: The White People - L. Dale Seago IV°
13: IV° Recognition: James Lewis - Ronald K. Barrett V°
14: Council of Nine Appointments
15: Readmitted: Colleen Huddleston II°, Marie Kelly II°
16: Inactive: DiBene, Bibee, Fritz, Sarris
17: III° Recognition: Corey Cole - Lilith Sinclair IV°
18: II° Recog.: Michael Reinhold-Constance Moffatt III°
19: Marriage: Amber Seago II° and L. Dale Seago IV°
20: No One Said It Would Be Easy - Timothy Barlow
21: Rite of the Near Sun and Far Space - Corey Cole III°
22: Feldenkraisian Xeper - Robert Menschel III°#59, #VI-5, May 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Magical Bridge - Susan Wylie III° & Ricco Zappitelli III°
2: Notes for New Members - L. Dale Seago IV°
3: Mini-Conclave Strikes Again - Suzie Vandenbussche II°
4: Atu XVIII: The Moon - Amber Seago II°
5: Exit: Alexandra Sarris
6: Interlude - R. Amn DeCecco IV°
7: From Crystal to Black - Robert Moffatt III°
8: Building a Magical Trapezoid - Lynn Norton IV°
9: The Eight Major Holidays - Susan Mitchell II°#60, #VI-6, Jul 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: AlXemical Definition of I° & II° - Ronald K. Barrett V°
2: Revised Qualifications for II° - Ronald K. Barrett V°
3: MetaMind is Reborn - Robertt Neilly III°
4: Exit: Ricco Zappitelli
5: Word of Magus Lynn Norton - Constance Moffatt III°
6: Council of Nine Report - Lilith Sinclair IV°
7: Required Reading for Setians I° - Ronald K. Barrett V°
8: Recommend Reading for Setians I°- Ronald K. Barrett V°
9: Overheard at the Set-III Conclave
10: Comments on Set-III Ritual - Corey Cole III°
11: Notes on the Book List
12: Onyx Tablet Ed.: Stephen Bushey III° - R.K. Barrett V°
13: Indulgence,Compulsion,Responsibility - Susan Wylie III°
14: A Two-Edged Sword - Amber Seago II°
15: Solstice on XemSet - Julie Stout I°
16: My Accoutrements - Lincoln Shaw I°
17: The Solstice Night - Susan Wylie III°#61, #VII-1, Sep 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Biography: L. Dale Seago IV° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: Exit: Clayton Dozier
3: MetaMind Movements - Robertt Neilly III°
4: Dark Star Lecture Service - Lilith Sinclair IV°
5: Letter to an Aspiring Magician - Roger Whitaker III°
6: A Two-Edged Sword, Part 2 - L. Dale Seago IV°
7: III° Recognition: Amber Seago - L. Dale Seago IV°
8: From Xons
9: The Meadow - Julie Stout I°
10: Tribute to Darkness - Constance Moffatt III°
11: Beetle TraXs - Robert Moffatt III°
12: A Concerted Singleness - Xons#62, #VII-2, Nov 1981 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: As Below, So Above - L. Dale Seago IV°
2: MetaMind Mini-Report - Robertt Neilly III°
3: Executive Director Annual Report- Constance Moffatt III°
4: Rite of the Undead Observed - Robert Moffatt III°
5: The Name is the Magician - Constance Moffatt III°
6: Æons, Words, Magical Terminologies - Robert Neilly III°
#63, #VII-3, Jan 1982 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.1: Beetle TraXs - Robert Moffatt III°
2: Michael Grumboski IV° Returns to Active Status
3: III°: C. Huddleston, M. Kelly - R. Amn DeCecco IV°
4: Robert Brink III° Appointed to Council of Nine#64, #VII-4, Aug 1982 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Xem & Per-t: Magic to Mysticism - Michael Aquino VI°
2: Marie Kelly III° Executive Director - Constance Moffatt III°
3: From the Office of the Chairman - James Lewis IV°
4: Lilith Sinclair IV° Appointed Treasurer
5: III° Recognitions: Suzie Vandenbussche & Dennis Mann
6: Overheard at the Set-IV Conclave
7: Colleen Huddleston III° Appointed to Council of Nine
8: The Æonic (V°) Words - Michael Aquino VI°
9: Constance Moffatt III° Appointed to Council of Nine
10: Exeunt: RKBarrett, Bushey, Norton, Cole, Folkler, Seagos
11: R. Amn DeCecco IV° Reappointed to Council of Nine
#65, #VIII-1, Feb 1983 - Robert Moffatt III° Ed.1: Biography: Marie Kelly III° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: [Revised] Crystal Tablet Mailed to all Members
3: Thelema - James Lewis IV°
4: Review: Myths of the Space Age - Robert Menschel III°
5: Aphorism - Victor Hugo
6: Notes from the High Priest - Michael Aquino VI°
7: Wewelsburg Working: Background - Michael Aquino VI°
8: The Wewelsburg Working - Michael Aquino VI°
9: The Castle - Julie Stout I°
10: The Jedi Order & the Temple of Set - Robertt Neilly IV°
11: From Tiphereth - Robert Moffatt III°
12: Review: Mal Occhio - Robert Menschel III°
13: Exit: Robert Brink
14: MetaMind R.O.D. Project Begins - Robertt Neilly III°
15: Computers and Magic - Robert Menschel III°#66, #VIII-2, May 1983- Robert Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Biography: Margaret Wendall IV° - Constance Moffatt III°
2: The Council of Nine - James Lewis IV°
3: Betty Ford III° is Temple Executive Director
4: The Hidden God - Roger Whitaker III°
5: Current Profile of the Temple - Michael Aquino VI°
6: Letter - Rudolph Garza I°
7: Useful Computer Programs - Robert Menschel III°
8: Can Pac-Man Survive? - Margaret Wendall IV°
9: IV° Recognition: Robert Moffatt - Michael Aquino VI°
10: II° Recognition: Julie Stout - Colleen Geske III°
11: Keeping Set-V in Mind#67, #IX-1, Aug 1983-Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Science of Divination - Michael Aquino VI°
2: Review: Legion - Michael Aquino VI°
3: Council of Nine Appointments
4: Notices
5: Editorial - Margaret Wendall IV°#68, #IX-2, Oct 1983-Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: The Shaolin Warrior - Rudolph Garza I°
2: The Hidden God - Roger Whitaker III°
3: Seeing the Æonic Forest - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Pylon Procedures
5: Review: Twilight Zone Companion - Roger Whitaker III°
6: Reading List Update#69, #IX-3, Dec 1983 - M. Wendall IV° Ed..
1: The Star of Bethlehem - Margaret Wendall IV°
2: Review: Foundation's Edge - Michael Aquino VI°
3: On Aquino Foundation's Edge Review - Isaac Asimov
4: The Tarot: A Synopsis - Robert Menschel III°
5: Yule be Glad to Know - Betty Ford III°
#70, #X-1, Feb 1984 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.1: A View of Numerology - Robert Menschel III°
2: Toxic - Julie Stout II°
3: Setian Kaleidoscope - William Butch III°
4: Red - Beth Wise
5: To Seekers of the Left-Hand Path - Constance Moffatt III°#71, #X-2, Apr 1984 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Tools for Life - Dennis Mann III°
2: Man is Dead - Amn DeCecco IV°
3: Orders Within the Temple of Set - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Linda Reynolds III° Re-enters Temple of Set
5: Membership Contacts
6: Views of an Initiate - Peggy Payne I°#72, #X-3, Jun 1984 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Beyond Time - Joshua Grossman I°
2: Rebels at the Other End - Julie Stout II°
3: Portable Rituals - Robertt Neilly III°
4: In Essence - Jim Grady I°
5: Memory and Memory - Margaret Wendall IV°#73, #X-4, Aug 1984 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Set-V Conclave Update - Glinda
2: II° Recog: O'Brien, Grady, S. Flowers - Betty Ford III°
3: Review: Amazing Hershell Lewis - Roger Whitaker III°
4: Tools for Life #2 - Dennis Mann III°#74, #X-5, Oct 1984 - Constance Moffatt III° Ed.
1: Set-V Conclave Report - Michael Aquino VI°
2: IV° Recognition: Robertt Neilly - Michael Aquino VI°
3: Reflections on Set-V - Constance Moffatt III°
4: You are the Scroll of Set - Constance Moffatt III°
5: III° Recognition: Stephen Flowers - Michael Aquino VI°
6: From the Chairman, Council of Nine - James Lewis IV°
7: Wedding at Set-V: Michael Krebbs II° & Sally Krebbs II°
8: Active Pylons: Set-Amentet, Dark Star, Bull of Ombos#75, #X-6, Dec 1984 - Michael AquinoVI° Ed.
1: Christmas Retrospective - Michael Aquino VI°
2: So What's Going on with the Scroll this Time?
3: Crystal Tablet Update - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Temple Profiled in Documentary - Michael Aquino VI°
5: Magical Mail-Order - Michael Aquino VI°
6: Review: Golden Dawn Magic - Michael Aquino VI°
7: Review: 2010 (film) - Michael Aquino VI°
#76, #XI-1&2, Feb 1985-Constance Moffatt III° Ed.1: Henry and Edward Revivified - Robert Neilly IV°
2: Editorial - Constance Moffatt III°
3: “Talkin' the Witchcraft Blues” - Demon O'Brien I°
4: The Third Rarest Creature - James Lewis IV°
5: Invocation to Satan - Ricky Charland I°
6: Set-Amentet Pylon Reactivates - Aime O'Brien II°
7: Pylon News: Dark Star, Set Amentet, Bull of Ombos
8: Invocations - Demon O'Brien I°
9: Describing the Indescribable - Mark Thornally I°
10: Review: Tao of Physics - Robert Menschel III°#77, #XI-3, Jun 1985 - Constance Moffatt III° Ed.
1: The Eye of the Beholder - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: A Tribute to Set - Clarence Bowers I°
3: Review: Emotions - Robert Menschel III°
4: Editorial - Constance Moffatt III°
5: Warning from the Outer Dark - William Butch III°
6: Review: Winning Hearts, Not Minds - Robert Menschel III°
7: To the Masters of the Temple - James Lewis IV°
8: The Mysterious Number Twenty-Two - Cindy Yeates II°#78, #XI-4, Aug 1985 - Lilith Sinclair IV° Ed.
1: Out of the Mouths of Babes - Lilith Sinclair IV°
2: Ritual of Set - Robert Robinson I°
3: Discovery of the Dark Actual Self - L. Darlene Johnson I°
4: Thoughts
5: Eye of the Beholder: Another View - Robert Menschel III°
6: Operant Gemology - Nancy Flowers II°#79, #XI-5A, Sep 1985 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Subjective/Objective Theory/Fact - Michael Ogle II°
2: Learning About Learning - Robert Robinson I°
3: The Book of Coming Forth by Night: Random Notes - Stephen Flowers III°
4: Movie Review: Return to Oz - Glinda#80, #XI-6, Oct 1985 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Commentary: Occult Experience - Michael Aquino VI°
2: Alien Visions - Mitchell Wade I°
3: Letter: Ogle Article - Nancy Flowers II°
4: Conclave! - Demon O'Brien II°
5: Working After-Thoughts - Robert Robinson I°#81, #XI-7, Dec 1985 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Arachne - Michael Ogle II°
2: Tarot Project Update - Roger Whitaker III°
3: Razor's Edge I: Magick and Skepticism - Michael Ogle II°
4: Unmentionable? - Roger Whitaker III°
#82, #XII-1, Feb 1986 - Robert Robinson II° Ed.1: Miu - Demon O'Brien II°
2: Truth and Theory - Robert Menschel III°
3: The Promise of Set - Robert Robinson II°
4: ECI - Nancy Flowers II°
5: Echoes from the North - Robertt Neilly IV°
6: Movie Review: Fright Night - Demon O'Brien II°
7: Seker/Sokaris - Robert Robinson II°
8: The Art of Seeming - Robert Robinson II°
9: The Eye of the Vortex - Michael Ogle II°#83, #XII-2, Mar 1986 - Robert Robinson II° Ed.
1: Editorial - Robert Robinson II°
2: The Abyss - Carol Roper I°
3: Initiation - Anonymous
4: The Greatest Tragedy of History - Robert Robinson II°
5: The Kaleidoscope that is Setian - William Butch III°
6: Soul Wind - Demon O'Brien II°
7: Fascination - Anonymous
8: The Long Walk - Mark Thornally II°
9: From the Gallows - Robert Robinson II°
10: Jungle Song - William Butch III°
11: A Trip to Mount Tamalpais - Michael Aquino VI°#84, #XII-3, Jun 1986 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Council of Nine - Michael Aquino VI°
2: IV° Recognition: Constance Moffatt- Michael Aquino VI°
3: Mitchell Wade III° Assumes Executive Directorship
4: More Like It! - Michael Aquino VI°
5: Igneus Nepthys, Regina Ineffabilis - Rick Mayer I°
6: The Lens of the Temple of Set - Michael Aquino VI°
7: Book Review: Serpent and Rainbow - Robert Zoller II°#85, #XII-4, Aug 1986 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Erotic Crystallization Inertia - Nancy Flowers II°
2: ECI Workings, Bull of Ombos Pylon - Nancy Flowers II°
3: Let Us Have Order to the II° - R. Amn DeCecco IV°
4: Council Confirms Executive Director - James Lewis IV°
5: Why is Xem Necessary? - Roger Whitaker III°#86, #XII-5, Oct 1986 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Shadow Over New Orleans - Michael Aquino VI°
2: Khem, Sekhem, & Sekhmet - Mitchell Wade III°
3: New Pylons: Gates of Hell, Ab Anpu, Antywey
4: III° Recognition: Nancy Flowers
5: Thunderstorms vs. Humidifiers - Jim Grady II°
6: Jeh - Nancy Flowers III°
7: Ruby Tablet Status Report - Michael Aquino VI°
8: Book Review: Equinox #III-10 - Michael Aquino VI°
9: Book Review: The Black Flame - Jim Grady II°
10: Alien - Julie Stout II°
11: Let's Make Some Heads 'n' Tails - Michael Aquino VI°#87, #XII-6, Dec 1986 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Biography: James Lewis V° - Constance Moffatt IV°
2: New Magus, New Word Within the Æon-James Lewis V°
3: Set-VII Recognitions: IV° C.Moffatt, S.Flowers;
II° Moreno, Gyori, Jantschik; R. Whitaker M.Tr
4: Pylon News: Set-Amentet Retired
5: Setian Thoughts on a First Conclave - Ruth Smith I°
6: Order of the Scarab Statement - Robert Moffatt IV°
7: Book Review: The Greater Trumps - Julie Stout II°
8: Let's Learn Martian - George Smith I°
9: From the Council Chairman - James Lewis V°
10: Overheard at the Conclave
11: Background on the Grail - Nancy Flowers III°
12: Review: Dark Shadows Scrapbook - Michael Aquino VI°
13: Editorial - Constance Moffatt IV°
14: Poetry - Nancy Flowers III°
15: Lambda - Jim Grady II°
16: Setian Filmography - John Gyori I° & Bull of Ombos
#88, #XIII-1, Feb 1987 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.1: The Return of the Son of Hamlet - Jim Grady II°
2: Theory on Origin of “Baphomet” - Stephen Flowers IV°
3: Poetry - Nancy Flowers III°
4: Book Review: The Greater Trumps - Robert Menschel III°
5: H.P.L. - William Farnsler I°
6: Review: Stranger in a Strange Land - George Smith I°
7: Editorial: Those Born of Setians - Constance Moffatt IV°
8: The Laughing God - Ruth Smith I°
9: Still/(B)/Earth - William Huber I°
10: The Beast - Burton Gillis II°
11: Proem: Queen of Hell - James Martin I°#89, #XIII-2, Apr 1987 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Exploring the Left-Hand Path - Burton Gillis III°
2: III° Recognition: Burton Gillis - Robertt Neilly IV°
3: II° Recognition: George Smith - Constance Moffatt IV°
4: The great Dragon Set? - George Smith II°
5: “The Laughing God”: Feedback - Robertt Neilly IV°
6: I Move - Ronald L. Barrett I°
7: “Ell Eigh” Has It All - Constance Moffatt IV°
8: The First of the Jeweled Tablets - Constance Moffatt IV°
9: Set-VIII and You - Robertt Neilly IV°
10: Book Recommendations - Ruth Smith I°
11: Lucid Dream Project - Gates of Hell Pylon
12: Fragment of the Black Rock- William Huber II°
13: Tarot and the Black Magician - Jim Grady II°
14: Zoroastrianism - Nancy Kleinman III°
15: Reviews: Countess Dracula,Vampyr - Dennis Mann III°#90, #XIII-3, Jun 1987 - Constance Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: To the Temple Priesthood - George & Ruth Smith II°
2: Response to Smith Letter (#1) - Robert Moffatt IV°
3: Response to Smith Letter (#2) - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Sacred Writings, Cows, Satanism - Michael Aquino VI°
5: More“Ell Eigh”-Constance&Robert Moffatt IV°
6: Who Said It Before Anton LaVey? - George Smith II°
7: Poetry - Leon Stevens I°
8: Poem - Nancy Flowers III°
9: Moon Vision - John Gyori II°#91, #XIII-4, Aug 1987-Robert&Constance Moffatt IV° Eds
1: Her Remanifestation & Xeper - Robert Moffatt IV°
2: Shetat - Lilith Aquino IV°
3: Recollections in Honor of Shetat - Robertt Neilly IV°
4: Satanic Ethics - Raymond Gregoire II°
5: II° Recognition: Gregoire - Colleen Whitaker III°
6: Conversation with a Super-Saint - Robert Moffatt IV°
7: Re Shetat: Neilly, Lewis, Wendall, Aquino, Reynolds
8: No Change in Scroll Ed. Billing - Robert Moffatt IV°
9: Book Review: The Norse Myths - Jim Grady II°
10: IV° Recognition: Robert Menschel - Michael Aquino VI°#92, #XIII-5, Sep 1987 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: A Tree in the North #1 - Michael Aquino VI°#93, #XIII-6, Oct 1987 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Janus: Set and Satan in the 1980s - Michael Aquino VI°
2: A Tree in the North #2 - Michael Aquino VI°
3: “Specialists in Satanic and Occult” - Michael Aquino VI°#94, #XIII-7, Nov 1987 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: A Tree in the North #3 - Michael Aquino VI°
2: The “Child-Abuse” Industry - Michael Aquino VI°
3: What is Going on at the Presidio? - Michael Aquino VI°#95, #XIII-8, Dec 1987 - Robert Moffatt IV° Ed.
1: Remanifestation: A Word Still Young - James Lewis V°
2: From the Chairman, Council of Nine - James Lewis V°
3: Ode to Trolls - James Chisholm II°
4: Film Review: Doctor Dracula - Nancy Flowers III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
5: New Executive Director (Nancy Flowers III°)
6: Those Dazzling New Cards
7: Set-IX Conclave (Toronto) News
8: A Tree in the North #4
#96, #XIV-1, Feb 1988 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.1: The Gifts of Set - Lawrence Evans I°
2: The Psychology of Godhood - George Smith II°
3: Readmissions: Robert Robinson III° & Marie Zajkowski II°
4: The First Artist - Waldemar Radtke I°
5: Turin, Italy Devil Symposium - Michael Aquino VI°
6: England: Black Magical Renaissance? - David Austen I°
7: Vampire Alert (Norine Dresser) - Lilith Aquino IV°
8: Molestation: Christian Perversion - Michael Aquino VI°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
9: A Tree in the North #5
10: On “The Gifts of Set”
11: On “The Psychology of Godhood”
12: National Satanic Bulletin Board System (NSBBS)
13: Priest Wade European Coordinator for the Temple#97, #XIV-2, Apr 1988 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Review: Overlords & Olympians - Robertt Neilly IV°
2: Black Magic: Reverse Entropy? - Martin Szalay I°
3: Set-IX Conclave Update - Robertt Neilly IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
4: On BHMs and ASSs
5: On Black Magic and Reverse Entropy
6: The Dark Side Rises Again
7: A Tree in the North #6
8: Grand Oprah [Winfrey]
9: Temple of Set Resources
10: Motor Magic#98, #XIV-3, Jun 1988 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: The Will - Shel Runar I°
2: In-Sight - Nikki Sixx I°
3: The Founding Fathers & YHVH
4: Radio Interview: San Diego - Robert Menschel IV°
5: Genetic Code and the Gift of Set - Ronald L. Barrett II°
6: Musical Time Machines - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
7: A Tree in the North #7
8: A Master Plan for the Æon of Set?
9: Book Review: Arthur Lyons' Satan Wants You#99, #XIV-4, Aug 1988 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Biography: Mitchell Wade III° - Robert Robinson III°
2: Congress to OK Witch Hunts? - The Upright Ostrich
3: Whatever Happened to Turin? - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Review: How Real is Real? - Shel Runar I°
5: Stoned Again: Stonehenge 1988 - Michael Aquino VI°
6: Letter: Diabolical Genetics - James Lewis V°
7: The U.S. Army and MindWar - Michael Aquino VI°
8: How I Found the Temple of Set - Roland Winkhart II°
9: Review: A Stainless Steel Rat is Born - Jim Grady II°
10: Adept Smith's “Psychology of Godhood”- Patty Hardy I°
11: Council of Nine News
12: Theological Observation - Charles Manson
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Big Bang Bust
14: Return to Middle-Earth
15: Set-XI Thoughts
16: Post-Mortem (Church of Satan) Priesthoods?
17: A Tree in the North #8
18: Review: Larry Kahaner's Cults That Kill#100, #XIV-5, Oct 1988 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: Personality Creation - Robert Robinson III°
2: NSBBS Temporarily Suspended
3: Review: Last Temptation of Christ - Michael Aquino VI°
4: Book Review: The 12th Planet - Waldemar Radtke II°
5: Greater Black Magic vs. “Channeling” - Julie Stout II°
6: Book Review: The Trial of Socrates - Jim Grady II°
7: How to Prepare for a Conclave - Robert Menschel IV°
8: Rameses II in Boston - Patty Hardy I°
9: Please Insert $10 for your Call to Cthulhu ...
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
10: Wonders Down Under
11: A Tree in the North #9
12: Geraldo!
13: Pre-Set-IX Musings#101, #XIV-6, Dec 1988 - Margaret Wendall IV° Ed.
1: Tools and Significance - Patty Hardy II°
2: Supply and Demand - Patty Hardy II°
3: Sirius: Star of Bethlehem - Margaret Wendall IV°
4: Xeper Through Indulgence - George Smith II°
5: Editorial - Margaret Wendall IV°
6: The Spanish Inquisition - Michael Aquino VI°
7: La-Bas Revealed? - Patrick Spriet II°
8: Where the Hell is Satan? - Lawrence Evans II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
9: Set-IX: Toronto by way of Jupiter
10: Geraldo Rivera “Satanism” Special
11: Book Review: Ted Schwarz' Satanism
12: Down Under - Up Top (Seattle visit)
#102, #XV-1, Feb 1989 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.1: Set-X Conclave Relocation - Michael A. Aquino VI°
2: “All of Them Witches” - Michael A. Aquino VI°
3: Set-X Returns to New Orleans - Michael A. Aquino VI°
4: T2=MSzII° - Martin Szalay II° - Michael A. Aquino VI°
5: Encounter in Killeen - Michael A. Aquino VI°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
6: A Tree in the North #10
7: Publication Roulette?
8: The Cloven Hoof Splits
9: Letter to ABC Television (Gideon Oliver)
10: Letter to Geraldo Rivera
11: Last-Minute Notes#103, #XV-2, Apr 1989 - Nancy Flowers III° Ed.
1: The Order of Leviathan: Regeneration - James Lewis VI°
2: On the Other Side - Peter Friedel I°
3: Horizonglass - Patty Hardy II°
4: Recognition - Don Webb II°
5: From the Other Ipsissimus - James Lewis VI°
6: Editorial - Nancy Flowers III°
7: Further Dealings of Dan - James Chisholm II°
8: Conference on Ritualistic Abuse - Robert Robinson III°
9: Working: Task of the Alchemist - Rip Reed II°
10: Poem - Linda Reynolds III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
11: Correspondence Bottleneck
12: Yet Another Geraldo Scam
13: Rivera Satanism Scam Exposed (Free Inquiry)
14: The Satanic Verses - Tony Parkin I°
15: Missa Niger: La Messe Noire
16: London Dungeon Funk
17: “Garden of Eden”..? - David Austen II°
18: Chaos Magick
19: German Translation: The Book of Coming Forth by Night -
Peter Friedel I°
20: Further Down There
21: Quest for Docre - Patrick Spriet II°
22: III° Recognitions: David Austen, Martin Szalay
23: Trip to England#104, #XV-3, Jun 1989 - Nancy Flowers III° Ed.
1: For Better or Verse - Steven Silvers I°
2: MetaMind News - Robertt Neilly IV°
3: The Gates of Hell Pylon - Lawrence Evans II°
4: Existence - Jennifer Rush II°
5: Slaying Apep - Don Webb I°
6: Solstice Night - Patty Hardy II°
7: Understanding Through Meditation - Mark Martin I°
8: Lapis Exilis - Nancy Flowers III°
9: The Tradition Continues - Robertt Neilly IV°
10: Egypt and Reincarnation - Stephen Flowers IV°
11: Poem - Thomas Ozier I°
12: First Gift - Elana Thompson I°
13: Antewey Walpurgisnacht - Todd Hembry I°& Rip Reed II°
14: Walpurgisnacht - Brian Zimmer I°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
15: And They Call Us Weird?
16: A Tree in the North #11
17: Enter Lyndon LaRouche
18: Dennis Wheatley, Anyone?
19: Commentary on All of This
20: Reviews: Satan Wants You (paperback), Beyond Supernature, American Vampires, Psychic Warfare, Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance#105, #XV-4, Aug 1989 - Nancy Flowers III° Ed.
1: Dark Knight - Linda Reynolds III°
2: Ode to the Dark Magi - Curt Rowlett II°
3: A Hero's Working - Timothy McGranahan I°
4: Truth - Karen Revay I°
5: The Law of Antimony - Martin Szalay III°
6: Away - Kathleen Kempker II°
7: Poem - Jennifer Busby I°
8: “Awareness of Destiny” - Rebecca Lance III°
9: Invocation - Peter Friedel II°
10: Get Lost! - Patty Hardy II°
11: Fallen (A Satanic Lullaby) - Rebecca Lance III°
12: News from Germany - Roland Winkhart III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Who Defines Satanism?
14 United Kingdom Update
15: Satanism is Alibi for Criminals - Clark Morphew
16: On the Wewelsburg - John Lee I°
17: Gnosis on Satanism
18: Way Down Yonder in New Orleans#106, #XV-5, Oct 1989 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Set-X - Linda Reynolds IV° and Stephen Flowers IV°
2: Mark 6:14-29, Matthew 14:1-12 - Don Webb II°
3: Overheard at the Set-X Conclave - Ruth Nielsen II°
4: Open Letter to All Setians - Robert Menschel IV°
5: Satan's Disciple? - Adam Campbell I°
6: Invocation - Andrew Nourse I°
7: Incense for a Wedding - Ruth Nielsen II°
8: Majesty VIII - William Farnsler II°
9: Work - Jennifer Busby I°
10: Order of the Python - Linda Reynolds&Nancy FlowersIV°
11: On Symbolism and Meaning - Ronald L. Barrett III°
12: Set-X - Don Webb II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Set-X After-Musings
14: The Black Mass - An October Meditation
15: Book Review: Anton LaVey's The Satanic Witch
16: Film Review: Batman: Film Noir for the Kali Yuga
17: Matamoros Retrospective#107, #XV-6, Dec 1989 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Black Magic and Astral Projection - Adam Campbell I°
2: She - Elizabeth Reynolds II°
3: Poem - Jennifer Busby I°
4: Magical Warm-Ups - Brian Zimmer II°
5: Dark Star - Pete Fox I°
6: Blindness by Faith - Darrell Gilliam I°
7: Observations of a Stage Hypnotist - Kevin Grise I°
8: Change - William Farnsler II°
9: Response to Priest Barrett's Commentary - Rip Reed II°
10: Twilight - Patty Hardy III°
11: The Heavenly Host 300 BCE - Margaret Wendall IV°
12: My Heart Has Rooms - William Butch III°
13: Editorial - Nancy Flowers IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
14: The Transformation of Mitchell Wade
15: The Secrets of Life and Death IV
16: A Tree in the North #12
17: FBI Issues New Report on Satanism
18: CSER's Satanism in America
19: My Favorite Crowley
#108, #XVI-1, Feb 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.1: Æon and Self - Don Webb II°
2: Reach Out! - Andrew Nourse I°
3: Order of Shuti Workshop - Robert Menschel IV°
4: Sun Set - C. Joseph Berkey I°
5: MetaMind XXIV: Report - Robertt Neilly IV°
6: Eye of the Skull - William Pridgen I°
7: Come Into Being - Denise Willey II°
8: Das Tierdrama: A Setian Perspective - Patty Hardy III°
9: Notice to All Australian Initiates - Adam Campbell II°
10: The Friday the 13th Working - Elana Thompson I°
11: Paths to the Path - James Knowles I°
12: Set and Satan: Commentary - Shane Egan I°
13: The Angles of Set - Adam Campbell I°
14: Nomen - William Farnsler II°
15: Questions - Heather Snow II°
16: Set-XI - Lilith Aquino IV°
17: Protocol - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
18: The Æon of Set: Silver Anniversary#109, #XVI-2, Apr 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Natural vs. Non-Natural Religion - Stephen Flowers IV°
2: The Ascent of the Serpent - Clifton Bennett I°
3: Book Review: Ayn Rand Lexicon - Roland Winkhart III°
4: Initiation - Brian Zimmer II°
5: Jungian Workshop - Rebecca Lance III°
6: A Ship Afar - Don Webb II°
7: A Setian Manifesto - Eulit Hinson I°
8: Ever Nearer - Shane Egan I°
9: Hemispheric Synchronization - Rebecca Lance III°
10: The Mass of Haborym - William Pridgen I°
11: Letter: “Awareness of Destiny” - James Knowles I°
12: Shadow Over Westminster - Patty Hardy III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: “Tidying Up”
14: III° Recognitions: Peter Friedel and Julian Clark
15: Freethought Today#110, #XVI-3, Jun 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Elephant Feathers - Ronald L. Barrett III°
2: Shadow Demon - James Knowles I°
3: I Am, but I'm Not - Marilynn Labban I°
4: The Roots of Walpurgisnacht - Stephen Flowers IV°
5: The British Vampire - David Austen III°
6: Reflections on a Working - Elizabeth Reynolds II°
7: “Church of the Awakening”
8: Work - James Knowles I°
9: What Whispers and Roars? - Don Webb II°.
10: Gates of Albion Pylon Outing - Julian Clark III°
11: Trapezium House: Magical Design? - Peter Lima I°
12: Pylon Highlights: Antywey, Gates of Albion, Bifrost, Black Diamond, Bull of Ombos, Canis Prometheus, Gates of Hell, Kaliyuga, Mut
13: Fire and Ice - Stephen Flowers IV°
14: The Children - Rebecca Lance III° and Rip Reed II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
15: Sammy Davis, Jr. - Warlock II°
16: S.F.P.D. Developments
17: The Aristos of the Æon of Set: Of Fowles and Ferraris#111, #XVI-4, Aug 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Earmarks of Authenticity - Don Webb II°
2: Senseless - Heather Snow II°
3: Truth, Validity, & the Logical Setian- Kendal Chandler I°
4: Set in Hawaii: 1000 BCE - Kerry Bolton I°
5: In the Chamber - William Van Patten II°
6: Sophrosyne - Patty Hardy III°
7: Dragons Through the Ages - Pam Clark II°
8: Evaluating Subjective Experience - Brian Zimmer II°
9: Child of the Sleeping World - Arnold Watson I°
10: Book Review: Fevre Dream - Karen Revay I°
11: Book Review: Gods of Heaven and Earth - James Sass I°
12: Book Review: Necklace of Blood - Rosemary Webb I°
13: The Hounds, the Thief, and the Myth of the Impenetrable Fortress - William Farnsler II°
14: Nethermost Point - Dino Tsiribas I°
15: The Magical Lifestyle - Bill Dundon I°
16: Editorial - Nancy Flowers IV°
17: Set-XI News
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
18: V° Recognition: Stephen Flowers
19: Runa - Stephen Flowers V°
20: Æonic Words: Towards Telos
21: Words Fail Me (Sammy Davis, Jr.)#112, #XVI-V, Oct 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Runa and the Formula of the Æon - Stephen Flowers V°
2: Field of Dreams - William Farnsler II°
3: Direction of Influence - Raymond Brunner I°
4: Eight Comments on Magic - Christopher Gutierrez II°
5: The Portal - Anthony Pizzini I°
6: The “Flight Simulator” for MetaMind - Stephen King I°
7: Melek Taus Pylon-Brian Zimmer&Elizabeth Reynolds II°
8: Alone in the Night - Adam Campbell II°
9: Publication, Poetry, and the Setian - Brian Zimmer II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
10: Thoughts for All Hallows XXV
11: Review: John Romer's Testament (book and TV series)
12: Book Review: Secret Life of a Satanist
13: Book Review: Flaky Paint: Painted Black#113, #XVI-6, Dec 1990 - Nancy Flowers IV° Ed.
1: Astrology and the Æon of Set - Ruth Nielsen II°
2: The Door - Patty Hardy III°
3: Overheard at Conclave - Ruth Nielsen II°
4: The Sensuous and the Cerebral - Rosemary Webb I°
5: Secret Diary of a Conclave “Virgin” - Julian Clark III°
6: Set-XI - Don Webb III°
7: Ritual Workshop: “Das Tierdrama” - Stephen Flowers V°
8: Flames Leap Up From Down Under: Infernus Pylon
9: Commentary: “Direction of Influence”- James Knowles I°
10: Commentary: “Direction of Influence” - Patty Hardy III°
11: Set-XI International Conclave - Cinda Seaton I°
12: Editorial - Nancy Flowers IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Set-XI Afterthoughts
#114, #XVII-1, Feb 1991 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.1: Occult Themes in the Lovecraft Mythos - Patty Hardy III°
2: Honest, Judge, the Devil ...
3: The Occult Institute of Technology - Roger Whitaker HS
4: Review: Foucault's Pendulum - Michael Aquino VI°
5: How to Tie-Dye a Pentagram - Andrew Nourse I°
6: The Sacred Oak - Rebecca Lance III°
7: The Return of Dark Shadows - Michael Aquino VI°
8: Literature and “Satanic Crime” - Don Webb III°
9: Excuse Me? (Bush, Hussein, and the Devil)
10: Gallant's Unit Disbanded - San Francisco Examiner
11: Apeti Pylon Formed - James Johnson II°
12: Ba-neb-Tett Pylon Formed - William Pridgen II°
13: Freedom Found - Arnold Watson II°
14: Merlin - David Austen IV°
15: Crystal Tablet Updates
16: Nameless Rites, etc. - Lilith Aquino IV°
17: Order of the Vampyre Alert - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
18: The War
19: Paint Remover (Raschke book developments)
20: “Faith” and the Setian Religion
21: Letter from Zeena [LaVey] 12/30/1990#115, #XVII-2, Apr 1991 - Michael Aquino VI° Ed.
1: I Think, Therefore ... - Lilith Aquino IV°
2: When the Stars Come Right Again - Patty Hardy III°
3: Dream Time - David Hohl I°
4: Astral Projection Revisited - Brian Zimmer III°
5: Georgia-I Regional Conclave Report - Curtis Rowlett III°
6: Rites of Passage in Initiation - Ronald L. Barrett III°
7: Meeting Place - Patty Hardy III°
8: MehenPetTha - Don Webb III°
9: The Nyarlathotep Pylon - John Felczak II°#116, #XVII-3, Jun 1991 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Poem - James Johnson II°
2: On the Æthyrs - Daniel Ayres II°
3: Invocation - Charles Lamkin I°
4: Carpathians in Beverly Hills? - James Johnson II°
5: Dark Grace - Cinda Seaton II°
6: The Power of Becoming - Cinda Seaton II°
7: An Electrifying Pentagram - Elizabeth Reynolds II°
8: Set - Don Webb III°
9: How to Read a Book - Rosemary Webb II°
10: The Pickman Codex (Part 1) - David Hohl I°
11: Socratic Wrestlemania
12: Palaces of Memory - Ronald L. Barrett III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Interview with the Founder of the Church of Satan
14: Europeans Primed for New Age - Don Lattin
15: Commentary [on Lattin article]#117, #XVII-4, Aug 1991 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Gift of Set & the Elect - Charles Lamkin II°
2: A Working in the Garden of Eden - Rebecca Lance III°
3: Radio 666 - Timothy McGranahan II°
4: Recognitions: IV° R.Robinson, Winkhart; III° Rivera
5: Method to Our Madness - Heather Lee Snow II°
6: Artwork Defined - Ray Gibson I°
7: Whispers in the Dark - Eulit M. Hinson II°
8: I Am That I Am - Charles Lamkin II°
9: The Editorial Arena
10: Some Ways to Know When Conclave is Near
11: The Thirst - Arnold Watson II°
12: The House of Many Doors - Paul McAtee II°
13: Morality, Ethics, & Aesthetics - Adam Campbell II°
14: The Dream Jackal - Adam Campbell II°
15: Operant Magic of Runa - Don Webb III°#118, #XVII-5, Oct 1991 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Ed.'s Notes
2: A Jackal Emerges in Europe - Ross Thomas II°
3: Almost Outside, Looking In - Robertt Neilly IV°
4: The Abyss - Darrell Gilliam II°
5: The Next Step - Darrell Gilliam II°
6: Stupid Sports Corner
7: New Testament Authorship - Waldemar Radtke II°
8: A School for Vampyres - Robert Robinson IV°
9: Lilith Awakening - Eulit Hinson II°
10: The Editorial Arena: Letters re “Satanic Imagery”
11: To Help Create a Group Working - Rosemary Webb II°
12: Draconis Pylon Ritual - Ruth Nielsen III°
13: Letter to an Adept - Don Webb III°
14: Into the Lens - John Sullivan II°
15: The Semantics of Æonic Words - Kevin Filan I°
16: Self-Generation of Essence of Set - James Severson I°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
17: Set-XII
18: Truzzi/Lyons Enterprise
19: “A Scout is Reverent”
20: “Satanism” and Satanism
21: Crowley on Xeper
22: The Anton LaVey “Legend”#119, #XVII-6, Dec 1991 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: I'm Dreaming of a Black Solstice - Don Webb III°
2: Ruby Tablet Status Report - Robert Menschel IV°
3: Comment to Priest Don Webb - Carla Kelly I°
4: Pylon Reports: Asmodeus, Gates of Hell, Luciferian
5: Apply Yourself to Setian Standard - Robert Menschel IV°
6: Leviathan in San Francisco - James Lewis VI°
7: Editorial Arena
8: When the Night has Come - Diane Russell I°
9: The Call - Tammy Hilburn I°
10: What are the Elect? - James Severson II°
11: Tonally Angular Compositions - Roger Whitaker HS
12: Set-XII Conclave - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
13: Fore- and Afterwords
14: Give Me That Old-Time Religion - Richard Noll
#120, #XVIII-1, Feb 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: Pathworkings and the Appearance of Set- Kerry Bolton II°
2: To Go Backwards - Tony Pizzini I°
3: What Does it Mean to be Elect? - James Severson II°
4: An ECI Working - Justin Kaan I°
5: Neuro-Linguistic Programming - John Felczak III°
6: Announcement: Tex-Set I - Larry Evans III°
7: 2nd Midwest Conference Announcement
8: Order of the Python - Linda Reynolds&Nancy Kleinman IV°
9: Serpent Through the Hill of Dreams- Order of the Python
10: Berkaial the Bat - Carmel Hind I°
11: Editorial Arena: If Majority Walked the LHP? -
James Knowles I°, Mace Anton I°, Robert Pitts I°
12: The Pilgrimage of Fire - Eulit Hinson II°
13: The Coming of Lilith - Religion and Sexism
14: Initiation - Eve Martin I°
15: Aroma Therapy: Temple of Set Style - Ruth Nielsen III°
16: Saturn Rising - Eulit Hinson II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
17: Æons
18: Church of Satan Revision#121, #XVIII-2, Apr 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Masques of Initiation - Robert Robinson IV°
2: Black Phoenix Pylon-Don Webb III° & Arnold Watson II°
3: Transformation - James Knowles I°
4: Gates of Hell Chicago Conference -
Darrell Gilliam II° & Timothy McGranahan II°
5: Book Review: Great Mambo Chicken & the Transhuman Condition - Patty Hardy III°
6: Editorial Arena: Power or Immortality More Important?
7: A Spell of Satisfaction - Eve Martin I°
8: Religion and the Self: A Letter - Patty Hardy III°
9: The Lurkers at the Threshold - Dennis Mann III°
10: When a Dæmon Weeps - James Knowles I°
11: Flame of Darkness - Ronnie Smith I°
12: Initiatory Ritual - Vesa Iitti I°
13: The Black Meditation - James Severson II°
14: Everybody Up Against the Wall! - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
15: My Last Three Books
16: MCI-Mail Introduces Local Numbers Worldwide
17: Glinda Goes to the Dogs (Maybe)#122, #XVIII-3, Jun 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Executive Director Address Change
2: Xeper and Transformation - Dennis Mann III°
3: Operant Magic of Runa II - Don Webb III°
4: Inter-Communication Roster
5: Starry Wisdom Church to be Saved - Don Webb III°
6: Recording Rituals - Carmel Hind II°
7: Editorial Arena: “Why go public as a Setian?”
8: Fight Fire with Fire, Stiffness with ...
9: Thirsty? - James Knowles I°
10: For Set, With Love - Hubert Dirksz I°
11: Affirmation of Faith - Sam Giancana
12: Don't Forget the Library - John Syphrit I°
13: Nosferatu - James Severson II°
14: Political Thinking Discussion - Bull of Ombos Pylon
15: Set-XIII - Lilith Aquino IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
16: Madness Accompanied by Drums
17: Film Review: The Resurrected
18: Abortion
19: Church of Satan Revision (Ctd.)
20: Glinda
21: Secret of the Lost Ark (introduction to enclosure)#123, #XVIII-4, Aug 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Notes from the Editor
2: King Vampire - William Butch III°
3: Releasing the Child Within - Danielle McGranahan II°
4: The Key to Transformation - Eulit Hinson II°
5: Mulling Over Chi Kung - John Syphrit I°
6: Practice of Birthday Poetry - Don Webb III°
7: Atu of the Universe/Atu of the Temple - Bret Cagle II°
8: Incense for Dark Rites - Ruth Nielsen III°
10: The Spoken Word - Paul Hulebak II°
11: Editorial Arena: “Why go public as a Setian?”
12: A Happening at Sun-Moon Lake - James Severson II°
13: G[urdjieff] and Us - Don Webb III°
14: Anti-Will - Robert Freriks II°#124, #XVIII-5, Oct 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: A Few Words from the Editor.
2: Salem Witch Rite - Don Webb III°
3: On Envy & Competition between Setians - Vesa Iitti II°
4: “Click!” - Nino Wächter I°
5: The Law of Isn't - Maharani Parivarta I°
6: After Alhazred - Don Webb III°
7: The Mystery of Darkness - Ruth Nielsen III°
8: The Sonoran Priest - Unknown
9: Heathcliff Returns - Eve Taggart I°
10: Martial Arts & the Setian - Robert Freriks II°
11: Puzzling it Out - Don Webb III°
12: Behemoth Working - Ruth Nielsen III°
13: International Working: Transformation - Carmel Hind II° & Jennifer Hunter II°
14: GBM with Magical Circle & Triangle - Bret Cagle II°
15: A Mathematical Equation - Chad Miller I°
16: Choronzon - Friend or Foe? - Bret Cagle II°
17: Khem - Eulit Hinson II°
18: Pandora's Box - “Sekhmet” II°
19: Creation of Familiar Spirits - Bret Cagle II°
20: Editorial Comment
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
21: The Church of Satan (3rd Edition)
22: By-Laws Revision
23: Dress Standards
24: The Temple of Set and the O.T.O
25: Is the Temple of Set Pagan?
26: From a Letter to a Friend - Albert Camus
27: Salem's Lot#125, #XVIII-6, Dec 1992 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Set-XIII: Antiqua et Moderna - James Lewis VI°
2: Drosophila - Ronald L. Barrett III°
3: Betrayed Heritage - Guile Relic I°
4: Letter to the High Priest - Patty Hardy IV°
5: In Hoc Signo - Don Webb III°
6: 12th House Arts & Publishing- Ruth Nielsen III°
7: Cult Survivor Confesses All! - Tony Pizzini II°
8: Pondering Pandora - John Syphrit I°
9: Overheard at Conclave
10: Mail-Order Now! - Kalevala Pylon
11: A Few Words from the Editor.
12: 'Twas the Night Before Something - Larry Evans III°
13: Initiates/NonInitiates Understanding - Nino Wächter II°
14: Hellraiser & Wirehead Projects -
John Felczak III° & Patty Hardy IV°
15: Rite of Setian Passage - Ruth Nielsen III°
16: Xem - Robert Menschel IV°
17: “Satanic” Evolution of the Peace Symbol
18: Letter to New Adepts - Don Webb III°
#126, #XIX-1, Feb 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: Questions of Life in Death - Don Webb III°
2: Practice Makes Xeper - James Meagher I°
3: “To London - Among Teaming Millions” - James Lewis VI°
4: The Stars are Right Again! - Timothy McGranahan III°
5: Setian Meditation, or Robbing Temples - Kevin Filan I°
6: Beetle Dreaming - Bret Cagle II°
7: The New Year - James Johnson II°
8: The Devil's Pass - William Pridgen II°
9: Xeper and Camelot - Eve Martin II°
10: A Friendly First Encounter - James Knowles II°
11: To Death a Name - Guile Relic I°
12: Arachne's Aphorisms for Wiccans - David Cohen I°
13: From Deep Dendo - Don Webb III°
14: The Noumena of Darkness - Jeffrey Waldmann II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
15: ÆS Working II
16: Kung Fu Returns#127, #XIX-2, Apr 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: De Nox Portæ - Cinda Seaton II°
2: The Elder Pharos - Don Webb III°
3: Trafficking in Tigers, Rhinos - Anita Manning
4: A Galaxy Becoming - Marie Buckner I°
5: The Myth of Karma - Kevin Filan II°
6: Role Models, Runa, and the Limit - Don Webb III°
7: LBM Combat - Paul Hulebak II°
8: Musings on a Poem - Paul Hulebak II°
9: Recognitions: II° Duce, Graeb, Lair
10: Iku-Turso: A Sampling - Robertt Neilly IV°
11: Comments on ÆS Working II - Robertt Neilly IV°
12: You Know You're a Setian When ...
13: Solomon & Eastern Quarter Dæmons- Margot Nation I°
14: Suggestions of Madness in Khemnu - Bret Cagle II°
15: Ontology & the Setian Philosophy - Paul McAtee III°
16: The Beatitudes of Baphomet - Bret Cagle II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
17: Pylons
18: Glinda#128, #XIX-3, Jun 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Editorial
2: Vision - Cinda Seaton II°
3: The Atu of the Æon Exalted in Set - Bret Cagle II°
4: Book Review: Coming into the Light -James Knowles II°
5: 3rd Annual Midwest Conference- Danielle McGranahan II°
6: The Return of Slumber - Don Webb III°
7: Written on a Persea Leaf - Don Webb III°
8: II° Recognitions: Bell, Karppinen, Finegan, Came, Graeb, Anton, Knowles, Lair, Parivarta, Buckner, Hagman, McLir
9: The Eleventh Hour of the Night - Linda Reynolds IV°
10: A Setian Reliquary - Linda Reynolds IV°
11: Lifetimes - Jennifer Rush-Hunter II°
12: The Awakening - Adam Campbell II°
13: Sepulchritude and the Sixth Angle - Col-lea Lane II°
14: The Sacrifice of a Dark Soul - Adam Campbell II°
15: Better Late Than Never - Carmel Hind II°
16: Oath-Taking - Brian Zimmer III°#129, #XIX-4, Aug 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Stone Adage - Amn DeCecco IV°
2: II° Recognitions: Meagher, K. Brogdon, Youril, Ostertag
3: Setamorphic Alchemy - Patrick Skelton II°
4: War Cry to Defend the Soul - Nino Wächter II°
5: Ideas from Jung - Linda Reynolds IV°
6: The Extinction of the Hierophants - Bret Cagle II°
7: A Walk in the Park with Set - H.J. Mowry I°
8: Arriving in Bethlehem - James Lewis VI°
9: Protocol and Me - Don Webb III°
10: Method Magic - John Youril II°
11: Hieroglyph 4 - John Youril II°
12: Magical Names: Initiatory Tools - Ruth Nielsen III°
13: The Order of Anpu - Linda Reynolds IV°
14: One Less Headache ... Maybe - Tony Pizzini II°
15: Thought and Thought-Upon - Jennifer Rush-Hunter II°
16: Effective Arcanum - Don Webb III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
17: “Occultism”
18: Role of the Scroll
19: Scroll Back-Issues
20: Reading List Notes
21: First Amendment Shame#130, #XIX-5, Oct 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: A Song for the Autumnal Equinox - Col-lea Lane II°
2: Recognitions: IV° D. Webb, Zimmer; III° R. Webb, Severson, Hind, Rush-Hunter; II° Dereks, Sims, Martin, Jackson, Cotton.
3: Life, Death, and Life-in-Death - Charles Lamkin II°
4: Concerning Ritual - Don Webb IV°
5: More Fiction from Don Webb - Don Webb IV°
6: “The Secret of Magic ...”
7: Xem: The Next Generation - John Youril II°
8: Some Thoughts on Pylons - Ruth Nielsen III°
9: Hieroglyph 43 - John Youril II°
10: Martial Arts and the Black Magician - Ian Adams I°
11: The Will to Xeper - Sterling Scarborough I°
12: Personal Perspective on Set-XIV - Rosemary Webb III°
13: Overheard at Conclave
14: Phœnix - Elana Thompson
15: Eternal Rhyme - Sterling Scarborough I°
16: Only we Know - Don Webb IV°#131, #XIX-6, Dec 1993 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Executive Director Announcements - Linda Reynolds IV°
2: Scroll Appointment: J.Johnson II° - Linda Reynolds IV°
3: Lords of the Left-Hand Path - Stephen Flowers V°
4: Solstice Greetings - Mut Pylon
5: Exploring Critical Thinking - Rosemary Webb III°
6: Xem Pylon Proposal - Robert Menschel IV°
7: Xem: A Creation - John Youril II°
8: Time to Live, No Time to Die - Quintin Phillips I°
9: Limited Infinity? - Dana Sims II°
10: Recollection - Jennifer Rush-Hunter III°
11: The Art of Hearing Color - Justin Hunter I°
12: The Birth of a Pylon! (Hlidhskjalf) - Nancy Brown IV°
13: Trapezoidal News - Don Webb IV°
14: News from Germany - Roland Winkhart IV°
15: Fictive Arcanum - Don Webb IV°
16: Hieroglyph 39 - John Youril II°
17: Uncle Setnakt Says - Don Webb IV°
18: Are there Bats in your Attic? - Sterling Scarborough I°
19: Nocticula's Song - Sterling Scarborough I°
20: Georgia-II - Seam Drakon II°
21: Dark Declaration in Denver - Heather Snow II°
22: Statuary & Videotapes - Maharani Parivarta II°
23: Midwest Regional Conference - James Severson III°
24: Will re Xeper & Remanifest - James Meagher II°
25: Anti-Dogmatic Dogma - Pamela Hagman II°
26: Of Balance and Balance - James Knowles II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
27: Books: Secret of the Golden Flower, Raising Hell, At the Heart of Darkness, Lords of the Left-Hand Path
28: Scroll of Set Reprint Project
29: Dates and Magic/Magick
30: What Really Happened? Who Cares?
#132, #XX-1, Feb 1994 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: The Annual Midwest Conclave - James Severson III°
2: From the Executive Director - Linda Reynolds IV°
3: Nine Angles Workshop Transcripts - Rebecca Lance III°
4: II° Recognition: D. Andrus - Don Webb IV°
5: The Setian Reliquary - Linda Reynolds IV°
6: Folkvangr Pylon - Elana Thompson II°
7: The Runes - Don Webb IV°
8: Australia-I - Jennifer Rush-Hunter III°
9: Invocations to Shub Internet - Scott Locklin I°
10: Chu-Ba-Ka - Col-lea Lane II°
11: Look! Open Your Eyes! - H.J. Mowry II°
12: Wolf Education Center - Sterling Scarborough II°
13: Challenge from the Black Tiger - James Knowles II°
14: Mamariga-Weddin' - Jennifer Rush-Hunter III°
15: Volume Novena - Timothy McGranahan III°
16: Forever Look Upon my Bliss - Sterling Scarborough I°
17: She - Kim Ledbetter II°
18: The Internet and You - Don Webb IV°
19: On “Dæmonology in Æon of Set”- Richard LeRiche III°
20: A Setian View of Demonology - Trevor Thomas II°
21: The Magician as Writer - Marie Buckner II°
22: Points of the Pentagram/Life Points - Larry Evans III°
23: Xem: Another Aspect - James Knowles II°
24: Aboriginal Becoming - Jennifer Rush-Hunter III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
25: Ghosts from the Negative Green
26: Newspeak#133, #XX-2, Apr 1994 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Burnt Offerings - Ronald L. Barrett III°
2: Riddle of the Past - Sabine Mueller I°
3: Xem: A Reemergence - John Youril II°
4: Recognitions: III° Drakon, Watson; II° Haddad, Davison, Smith, Breason
5: Story of the Lazy Magician - Quintin Hedges-Phillips I°
6: Honor thy Messenger - Jerry Reynolds
7: To my Beloved - Sterling Scarborough I°
8: “Sabbath of the Zeppelins” in Asimov's - Don Webb IV°
9: An Egyptian Lexicon - Don Webb IV°
10: A Modest Proposal - Don Webb IV°
11: No New Name for U.S. 666
12: From The Tomb of Ligeia - Tony Pizzini II°
13: Do you “Belong to” the Temple of Set?- H.J. Mowry II°
14: Silver Burns - Thomas O'Connor I°
15: Things Seen in Fire - William Farnes I°#134, #XX-3, Jun 1994 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Xem is Dead - Ronald L. Barrett III°
2: 4th Annual Midwest Conclave - James Severson III°
3: Overheard at the Conclave
4: The D.C. Trek - James Lewis VI°
5: So You Want to Found a Pylon?- Don Webb IV°
6: The Hymn of Dead Names - Michael Kelly II°
7: “The Evil Miracle” - Don Webb IV°
8: In Praise of Eclecticism - Patrick Skelton II°
9: The Word of Sin - Michael Kelly I°
10: The Rape of Egypt - Marie Buckner II°
11: Vampyric Alchemy - Kurt Kalivoda II°
12: H.P. Lovecraft & the Left-Hand Path - Dennis Stevens I°
13: Listen to This - Tony Pizzini II°
14: Important Transcripts Available - Rebecca Lance III°
15: Recognitions: II° H. & Q. Hedges-Phillips, O'Connor, Furcean, Wise, Scarborough, Smith, Silver
16: Ancient Egyptian Road
17: Life on Olympus - Don Webb IV°
18: Invisible Ink - Don Webb IV°
19: New Manuscript Available - Michael Kelly II°
20: Attention All Artists! - Heather Snow II°
21: The Curse of a Satanic Priest - Larry Evans III°
22: Pain is a Virtue - David Cohen II°
23: The Mystical Life - David Furcean II°
24: Requiem - Jennifer Rush-Hunter III°
25: A Thought on Nietzsche - Matthew Mitchem I°
26: The ABCs of Black Magic- William Pridgen II°
27: Storm - Ann Ross II°
28: The Scarab - Jared Davison II°
29: The Chakras (Centers of Chaos) - Carmel Severson III°
30: Be Not Presumptuous - James Knowles II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
31: “That Word” (Xem)
32: Conclaves#135, #XX-4, Aug 1994 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Xem is Dead - Robert Menschel IV°
2: Gates of Hell Pylon Update - Carmel Severson III°
3: Georgia-III - Seam Drakon III°
4: Black in Black with Ruby Eyes - Sterling Scarborough II°
5: “A Certain Madness” - Maharani Parivarta II°
6: The Last Hieroglyph - Rosemary Webb III°
7: Vox Runica Corvorum - Stephen Flowers V°
8: Expectations - Robert Menschel IV°
9: Recognitions: III° D. McGranahan; II° Poeppey-Del Rio, Parivarta, Reynolds, Cartier
10: The Retroactive Enchantment - Thomas O'Connor II°
11: Inferno Finale - Aaron Besson I°
12: On Being and Bovines - Ronald L. Barrett III°
13: The Dune Series - Brian Hodges I°
14: Review: Satan, Cantor & Infinity - James Knowles II°
15: Letter to the New Initiate - Pamela Hagman II°
16: Avoiding the Evolutionary Dead-Ends - Jared Davison II°
17: Red Magus & the Priesthood of Set - Seam Drakon III°
18: Thought for the Day - James Knowles II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
19: Blood Lust (Book Review: The New Satanists)#136, #XX-5, Nov 1994 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Set-XV: The First European Conclave - James Lewis VI°
2: Set is Mighty: An Interview - Don Webb IV°
3: An Entrance and Not a Barrier - Patty Hardy IV°
4: Recognitions: III° Pridgen; II° Polite, Gullvang, Mueller, Lake, Wild, Sbrockey, C. Brogdon
5: Who am I? - Sabine Mueller II°
6: Proclaiming the Heb-Sed - Don Webb IV°
7: Sentinels' Element
8: And Mankind Hastens ... - Robert Menschel IV°
9: The Final Frontier - Michael Kelly III°
10: Trends, Millennialists, Coincidence - Patty Hardy IV°
11: Ultima Thule Pylon Introduction - Petri Laakso III°
12: Overheard at the Set-XV Conclave - Rosemary Webb III°
13: From the Ed. - Linda Reynolds IV°
14: Just for Fun! - Danielle McGranahan III°
15: Antiquities - Sterling Scarborough II°
16: Custom Medallions - Marie Buckner II°
17: Ritual Music - David Kramer I°
18: Report: A Setian Challenge - James Knowles II°
19: Order of Setne Khamuast - Don Webb IV°
20: Write like an Egyptian
21: Understanding the Fish - David Kramer I°
22: Childhood's Beginning - Peter Sbrockey II°
23: Sacred Truths - Abdul Polite II°
24: Meditations on the Vampire - Dennis Stevens I°
25: Initiation - Aaron Besson I°
26: Detachment - David Rych I°
27: The Baraka of the Left-Hand Path - James Graeb II°
28: Stop the Presses! - Don Webb IV°
29: A Vision - David Andrus I°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
30: Halloween in the Sepulcher of the Obsidian Masque
31: Unlocking the Stargate
32: The Goodman Report - Daniel Goleman
33: Meritorious Service Medal
#137, #XXI-1, Jan 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: On Death, Darkness, and the Heb-Sed - Don Webb IV°
2: The Eternal Net Working - Don Webb IV°
3: The Wings of the Winds - John Youril II°
4: Mamon Project (Nyarlathotep Pylon) - Eric Comstock II°
5: Re “Meditations on the Vampire” - Clayton Bozeman II°
6: Newsflash: Elvis and Agape - Don Webb IV°
7: Recognitions: II° Hanlon, Vandis, Tzanou, Curfman, Orestes, Quesenberry, Kramer
8: “Porcelain Kiss” Publication - Sterling Scarborough II°
9: Remanifestation: A Deliberate Act - Michael Kelly III°
10: Ba-neb-Tett Pylon - Sterling Scarborough II°
11: 1995 Midwest Regional Conclave - Larry Evans III°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
12: “Keep a Clear Eye.”
13: Satanism
14: Internet Mailing Lists
15: “Medial Black Magic”
16: The Order of Horus#138, #XXI-2, Mar 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Chaos, Order, & the Pentagram of Set- Michael Kelly III°
2: Gaia and Set, with his Tail in Mouth - Scott Kearn I°
3: The Ninefold Rite of Happiness - Don Webb IV°
4: The Thirty-Year Cycle - Don Webb IV°
5: The Musicality of Set - Eric Kauschen II°
6: Recognitions: II° Thomas, Harris, Cohen, Besson
7: I am not a Satanist! - James Johnson II°
8: Truth in Advertising: The Satanist Label - Scott Kearn I°
9: Whither Satanism? - Carl Nicastro I°
10: Satanism vs. the Temple of Set - David Kramer II°
11: Re “Meditations on the Vampire” - Paul McAtee III°
12: More on Ritual Music - Tony Pizzini II°
13: Rose: Retroactive Enchantment - Thomas O'Connor II°
14: Snow in Egypt? - James Knowles II°
15: Xeper, Raptors, and Me - David Andrus II°
16: The Dream of the Wizard-King - William Sariego I°
17: Terminal: Haven - Tony Pizzini II°
18: The Surge of Life & the Dogs of Reason- Scott Kearn I°
19: Lesser Black Magic - Larry Roberts I°
20: Laying a Foundation - Patricia Scott I°
21: Time and Empire - Patty Hardy IV°& Ronald L. Barrett III°
22: Gathering on the Isle of Man - Gates of Albion Pylon
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
23: Crystal Tablet Updates
24: “The Elect”
25: The “Satanism” Discussion
26: The Order of Horus, Continued
27: Tex (Linda Reynolds' Cocker Spaniel)#139, #XXI-3, May 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Initiation in the Hot Zone - Ronald L. Barrett IV°
2: Protocol Note: Personal Relationships - Crystal Tablet
3: Silence - Sharon Hipp I°
4: Words of an Æon - Brian Britton I°
5: Black Runa - Stephen Flowers V°
6: Ruby Tablet Ed. to Step Down
7: Overheard at Southwest Conclave - Rosemary Webb III°
8: Book Review: The Will - Leon Wild II°
9: Magic Heavy and Lite - Don Webb IV°
10: Egyptian Anthropology - Don Webb IV°
11: Mirror ... Mirror ... - Elana Thompson II°
12: Interview with the Antichrist - Steven Silvers II°
13: Ninjutsu - Brian Hodges II°
14: Liberty and Justice for All - Guiniviere Curfman II°
15: Occult Network Germania - William Pridgen III°
16: Horus and the Magical Link - Paul McAtee III°
17: Addiction - Ian Adams II°
18: Retroactive Enchantment- Thomas O'Connor II°
19: Indulgence - Kathryn Borski II°
20: First Florida Pylon (Black Flame)- Clayton Bozeman II°
21: Temple of Set Wordfinder - Linda Reynolds IV°
22: Black Magic on the Isle of Man - Michael Kelly III°
23: 9 Tips from a Professional Writer - Rosemary Webb III°
24: Notes from the Executive Director - Linda Reynolds IV°
25: Recognitions: IV° Barrett; II° Stone, Bryan, Britton, Mitchem, Henderson-Winnie, Borski, Hodges, Crowe, Samarrai
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
26: X-Files: The Truth is Out There#140, #XXI-4, Jul 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Invocation - Don Webb IV°
2: Why God Never Received Tenure - John Felczak III°
3: “And the Winner is ...” - Edward Carvalho I°
4: Recognitions: II° Löfgren, Sariego, Carr, Hunt
5: The Scarab - Jared Davison II°
6: Satanism - Randall LeJeune I°
7: Liber Mandati vel XXII - Setnakt (Don Webb IV°)
8: Friendship & Respect in the Temple- James Severson III°
9: ISMVSISM - Tony Pizzini II°
10: Rituals of Set - Eleanor Harris II°
11: Vampyres of the Mind - Carl Nicastro I°
12: Leys: Tools of the Black Magician - Eleanor Harris II°
13: Satanism: To Be or Not To Be? - Aaron Besson II°
14: Is the Setian the P.C. Satanist? - Kenneth Martin I°
15: Our Sacred Honor - Bruce Ware II°
16: Spell for Crossing the Desert in the Year of the Heb Sed - Don Webb IV°
17: On Amen, Ra, Ptah, and Set - Don Webb IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
18: “A Vision of Lucifer”#141, #XXI-5, Sep 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Dialectic of Horus - James Graeb III°
2: Springtime Magic in Texas! - Rosemary Webb III°
3: Walking the Earth, but Not Of It - Aaron Besson II°
4: With the Last Bell - Don Webb IV°
5: Set-XVI Conclave Rite - Don Webb IV°
6: Overheard at Conclave
7: Life in General - Jay Thomas II°
8: Journey to an Oasis - Patty Hardy IV°
9: The Mystery of Discord - Ruth Nielsen III°
10: Runegram Project - Eric Armstrong I°
11: Book Review: Jungian Psychology - Jessica Smith II°
12: Recognitions: III° Graeb, Johnson, Hagman, Scott, Radtke; II° Salkin, Armstrong, Grant, Mann
13: Set as Entity - Barry Buxbaum I°
14: Xeper-repeX - Tony Pizzini II°
15: The Sun Never Rises - William Pridgen III°
16: Interview with the Antichrist - Steven Silvers II°
17: Words - Patricia Scott II°
18: This is thy Challenge - Marie Buckner II°
19: Eyes of Forever - Sean Draighean I°
20: Memories of Visiting the Oasis - Rosemary Webb III°
21: Reflections on a Conclave - John Gyori II°
22: Etheria Daemonia - Shawna Thompson I°
23: A Conclave Report - Don Webb IV°
24: Set-XVI Die Elektrischen Vorspiele Text Available
25: The Curse: A Question of Ethics - Sami Samarrai II°
26: Nepthys - Debra Hoffman I°
27: Symphony of the Nine Angles - Eric Kauschen II°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
28: Set XVI Smoke and Mirrors
29: Translations/Übersetzung/Traduzione
30: UFT#142, #XXI-5, Nov 1995 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Falling Off the Left-Hand Path - Nigel Kay I°
2: The Future, an Aspect of the Gift of Set-Quintin Phillips II°
3: Horus & Set - The Year of the Heb-Sed - James Graeb III°
4: Tales of the Serpent - Carmel Severson III°
5: The Sentinels' Trident - Carmel Severson III°
6: From “God Am” - Alice in Chains
7: Tuatha De Dannan Pylon - Elizabeth Neilly III°
8: Announcing the Xronos BBS - Sat Antyr II°
9: Recognitions: III° Youril; II° Martin, D. Wilson, Kline, Neff, McCaffrey, J. Wilson, Gavin
10: Reviews: Seven & Show Girls - Carmel Severson III°
11: On Six Mirrors - Don Webb IV°
12: Pan Pylon Announced - Alistair McElwee II°
13: Web of Eternal Night - Shawna Thompson I°
14: Interview with the Antichrist - Steven Silvers II°
15: On Gatherings - Don Webb IV°
16: An Insignificant Milestone Indeed - David Carlton I°
#143, #XXII-1, Feb 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: The Pride of Lucifer - Michael Kelly III°
2: Furthering the Cause - Richard Davin II°
3: Xeper through the Images of Death and Life,
beyond the Mortality of the Grave - Shawna Thompson II°
4: The Ma'at Tarot Spread - Ruth Nielsen III°
5: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°.
6: Of Prophecy and the Bible as a Real Waste of Paper - Aaron Besson II°
7: Eternal Networking (Revised) - Eardley Scott III°
8: Pentagrams of Set/Handcrafted Woodwork- Eardley Scott III°
9: We're not in Georgia Anymore! - Dedra Burch II°
10: The Smoking Mirror: An Introduction - Craig Hunt II°
11: Achieving your Magical Goals -
Sheila Pimentel II°/Black Flame Pylon
12: The Devil's Advocate - Bruce Ware II°
13: Pure Imagination - Timothy McGranahan II°
14: II° Recognitions: R. Lejeune, S. Thompson, D. Burch,
D. Reynolds, J. Balsamo, P. Andersson.
15: Southeast Regional Conclave V
16: Magical Beacons - Eric Kauschen II°
17: The Quest - Matthew Mitchem II°
18: Time: A Working Guide - Don Webb IV°
19: The Symphony of the Nine Angles - Eric Kauschen II°
20: Heptarchia Mystica - Michael Kelly III°
21: A Brief Editorial - Linda Reynolds IV°#144, #XXII-2, Apr 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Homo Sapiens Prometheus and the Anthropology of Man's Possible Development - Ronald L. Barrett IV°
2: The Order of Horus - James Graeb III°
3: Genetic Music and the Gift of Set - Jay Thomas II°
4: Space: A Working Guide - Don Webb V°
5: The Heb-Sed: A Working Report - Don Webb V°
6: Xeper by Number - Karen Kline II°
7: Remanifestation and the Word of Set - Michael Kelly III°
8: The Scholomance Pylon -
Nikolas Schreck II° & Zeena Schreck II°
9: Iku-Turso: Phase I - Nino Waechter II°
10: Concerning the Falcon-Headed One - Don Webb V°
11: Book Review: H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau - Leon Wild II°
12: Result$ - Leland Grant II°
13: The Nine Grades - James Graeb III°
14: Live Long and Xeper - David Carlton I°
15: Samtaui as Man - Timothy Crowe II°
16: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
17: Pride and the Elect - Aaron Besson II°
18: Celtic Magic: A New Study Group - Larry Evans III°
19: On Becoming Setian - Lauri Gerecke I°
20: Interview with the Antichrist - Steven Silvers II°
21: V° Recognition: Don Webb - Michael Aquino VI°
22: IV° Recognitions: Rebecca Lance, Michael Kelly -
Michael Aquino VI°
23: III° Recognition: A. Haddad
24: II° Recognitions: N. Schreck, Z. Schreck
25: Om Krim Kali! - James Johnson III°
26: The Eye has Returned - Don Webb V°
27: “Dream a Little Dream” -
Rebecca Lance IV° & Guiniviere Curfman II°
28: The Sa en Ankh Pylon - Danielle McGranahan III°
29: Some Notes from ye Ed. - Linda Reynolds IV°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
30: “Prove It”
31: Anamesis
32: “Project Star Gate”#145, #XXII-3, Jun 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Xeper - Don Webb V°
2: Recognitions: V° Robert Robinson; III° J. Knowles,
B. Ware; II° P. Bowden, P. Kimmel, N. Kay, J. Green,
C. Bilardi, D. Hoffman, P. Peters, L. Gerecke.
3: Sinister Seas - Clayton Bozeman II°
4: Film Notes - Tony Pizzini II°
5: Complacency: A Perspective - Marie Buckner II°
6: Honoring the Difficult - Dedra Burch II°
7: Xeper Day - Don Webb V°
8: Magical Resonance and Synchronous Manifestation
- Roger Whitaker III°
9: Strange Bedfellows - James Graeb III°
10: Harmonic Proportion in Ritual - Roger Whitaker III°
11: “Essent into Essence” Paper Available
12: “Ta Ankh” - to Keep Alive - Ruth Nielsen III°
13: Vorspiel Studio - Heather Ayres II°
14: Poetry Collection - Linda Reynolds IV°
15: Resistance - Matthew Mitchem II°
16: Anubis Engraving - Karen Kline II°
17: Order of Merlin Statement -
David d'Merlin IV° & Michael Kelly IV°
18: Overheard at the Austin Conclave - Rosemary Webb III°
19: The Unseen Ascension - Richard Gavin II°
20: Caribbean Cat Tales - Maria Hunt II°
21: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
22: Occultists Anonymous - Gabrielle Gidney I°
Black Pyramid - Michael A. Aquino VI°:
23: A Passing-By#146, #XXII-4, Aug 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Birth of Merlin - Michael Kelly IV°
2: Recognitions: II° Kris Flippo, Robert Sloan
3: The Jaguar is Loose! - Walter Radtke III°
4: Satanism vs. Setian Philosophy - Shawna Thompson II°
5: Genius Loci - Zeena Schreck II°
6: The Two Brothers - Nino Waechter II°
7: Functional Resonance - Roger Whitaker III°
8: Under Cover of the Night - William Sariego II°
9: Music as Magic - David B. Burleson I°
10: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
11: Uncle Setnakt's Picks and Pans - Don Webb V°
12: An Etymological and Philosophical Dissection of Magical Words - Jared Davison II°
13: Meriti n Khaibt Neter - Shauna Thompson II°
14: Vespers - Nikolas Schreck II°
15: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
16: The Two Worlds: Some Celtic Mythology-Larry Evans III°
17: God of the Thundering Hoof - Anton Haddad III°#147, #XXII-5, Oct 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: How to Light the Black Flame Without Burning your Fingers - Nikolas Schreck II°
2: Return to the Desert - Patty Hardy IV°
3: 666: Take a Number
4: Maslow and the Magi - Brad Hanson I°
5: Satanic Workings of Hunter S. Thompson - Alex Burns I°
6: Keys of Darkness: Enochian Black Magic - Leon Wild I°
7: Essent into Essence: A Brief Overview- Robert Robinson V°
8: Xem: An Amonian Perspective - Marie Kelly III°
9: A Tall Cat Tale - William Sariego II°
10: The Two Powers Appear - James Graeb III°
11: The Tale of the Hawk - James Graeb III°
12: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
13: Recognitions: III° Mariko Kawaguchi; II° David Carlton, Adrian Baer, Judy Gameral
14: Space Migration: Forward the Foundation - Alex Burns I°
15: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°#148, #XXII-6, Dec 1996 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Regeneration and Change, O.L. Style - James Lewis VI°
2: Year's End - Don Webb V°
3: Inverse Resonance - Roger Whitaker IV°
4: The Soa Gild - Roger Whitaker IV°
5: Ruby Tablet of Set Conversion - Robert Menschel IV°
6: EMail Mailing Lists Update - Robert Menschel IV°
7: The Circle that Never Ends - Nigel Kay II°
8: The Seven Faces of Darkness - Don Webb V°
9: Flogging a Dead Ghost - Margarita Moore I°
10: Overheard at Conclave
11: What is Chaos Magick? - Joshua Wetzel II°
12: Jung on Principle of Isolate Intelligence - Eulit Hinson II°
13: Corporate Survival - Eric Kauschen III°
14: Gibor, the Gift of Set - Quintin Phillips II°
15: Metamorphosis in Progress - Shirley Sharaga II°
16: Setian Philosophy, Veganism, Nature, & Unnature - Eric Tschachler I°
17: Recognitions: IV° Roger Whitaker; III° Eric Kauschen, Mariko Kawaguchi; II° David Burleson, Alex Burns, Alan Cabal, Aaron Cheak, Gary Day, Christopher Merwin, Shirley Sharaga, John Smeltzer, Joshua Wetzel
18: The Occult Institute of Technology - Roger Whitaker IV°
19: The Initiation - Eulit Hinson II°
20: Return to “Return to the Desert” - Tony Pizzini II°
21: Dark Alchemy - Eric Tschachler I°
22: The Set Amentet Chorus
23: The Order of Kronos - William Butch IV°
24: A Demon in my View: An Introduction to the Scholomance Pylon - Nikolas Schreck II°
25: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
26: Setian Artwork Collection - David Carlton II°
27: Studies in the Origins of Runic Inscriptions- Jasper Hunt I°
28: Tarot and the Xeper Cycle - Ronald Petrocco I°
29: Song of Set - David Moore I°
30: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
#149, #XXIII-1, Feb 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1: [email protected] - Robertt Neilly IV°
2: Recognitions: III° Heather Ayres; II° Thomas White, William Rye
3: Dream Survey - Ann Ross II° & Scott Ross II°
4: Setian Inspirations - Eve Kochel II°
5: The Tetsuo Working - Alex Burns II° & Bradford Hanson I°
6: Seek Toward the Mysteries: Sua as an Operative Key - William Pridgen III°
7: Immortality and the Combat Myth - James Graeb III°
8: Dark Salaciousness: Tales of Vampyric Eroticism and Other Iniqitous Excursions - James Knowles III°
9: The Setian Cultural Matrix - Alex Burns II°
10: Rising on the Planes - Michael Kelly IV°
11: Not of One Skin - Markku Siira I°
12: Soul Forest - Markku Siira I°
13: The Notebook of Setagenesis - Robert Menschel IV°
14: The Highway to Hell - William Sariego II°
15: Tarot and the Remanifest Cycle - Ronald Petrocco I°
16: Amour-Propre - Zeena Schreck II°
17: Human Nature - Elaine Brogdon II°
18: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
19: Book Review: Don Webb's A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire - Tony Pizzini II°
20: Order of Amn Grand Mastership
21: Colorado Conclave
22: Reflections from the Godless City - Steven Silvers II°
23: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
24: Uncle Setnakt's Picks and Pans - Don Webb V°#150, #XXIII-2, Apr 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Progress: An Explanation - David d'Merlin IV°
2: Xemistry [or Xemistory] - David d'Merlin IV°
3: Recognitions: III° John Renaud, II° Eric Tschachler
4: The March of Progress - Michael Kelly IV°
5: Setian or Satanist? - David Moore I°
6: House of Thoth - Roger Whitaker IV°
7: Occult Institute of Technology Website- Roger Whitaker IV°
8: Order of Setne Khamuast Website - Roger Whitaker IV°
9: Temple of Set Online Bookstore - Eve Kochel II°
10: MetaMind Element Remanifests - Robertt Neilly IV°
11: Bes, God of Fun - David Ondrejko I°
12: Myth and Meaning in the Age of the Intranet - John Youril III°
13: Egypt Travel Alert - Aaron Besson II°
14: The Black Petals - Vesa Iitti II°
15: Musings on my Time as a Setian - Lauri Gerecke II°
16: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
17: The Python Sheds her Skin - Heather Ayres III°
18: The Question of Religion vs. Spirituality - Shirley Sharaga II°
19: Power and Communication - Peter Bowden II°
20: And You Thought It was Just a Chance to Drink some German Beer ... - Nikolas Schreck II°
21: Ragnarök: A Setian's Interpretation - K. Brent Olsen I°
22: Found in our Local Church Bulletin
23: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
24: Uncle Setnakt's Picks and Pans - Don Webb V°#151, #XXIII-3, Jun 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Re-Visioning the OSOM - Robert Robinson V°
2: Recognitions: II° Craig Brown, Paevi Haenninen,
Natasya Katsikaris, Eric Bossick
3: The Khapralic Index - Jared Davison II°
4: Genetics and the True Will - Peter Bowden II°
5: Cybermagic without a PC - Larry Evans III°
6: Dangerous Cult uses Internet to Lure Your Kids to Devil Worship - Nikolas Schreck II°
7: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
8: Setian Artists - David Carlton II°
9: Reflections from the Godless City - Steven Silvers II°
10: Sculpturesque Productions - Jared Davison II°
11: Order of the Trapezoid Online - Patty Hardy IV°
12: Protocol and its Initiatory Significance - Lauri Gerecke II°
13: Application for Entrance: Xeper University City - Mace Anton II°
14: Runa-Raven Press Online - Roger Whitaker IV°
15: Avaris Booksellers - Eve Kochel II°
16: The Black Petals - Vesa Iitti II°
17: The Eye in the Darkness: Maxims of SUA and ARI - William Pridgen III°
18: On the Closing of the Ba-neb-Tett Pylon - Shawna Thompson II°
19: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
20: The True Necronomicon Discovered! - Arnold Watson III°
21: Creating a Hand of Glory: A Black Magical Tool - Leon Wild II°
22: Immersion into Resonance - Roger Whitaker IV°
23: Sirius Astronomy - Eve Kochel II°
24: The Theory of the Same Principles Repetition
- Andrea Palhares I°
25: Attention Stargazers and Philadelphia-Area Setians - Eve Kochel II°
26: Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself
27: Black Runa Pylon - Peter Andersson II°
28: From Tanis to Abu Simbel - James Graeb III°#152, #XXIII-4, Aug 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: The Xepera Mundi Working - Aaron Besson III°
2: Recognitions: III° Aaron Besson; II° Jasper Hunt, K. Brent Olsen
3: A Flock of Hawks - James Graeb III°
4: Desire: A Fivefold Key to Transformation-Michael Kelly IV°
5: On the Nature of Tradition - Erik Scanlan I°
6: Religious Rights and the Temple of Set - Duncan McPherson I°
7: The Stave of Set - Matthew Mitchem II°
8: All Honor to the Fires of Anat - David Moore I°
9: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
10: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
11: "Is that Authorized Aboard Ship?": The Setian at Sea - Brian Karasek I°
12: Opening Night: The Theatre as Magic - Brian Karasek I°
13: The Look of the Ba - Tony Pizzini II°
14: Close Encounters of the Skeptical Kind - Irene Daniel I°
15: The Order of Uart - Heather Ayres III°
16: Stele of Empathy - Bryan Hardee I°#153, #XXIII-5, Oct 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: It's the A.'.A.'., not the O.T.O. - James Graeb IV°
2: Recognitions: IV° James Graeb; III° Brian Hodges, Vesa Iitti, Kim Watson, Eve Kochel, Zeena Schreck, Nikolas Schreck, Steven Silvers, Timothy Crowe; II° Ron Kimball, Trebor Carpenter, Otto Thoennes, Mika Soilander, Volker Schlecht, Phil Smart.
3: The Fall in Theory and Practice: Arioch Speaks - Brian Karasek I°
4: An Order of Satan? - Markku Siira I°
5: Pharaonic Thinking: Keys to an Enigma-Roger Whitaker IV°
6: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
7: The Great Pyramid of Kohlberg: The Morality of the Setian Mind - Brian Karasek I°
8: Hoffman-Knowles Engagement
9: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
10: The Word of Set in our Initiatory and Evolutionary Life - John Renaud III°
11: Recognizing the Black Flame Among the Herd - Eve Kochel III°
12: Straight Out of R'lyeh
13: What is Antinomianism - Roger Whitaker IV°
14: Reflections on the Triscele - Erik Scanlan I°
15: On Beauty and Strength - Andrea Palhares I°
16: The Giaour (Excerpt) - Lord Byron
17: Things Not to Put on Envelopes to Setians - Brian Karasek I°
18: Media-Mongering: How Heaven's Gate was Turned into Hell's Gate - K. Brent Olsen II°
19: Guidelines for Electonic Submissions - John Youril III°
20: Eastern and Western Regional Conclaves
21: Reflections from the Godless City - Steven Silvers III°
22: Magic by Any Other Name - by Phil Smart I°
23: Xem-Set: The Process of Creating a Setian Martial Arts Tradition - Anton Haddad III°#154, #XXIII-6, Dec 1997 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1: Year's End - Don Webb V°
2: Conclave: A Sacrament of Set - Zeena Schreck III°
3: Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°
4: It's a Question of Faith: A Not-so-Setian Look at Belief - Marcela Lopez I°
5: Back by Popular Demand? - Patty Hardy IV°
6: The Council is Nine - Robert Menschel IV°
7: Recognitions: II° Erik Scanlan, Michael Nicholas,
David Ondrejko
8: Set-XVIII Conclave Trip Report - Patty Hardy IV°
9: Book Review: Virtual Government by Alex Constantine - Alan Cabal II°
10: Book Review: Sorcerers of Set by Martin Thomas - Leon Wild II°
11: Monologue: The Theatre of the Mind's I - Brian Karasek I°
12: The Subjective Universe & the Magician - Felipe Perez II°
13: From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
14: The Deep Things of Satan: A Brief Look at LHP Gnosticism - Connel Monette I°
15: Devil's Advocate - Alex Hutchins I°
16: A Working for Illustrative Dreams - Patty Hardy IV°
17: Giver of Winds - Patty Hardy IV°
18: The Lie that Shapes - Brian Karasek I°
19: In Hell ... - Markku Siira I°
20: The Road to Eternity - Shane Bauer I°
21: The Magical Scribe - Michael Kelly IV°
22: Understanding Environments: Proxemics - Roger Whitaker IV°
23: An Interview with Magister Robert Menschel
- Petri Laakso III°
24: Genderizing Feelings - Douglas Stewart I°
25: Please Forward - Lauri Crowe II°
26: Cloning and the Near Future - "Kristov" I°
27: Dare to be You - Shirley Sharaga II°
28: The Sacred Cow Syndrome - David Carlton II°
29: The Scholomance: Remanifestation as an Element - Zeena Schreck III° and Nikolas Schreck III°
30: Vampyres, Werewolves, and Setians (Oh, My!) - K. Lionel Burgess II°
31: Sepulcher of the Sacred Beasts - Carmel Severson III°
#155, #XXIV-1, Feb 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1. First Principles and the Order of Horus - James Graeb IV°, Grand Master
2. New MetaMind Element Open for Business! - Robertt Neilly IV°
3. Immersion Ritual - Bryan Hardee I°
4. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
5. Concerning Death - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
6. The Artisans of Xnum - William D. Pridgen III°
7. Concerning Phyles - Don Webb V°
8. On the Passing of Priest Anton S. Haddad - Don Webb V°
9. Una Invitacíon Informal - James Johnson III°
10. Regarding Remanifestations - Aaron Besson III°
11. Recognitions
12. Setian Karma - David Ondrejko II°
13. The Council of Nine and the Temple of Set: A Chairman's Perspective - Robert Menschel IV°
14. Preliminary Thoughts on How Reality Works - Dennis Stevens I°
15. South Solstice Message I (XXII) - Stephen E. Flowers V°
16. Orion Awaits - Nigel Kay II°
17. Midnight in a Grey Garden - Aaron Besson III°
18. On a Magical Diary in Xeper - Vesa Iitti III°
19. The Glass Bead Game - Patty Hardy IV°
20. From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
21. On Set - Vesa Iitti III°
22. A Noble of Set has Fallen - David Ondrejko II°
23. A Song of the Seeker - Duncan McPherson I°
24. Concerning Setian Ethics - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set#156, #XXIV-2, Apr 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. On Conclaves and Traveling - Vesa Iitti III°
2. Reflections on the Red - Natasya R. Katsikaris II°
3. The Midian Pylon - Aaron Besson III°, Sentinel
4. Sekhmet's Oasis - Eve Kochel III°
5. Experiences of the Setian I° - Connell Monette II°
6. Terra Incognita: A Guide to Dark Destinations - Nikolas Schreck III°
7. High Priest Policy - Don Webb V°
8. Xem - David Moore II°
9. From Where I Stand: A Brief Look at Two Æonic Words - James Foster I°
10. Beginning a Research Project - Mark Martin I°
11. Sba.Sn Set r Sbt: Announcement of the Fourth Gate of Hell - Lauri Jean Crowe II°
12. Recognitions
13. The Chalice and the Elixir - Eulit M. Hinson II°
14. From the Well of Pythia - Tony Pizzini II°
15. Movie Review: Alien Resurrection - Brian Karasek
16. Book Review: The Long Hard Road out of Hell - David A. Cohen II°
17. Aq-t-er-pet: A Pylon Remanifests - Daniel Ayres II°, Sentinel
18. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
19. The Sethian Gnostics - Connell Monette II°
20. The Return - James Knowles III°
21. Book Review: The Goal - Volker Schlecht
22. Xem - Markku Siira
23. You Know How Couples Pick - Brian Z. Karasek I°
24. One Brief Response - Linda Reynolds IV°
25. Kundalini and Tantra - Nikolas Schreck III°
26. “Oh, Hell!” - Thomas White II°
27. The Mystery that did Pass Thereafter - Bryan Karasek I°
28. Anton LaVey: Legend and Reality - Zeena & Nikolas Schreck III°#157, #XXIV-3, Jun 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. A Few Words about the Recent Houston Regional Conclave - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
2. A Word on Words - James Foster I°
3. Some Guidelines for Setian Email Communication and List Participation - Walter Radtke III°
4. Arkte's Lair - Lilith Aquino IV°
5. How to Create a Ka - Don Webb V°
6. Gates of Hell Pylon - James Foster I°
7. Announcing “Black Iron One” - David R. Ondrejko II°
8. The Order of Leviathan Online - Larry Evans III°
9. Remanifesting the Trapezoid Principle as a Tool for Change - Jeff Owrey I°
10. Orixás in the Practice of Brazilian Candomblé - David de Andrade II°
11. Welcome to the Gate of Pergamon! Darest Thou Seek Entry? - K. Brent Olsen, Gate Keeper
12. Inner Thought Workings - Jennifer Chen I°
13. Bhairava, Lord of Terror - John A. Wilson II°
14. The Well of Pythia Remanifests - Tony Pizzini II°
15. Has Allah Spoken Against That? The Setian in a War Zone - Brian Karasek II°
16. Terra Incognita: A Guide to Dark Destinations - Nikolas Schreck III°
17. The Dark Healer - Brian Karasek II°
18. The Nephilim Element - Aaron Besson III°
19. Recognitions
20. The Art of Setian Death: A Questionnaire - Marie Buckner II°
21. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
22. Presenting Maat - David Moore II°
23. Mastering your Memes - Quintin Phillips II°
24. Walpurgisnacht Charge - Jennifer Chen I°
25. Uniquely Female: Pregnancy as an Initiatory Challenge - Lauri Jean Crowe II°
26. Rise - Jennifer Chen I°
27. Transformation - Debra A. Hoffmann II°
28. The Divine Dream - James Knowles III°
29. Psychobabble - Larry Evans III°
30. Thoughts on Set - Behni Napper I°
31. The Coming Into Being of the Pesh-Khent Pylon, Finland - Markku Siira II°, Sentinel#158, #XXIV-4, Aug 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. An Interview - William Pridgen III°
2. The Munich Declaration - Nikolas Schreck III°
3. The Sepulchral Voice - Aaron Besson III°
4. A Note on LBM - Kristov Harper I°
5. Living in the Past - Joshua Lepsy I°
6. Construction of the Pentagram - Patty A. Hardy IV°
7. The Typhonian Akademy - Matthew Mitchem II°, K.Tr.
8. Recognitions
9. The Manual of Vampyric Alchemy
10. Episteme and the Left-Hand Path - James Graeb IV°
11. The Setian Mythos Project - Lauri Jean Crowe II°
12. Rite of the Deep Ones - Aaron Besson III°
13. On the Remanifestation of the MetaMind Element - Shawna Thompson II°
14. Scribes of the House of Life - Lauri Jean Crowe II°
15. Personality Model - Simone Lohmeier I°
16. Ethan Olsen Birthday
17. A New Beginning - Kevin Crim I°
18. Response to “You Know How Couples Pick” by Brian Karasek - Jennifer Chen I°
19. The Dangers of Invisibility - Richard Gavin II°
20. Setian Psychological Awareness - Mark Martin I°
21. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
22. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
23. Temptation of the Black Medallion - Felipe F. Perez II°
24. Project Neteru - K. Brent Olsen II°
25. Terra Incognita: A Guide to Dark Destinations: “A White Zombie in Haiti: Red Voodoo in a Black Magical Dictatorship” - Nikolas Schreck III°#159, #XXIV-5, Oct 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. How to Host a Workshop - Eric Kauschen III°
2. Recognitions
3. A Hegemony of Ambiance - Tony Pizzini II°
4. Time - Ralph Williams I°
5. Announcing the Re-Setaue Pylon - William D. Pridgen III°
6. Tangled Webb - Michael A. Aquino VI°
7. Review: Bright Air, Brilliant Fire - reviewed by Patty A. Hardy IV°
8. On the Use of Ritual Tools - Kevin Crim I°
9. Canine Wisdom - compiled by Linda Reynolds IV°
10. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
11. Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
12. Order of the Black Tower - James Severson IV°, Grand Master
13. A Realm of Gods at Play: The Dance of Xeper and Xem - David Moore II°
14. Rude Awakening - Brian Karasek II°
15. The Priest - Linda Reynolds IV°
16. Getting Yourself Ordained: A Primer to the Priesthood - Bruce Ware III°
17. The Library - Simone Lohmeier I°
18. Xeper and Immortality - Gerald D. Kendall, Setian I°
19. Regarding the Magi - Richard Gavin III°
20. Sesh Ari Arit
21. Order of the Wells of Wyrd - Rebecca Lance IV°, Grand Master#160, #XXIV-6, Dec 1998 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. Casting Pearls Before Swine: The alt.satanism Working - Nikolas Schreck III°
2. Comment to “Casting Pearls” - Linda Reynolds IV°
3. Recognitions - Linda Reynolds IV°
4. The Dance Element - Andy Nourse II°
5. What was that Working Music? - Andy Nourse II°
6. The Vajra Project - James Foster II°\
7. How to Attend a Workshop - Eric Kauschen III°
8. Vox Tauri under new Editor
9. PaderClave I - or How to get Recognized in the Center of the World - Simone Lohmeier II°
10. PaderClave Recollections - Roland Winkhart IV°
11. An Ant’s Eye View - R. Jason Boss I°
12. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
13. Being A Treatise on the Conjuring of Certain Demons - Brian Karasek II°
14. Year’s End - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
15. Overheard at Set-XIX - compiled by Rosemary Webb III°
16. Mid-Year Conclave
17. XIX - Brian G. Lopez II°
18. Tools for Xeper - Behni Napper I°
19. A Spell for Crossing the Desert - Don Webb V°
20. Process Philosophy and the Left-Hand Path - Aaron Besson III°
21. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
22. Rural Setian Philosophy - Larry Collett II°
23. Liber Psyche: The Journal of Psychomancy - K. Brent Olsen II°
24. The Evil: Trancemedia Ceremony - Winter Marchosias I°
25. Deep Things of Satan in the Old World - Marco Grubert II°
26. Fourteen Rules for Black Magic - Bradley Moore I°
27. The Magician’s Flaw - Larry Collett II°
28. Clear As Crystal - Brad Ashlock I°
29. The Vision and the Voice - Jennifer Chen I°
#161, #XXV-1, Feb 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.1. The alt.satanism Working Revisted - Robert Menschel IV°
2. Theory & Practice of the Magical Diary - John Felczak III°
3. Wyrd Transcripts - Rebecca Lance IV°
4. Modern Technology’s Contribution to Millenialism: Y2K - Robert Menschel IV°
5. Recognitions: II° Duncan McPherson, Shawn Watts; HS Jerry Reynolds
6. On Systems of Magic - Patty Hardy IV°
7. Ankoku-Mon Pylon Opened on Halloween - Eric Bossick II°
8. South Solstice Message II - Stephen Flowers V°
9. Poised on the Brink of Decision in an Ethereal Void - Gabriel Chavez II°
10. Poem - Lars Dirksen I°
11. Voyeurs, Impotence, & One-Night Stands - K. Brent Olsen II°
12. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
13. Serpents Among the Leaves - Kevin Sheridan I°
14. Sympathy for the Cyber-Devil - Nigel Kay II°
15. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
16. Some Reflections - Jennifer Chen I°
17. Work, Struggle, & Xeper - David Ondrejko II°
18. Hymn to Nepthys - Amy Hession I°#162, #XXV-2, Apr 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. Recognitions: II° Walter Robinson, Ralph Williams, Timothy Geren, Behni Napper; IV° Douglas Pridgen; HS John Youril.
2. Concerning Setian Culture & the Value of Games - Harry Ahlgren I°
3. New Age Retailer - Eric Kauschen III°
4. Authenticity & Spirituality - Kevin Sheridan I°
5. Mid-Year Conclave - Zeena Schreck III°
6. Occult Institute of Technology Order Statement - Roger Whitaker IV°
7. Interview with Magister Petri Laakso - Vesa Iitti III°
8. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
9. InterCommunication Roster Protocol - Martin Carr II°
10. Venefic Orations - David Carlton II°
11. Definitiate - Amy Hession II°
12. Uncle Setnakt’s Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path - Don Webb V°
13. The Transition to Self - Akula Kinton I°
14. The Mind, Matter, & the Psychosphere - Daniel Norfield I°
15. Disciple of the Dreamtime - Amy Hession I°
16. Lady Harlequin’s Prophet - Brian Lopez II°
17. A Commentary & Working from Project Neteru - Behni Napper II°
18. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Toni Pizzini II°#163, #XXV-3, Jun 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. On Humor & Courtesy at Setian Gatherings - Vesa Iitti III°
2. Film Review: The Mummy - Michael Aquino VI°
3. The Obsidian Sepulcher of Amenta - Aaron Besson III°
4. The Berserker Guild - Robert Mann II°
5. Nagualism from a Setian Perspective - Jeff Owrey I°
6. Appreciation to Los Angeles Gathering Attendees - Heather Candelaria I°
7. Walking in Other Worlds - Michael Kelly IV°
8. Conflict & Camaraderie at the Mid-Year Gathering - Amy Hession I°
9. The Importance of Humor - Peter Andersson II°
10. United Kingdom Conclave
11. Crystal Tablet Available in German - Simone Lohmeier II°
12. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
13. The Feminine Dæmonic: The Mysteries of Bablon in the Æon of Set - Nikolas Schreck III°
14. Scarlet Letters, Book 1 - Nikolas Schreck III°
15. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
16. The Setian Hajj - Brian Lopez II°#164, #XXV-4, Aug 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. Some Thoughts on Xeper’s End - Paul McAtee III°
2. That Certain Silence (Nemo) - Don Webb V°
3. Book Review: The 48 Laws of Power - Martin Carr II°
4. Council of Nine Appointment
5. Farewell from Glinda - Glinda the Good
6. Reflections on the Heart - Vesa Iitti III°
7. The Lone Wolf & his First Gathering - Jay Hansel I°
8. My Thoughts on the Temple - Kate Tanks I°
9. Grievance Committee Formed - Zeena Schreck IV°
10. The Puzzle - Simone Lohmeier II°
11. Recognitions: IV° Zeena Schreck; III° Peter Andersson, Marie Buckner; II° Kate Tanks, Angela Watts, Brad Lemire, Kristov Harper, Brad Moore, Jeffrey Owrey, Andrea Carr, Kahlia Lahoff
12. First Contact - Kevin Sheridan I°
13. The Magus Jesus - Martin Carr II°
14. Lords of the New Age - John Wilson II°
15. ReSetaue Pylon Report - Kate Tanks I°
16. Mastering Visualization - Brad Ashlock I°
17. Primordium Element - Thomas Seymore
18. The Conscious Placebo - Heather Candelaria I°
19. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
20. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°#165, #XXV-5, Oct 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. The Gem that Lies Within - Jennifer Chen II°
2. On the Left Hand of Religion - Vesa Iitti III°
3. Concerning “Religion” - Michael Aquino VI°
4. IV° Recognition: Nikolas Schreck - Don Webb V°
5. United Kingdom Conclave - Gates of Ganzir Pylon
6. "A Wolf Amongst the Sheep" - Andrew Shumate I°
7. Being Cold & Dispassionate - Jackie Panayi I°
8. Winkhart Wedding
9. Gate of the Black Sun - Behni Napper II°
10. The Vineyard Setians - Simone Lohmeier II°
11. Modern Humans - Walter Radtke III°
12. Hide & Seek - Heather Candelaria II°
13. Guild of University Students - Guiniviere Curfman III°
14. My Black Flame - Kate Tanks II°
15. Falling Water Alchemy - Gabriel Chavez I°
16. Overheard at Conclave
17. Mailing List for European Setians - Petri Laakso IV°
18. The Dynamics of Conclave - Aaron Besson III°
19. Reopening the Electronic Gate - Patrick Fitzsimmons I°
20. Magic in the Dance of India - Lora Lagan I°
21. Life & How to Get One - Michael Kelly IV°
22. The Nan Madol Pylon - Leon Wild III°
23. The Order of Amon - Marie Kelly III°
24. Logos - Amy Hession I°
25. Recognitions: III° Leon Wild, Guiniviere Curfman; II° Jennifer Chen, Heather Candelaria, William Gray, Brad Ashlock.
26. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
27. The Sith Pylon - Aaron Besson III°
28. Setagenesis: A Summary - Robert Menschel IV°
29. Why are we Hellions? - Tony Pizzini II°
30. The Rite of the Ushtabi - Thomas Fiddler I°
31. The Vampyric Essence - Martin Carr II°
32. The War Element - Nikolas Schreck IV°
33. Shakespearian LBM: Henry V - Brian Lopez II°
34. Subconscious Magic - Rick Crowell I°
35. New Moon - Amy Hession I°
36. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
37. Triamazikamno Element - Paul McAtee III°
38. Set’s Gift - Kate Tanks II°
39. Why We are not a Cult - Lynn Gray II°
40. Individuality, Pentagrams, & Strange Old Men - David Carlton II°
41. A Thought Experiment Concerning Cookies - Guiniviere Curfman III°
42. The Fenrir Pylon - Brent Olsen II°#166, #XXV-6, Dec 1999 - Linda Reynolds IV° Ed.
1. Year’s End - Don Webb V°
2. The Next Step - Michael Aquino VI°
3. Spirit (Familiar of Adept Beth Wise)
4. Southeastern Regional Gathering 2000 - James Severson IV°
5. A King or Queen in your Kingdom - Jean Lopez I°
6. Reflections on the Setian I° Process - Byron Sorgdrager I°
7. 2001 & the Egyptian New Year - Patty Hardy IV°
8. Turku X, Seat of Re-Creation - Petri Laakso IV°
9. Unsane Artists Reveal Truth - Heather Ayres III°
10. Concerning the Marketplace - Don Webb V°
11. Back from the Dead - Sat Antyr I°
12. Beware, Apep is Everywhere - Jackie Panayi II°
13. Hazards of Desert Travel - Shirley Singleton I°
14. Recognitions: II° Chris Panayi, Jackie Panayi, Curtis Bendt, Wade Long, Lora Lagan
15. Master or Servant? - Michael Kelly IV°
16. Setiquette & You - "Perfecta"
17. Year of the Essential - Robert Moffatt IV°/HS
18. Notes from Neheh - Don Webb V°, High Priest of Set
19. The Spiral Maze of Thulask - Tony Pizzini II°
20. Your Next Conclave - Linda Reynolds IV°
21. The Vampiric Lore Forum - Aaron Besson III°
22. Help Wanted! - Linda Reynolds IV°, Executive Director
[Return to Scroll of Set Back-Issue Collection Introduction]