Astrology brings peace ,prosperity to those who are Godfearing,who honour preceptors and speak only truth , for a heterodox and a crafty person,it increases miseries day by day without doubt.-Sage Parashara
Snana -5 !
Pratah snana vidhi
as per panchasanskaarsangraha snana should be done in following way
- One desirous of nityasnana should go to the banks of the river or jalashay . while going one must take saligrama in a box . for abhisheka he must carry a harivaNa .. and for snana tulasi mrittika . he should take three dips in the river for cleaning sweat and dirt .
- then one should come to the bank .
- clean the body by rubbing it profusely and again take a dip in the river
- again come back to the bank of the river and sit .
- open the box containing saligrama .
- remove the tulasi flower nirmalya and do visarjana of nirmalya
- keep the saligrama pratima sudarshan in the harivana .
- keep the tulasi mrittika before th LORD ..
- say the tithi day etc for sankalpa and ” vishnupreranaya vishnuprithyartham ” snana sankalpa should be done
- with pranava ”OM ” one must do prokshana of mrittika
- do japa of gayatri for three times on mrittika
- make three parts of the mrittika
- take the first part in two hands
- show it to the surya .. if before sunrise do dhyana of surya and give samarpana
- ” nyona prithivi …” mantra should be chanted and with first part clean the foot from knees downwards
- wash the two hands
- repeat it second time
- take the second part of the mrittika
- show it to surya deva and do surya dhyana and samarpana
- rub it on the forehead forearms and legs chanting ” gandhadwaram …” mantra . two sides of the body should be rubbed with ” udhrutaasi varaheNa .. ” mantra
- wash the two hands
- repeat it second time
- ” namah kamalnabhaay namaste jalashayine | namastestu hrishikesh grahaNaamarghyam namostute || ” give arghya with this mantra for three times
- atitikshna mahakaay kalpantadahanopam | bhairavay namastubhyamanugnyam datumarha || with this mantra one must take the permission of BHAIRAVA who protects the teertha .
- “samasta jagadadhar shankhachakragadadhar | dev dehi mamanugnyam yushmatteerthanishaveNe || ” with this mantra one must take permission of teerthantargat Parmatma
- take the thrid portion of the mrittika in the right hand tightly .
- with left hand one must clean the place where mrittika has been kept
- one must do namaskaara to deva and guru
- get down into the river
- one must stand with water till waist or knees . one must stand opposite to the flow of river , if in jalashay one must face SUN .and take three dips
- keep the mrittika in the right hand on shoulder
- do achamana for three times
- do pranayama for three times
- take some part of mrittika on shoulder and mix it water
- rest of the part keep in the hand
- from head to toe cleanse with mrittika reciting OM .
- dip three times reciting dwadashakshar mantra three times . with ashtakshar three times . with shadakshar three times .
- while taking dip inside the water one must do smarane of NARAYANA as sleeping in the water .
- as much as possible recite the mantras being completely immersed in the water
- with OM come rise from the water .
- close all the fingers of left palm like a mushthi . inside this mushthi keep the right thumb and rest four fingers of right hand keep on the left mushthi .this is known as shankha mudra . ” aapo hishtha mayo bhuva …” etc mantras are knwon to praise AAP namak HARI .. hence they are known as ‘ablingmantras’. chanting these mantras with shankha mudra dipping in the water one must do prokshana of head heart two shoulders and all the body .
- ” rutan ch satyam ..” three times recite this mantra OR in kumbhaka recite aghamarshana suktam
- DHYANA of NARAYANA in water
- rise from the water
- with shankha mudra recite purush sukta and do prokshana on head and do dhyana of NARAYANA having abhisheka in your heart …
- do achamaan
- with water make urdhwapundra naam
- come to the banks of the river
- wash the place three times, where one stands
- yagnyopaveet should be apasavya [ only those who have pitru adhikaara ] , “ye ke chasmatkule jaata aputra gotriNo mrutaah | te gruhNantu maya dattam vastranishpeednodakam || ” with this mantra squeeze the clothe [vastra ] that one is wearing [wet ] .while squeezing pitru teertha in the palms must be facing downwards and rest of the part should be on vastra .
- second time achamaan
- deva saligrama abhisheka should be done [ savya ]
- that saligrama teertha should be given to sanakadi muni and other devatas
- put some teertha on the head
- give deva tarpana rishi tarpana and pitru tarpana [ those who have adhikaara ]
- do achamaan
- brush your hairs with hands till the water running from head stops . do dhyana of srihari during this time
- ” apavitra pavitro va sarvavasthaam gatopi va | yah smaret pundarikakasham sa bahyabhyantar shuchi ” do prokshan with this mantra on a clean clothe vastra .
- first cover the head with one vastra and use the other part to cover body and put kacche upper side .
- sit down
- wash the legs .
- rinse the mouth ..
- twice achamaan
- use gopichandan
- achaman
- sandhyavandan
- join two edges of the clothe , this is knwon as dwiguna, again join the edges of the cloth , this is chaturguna . this chaturguna vastra we should squeeze after coming out of the river .
- this vastra should not be kept on the wrist , if kept it will become asuchi .
- if done twice achamaan should be done for shuddhi
- one should not keep the squeezed clothe on the shoulder ..if kept it ios known as rakshas karma .. for shuddhi one must do snana again .
Thus the different parts of the kriya known as PRATAH SNANA should be carried out to get proper snana phala .
Malapakarshana Snana
The snana carried out to cleanse oneself of dirt ,sweat and other doshas is known as malapkarshan snana . Abhyanga is also a kind of malapkarshana snana . Abhyanga snana should be done on monday wednesday and saturday only . monday abhyanga gives lustre to body ,wednesday gives allround health and saturday gives good enjoyments and pleasures . Dwitiya tritiya chaturthi panchami saptami trayodashi these days are good for abhyanga dahsmi dwadashi is good for children .
sunday tuesday thursday friday are not good for abhyanga snana , janma nakshatra , vyatipata yoga ,parva dina , ekadashi , jyeshtha nakshatra , shravana nakshatra , ardra nakshatra and night times are not good for abhyanga .
small children ,person with diseases ,aged these can take abhyanga on any day .and can also take bath with hot water without any dosha .
when taking bath on prohibited day abhyanga oil should be mixed with ghee and water to give relief from dosha and the oil gets shuddhi .
On sunday put some flowers in oil to cleanse it , thursday use darba in oil for shuddhi . friday mix gomaya in oil and on Tuesday mix with soil , during grahan mix tulasi with oil to get relieved from doshas .
Dashami abhyanga for kshatriya causes loss of children , ,trayodashi abhyanga for shudra causes death similarly tritiya abhyanga for vaishya causes death . one must not do tailabhyanga on vrata shraddha and upavas days .
One has prayashchitta for those who take bath with alcohol but there is no prayaschitta for those who take abhyanga before 6 ghati of suryoday . But ashwij krishna chaturdashi is exception to this rule . narak chaturdashi one must take abhyanga before sunrise at the time of chandrodaya .. one who does not do abhyanga goes to hell …naraka bhaya will be there for such and those who take abhyanga will not have narka bhaya thus it is naraka chaturdashi .
1.massaging oil onto the foot. 2, massaging oil on head . 3. cleaning the plates leaves in which bramhins have taken food
these give more punya than raajsuya yagny
krishnarpana mastu .
Snana – 3 !
Jalashay Prabheda
There are 14 types of water body fit for taking bath . they are
- Mahanadi
- nad
- srotah
- sarovar
- devakhaata
- naal
- taTaak
- kunD
- dhaara
- Koop
- Bila
- PrasravaN
- Udapaan
- KoTeer
the jalashay from 1 -5 are uttama , 6-10 are madhyam and 11-14 are adhama . One must do nitya naimiitika and kaamya snana in these jalashaya only .
1> It should be flowing all the three times a day [morning evening and night ] such a flow is known as jalasantati or jalapravaah . This jalasantati must begin from some mountain [parvat ] ,it should end in samudra ocean . Such a water flow jalasantati is known as MAHANADI . the snana here will destroy all the sins .
2> Jalasantati beginning from a mountain parvat should travel atleast 100 yojana before reaching ocean . such a jalapravaah is known as mahaanadi .
Nad laxan
From eastern Mountains if jalasantati begins and ends in western ocean [paschim samudra ] is known as NAD
Srotas laxan
beginning from a mountain and ending in some river or taking a still form at some place on earth and ending inside the earth bhumi is known as Srota
Sarovar LAxan
The water body circular in shape either on the top of ,mountain or at the botto of the mountain , which never dries is known as sarovar . These are very wide and have many lotus in it .
Devakhaat laxan
Either in open place on earth or on the monutains when the banks of such water body are automatically generated by devatas and water in it never dies having broad mouth of the body with large banks natural in shape in known as devakhaat ..
Naal laxan
For the benfit of the village or for agricultural activity , those flow created by humans diverting water from the river is known as NAAL .
taTAAk laxan
In a village or mountain or in a forest , the water body in the shape of half moon [ardhchandra akaar ] is known as taTaak .
KunDa laxan
There should be four corners for the water body , no steps and banks should be formed with stones ,big or small full of water is known as KunDA
Dhaara laxan
the water flow should begin from a hole or opening in a mountain high above the sealevel , it should fall from a great height and fall on the ground and then without stopping there it should flow continuously .. such a jalasantati is known as Dhaara
Koopa Laxan
The water body as wide as five meters ,circular in shape ,built with wood and bricks by humans full of water such a jalashay is known as koopa .
Bil laxan
water body in a desert under sand atleast 3 feet wide and full of water naturally is known as bila by the scholars .
Koteer laxan
the lengthier canal in a mountain or forest or on a tree or natural wooden creek with evry little flowing water but never drying is known as koteer .
Prasravan laxan
either in monutain or at some place on earth , little by little water should get accumulated naturally and then it should start flowing as canal ..this is known as prasravan ..
OOdapaan laxan
In a garden or in aplace where cows tread , the small pond craeted with bricks or wood for animals to drink water is known as oodapaan
Samudra laxan
one which has natural waves , which acnnot be easily crossed , whose depth acnnot be easily estimated and one which is surrounded by a island or land all through its banks is known as SAMUDRA .
Punya equivalent to One year continuous fasting will be got by taking bath in GANGA .. half of it will be the punya in Godavari snana .
Mahanadi snana phala
1.chandrayan Vrat 2. three krichcha vrata 3.10000 gayatri japa 4. Mahanadi snana all these are equivalent .
Mahanadi Taartamya .
- saraswati nadi
- yamuna nadi
- ganga
- narmada
these four rivers are knwon as best among mahanadi ..
Ganga nadi immidiately destroys the sins as one takes bath .. saraswati nadi destroys after three days of bath .. narmada and yamuna destroys after 5 days of snana . All teertha created by Devatas and Bramhanas give same phala as mahanadi snana ..
Those river that does not meet ocean gives phala of each snana equivalent to 5 days of ordinary snana at home .
Those river that meet the ocean gives 15 days worth of snana phala by one snana in it … The snana is samudra itself will give one months snana phala .
The water quenched from a well is inferior to natural water inside the earth , Prasravan water is better than water in the bhumi . Sarovar is better than prasrvan .rievr water is more punyakar than sarovar . Teertha jal is more shreshtha than nadijal .Godavari water is more punyakar than all the waterbodies .
Deva rushi nirmita many teertha are fit for snana .. water from bila prasravan koteer and oodupaan shoudl not be used directly they must be taken in bucket and then used .. when there is dearth of water in any water body , they shoudl be taken ina bucket and use .. but such a water in patra can be only fit for sandhyavandan but will not give any punya for snana ..
Puraan prasiddha KIngs and other characters like muni devtas et who have created koop tataak etc are alwasy fit for snana .
ONE must not take bath in a water bodies created by those
- who are lesser in caste to ourselves and have earnt money in wrong way ..
- who are of same caste but have fallen due to non carrying of the duties of varnashram ..
- Vardhushika vrutti .. one who has earned money through commisions or by selling goods at a high price , which he himself has purchased at very low cost . such a trade is knwon as Vardooshika and is totally decried in shastras ,.. such a vaardhosshika vrutti person is disallowed in all ceremonies and food partaken in his house leads to all types of sins .
- If for any reason unknwoingly a bath has been taken in such a place then one must do prayashchitta and krichhvrata .
- Such a bath in nindita jalashya does not give any punya but gives the sins of the owner of the jalashay ..
- If one has to take the snana in a jalashay created by others eligible , than one must enter the jalashay and throw away atleast five or ten mushthi soil from it …and then take bath .. else one gets the sins of the owner .
- those jalashay which has been donated for saarvajanik use , taking bath in such jalashay one need not throw away mushthi soil ..,
- the jalashay to be created for public use must be constructed with two sanskarra a> through vedic injunctions b> it shoudl be donated in a vedic manner as daana for public use . After that the owner must never take bath in that jalashay
- The jalashay where there is no water enough to take a dip should not be used for snana .
- when there is scope and availability of deva nirmit better jalashay for snana , in such situations one must not take resort to jalashay constructed by others .The vaapi koopa tataak constructed by mletchas should never be used for snana or drinking . this gives mahadosha .. only prajapatya vrata ..this if done with knwoledge of such occurence .. if done unknowingly then one must do upavaasa for one complete day to get shuddhi and then with bramha koorcha panchagavya praashan one will get purification .. one need not do prajapatya in such case . So says Vignyaneshwar rishi .
krishnarpanamastu .
Snana -2 !
snana with indian gooseberry [ nellikayi ,amla ] and eating amla give VISHNUPREETI . HARI is especially pleased with those who take bathw ith amla powder on ekadashi day and dwadashi day both snana and eating of amla is very auspicious and gains special affection of LORD Vishnu
VYASA rishi says ,
those days where snana with amalaki is prohibited are
- saptami
- navami
- sunday
- tuesday
- eclipse
- sankranti
- sashti
- parvadina
- night times
- pournima
- amavasya
shatataap rishi says one must not take snana with amalaki in the early morning hours .. this puts all the days as nishiddha .. then dwadashi one must do snana with amalaki becomes an exception …rest days afternoon bath ,evening bath can be done with amalaki .
If one does snana with malaki on the nishiddha prohibited days than one will suffer poverty ..
if prohibited days fall on ekadashi then amalaki snana on such days gives immense punya .. so say shattrinshansmriti …
- snana with til
- applying til powder to entire body
- homa with til
- pitru tarpana with til
- eating til and jaggery
- giving dana of til
those who perform these six karmas will never get tired and tiredness will cease if any ..
Vyasa says those who desire the betterment of servants ,friends and wife should never touch til on
- amavasya
- sankraman
- ashtami
- sunday
- poornima
- vyatipaata
- eclipse
- vaidhruti yoga
- midnight
- ekadashi
- dwadashi
- vrata days
during the evening and night times one must use oil or powders of til either for eating or snana ,eating food which is larger than its seed during night reduces wealth ..
- Pashaan mantra
- Avahana
- namaskaar
- arghya
- prarthana
- anugnya
- snana
- ten tarpana
these eight kriya completes the samudra snana and makes one eligible to get samudra snana phala .
these are :
पिप्पलाादसमुत्तन्ने कृत्ये लोकभयँकरी । पाषाणम ते मया दत्त माहारार्थम प्रकल्पितम् ॥
आवाहन मंत्र
पिशाची च घृताची च विश्वयोने विशाम् पते । सानिध्यम् कुरुमे देव सागरे लवणांधसि ॥
नमस्कार मंत्र
नमस्ते विश्वगुप्ताय नमो विष्णुवपां पते ।नमो जलधिरूपाय नदीनाम् पतये नमः ॥
अर्घ्य मंत्र
सर्वरत्नमयः श्रीमान सर्वरत्नाकराकर । सर्वरत्नप्रदातस्त्वं गृहाणामर्घ्यम् महोदधे ॥
प्रार्थना मंत्र
पृथिव्याम् यानि तीर्थानि प्राविशंस्त्वाम् महोदधे । स्नातस्य मे फलम् देहि सर्वस्मादपि चांधसः ॥
अभ्यनुज्ञा मंत्र
समस्तजगदाधार शंखचक्रगदाधर । अनुज्ञाम् देहि मे देव युष्मत्तीर्थनिषेवणे ॥
स्नान मंत्र
वेदादयो वेदवशिष्ठ योनिः सरित्पतिः सागररत्नयोनिः । अग्निश्च मे तेज इला च तेजो रेतोधा यज्ञममृतस्य च नाभिः ॥इदं तेऽन्याभिरसमानमद्भिर्याः काश्च सिंधुम् प्रविशंत्यापः । सर्वो जीर्णामिव त्वचं जहाते पापं शरीरात्सशिरस्कोऽभ्युपेत्य ॥
तर्पण मंत्र
- पिप्पलादम् तर्पयामि
- कविं तर्पयामि
- कण्वं तर्पयामि
- कृतांतम् तर्पयामि
- जीवकेश्वरं तर्पयामि
- मन्युम् तर्पयामि
- कालरात्रिम् तर्पयामि
- विद्यां तर्पयामि
- अहर्गणेश्वरं तर्पयामि
- समुद्रम् तर्पयामि
तदनंतरं देव तर्पणम् रिषि तर्पणम् पितृ तर्पणम्
this completes the smaudra snana
one must not do achamana with samudra water .. one must not do achaman with hot water and tarpana should be given from samudra water only ..
Snana -1 !
Snana is karma . it is just not cleansing of body with water but a karma that gives different results fruits in various situations.
Snana is nitya karma , that we do on a daily basis in three sandhyas .
Snana taken on specific occasion like 1> eclipse , 2> after having touched rajaswala stree ,or antyaj mletch or 3> during asuchi are all naimittika snana
Snana undertaken to get the desires of the life fulfilled like increase in longevity ,wealth , health etc increase in beauty , lustre ,skin tone ,increase in radiance of body , etc .. OR having desires of other life like Svarga etc is known as KAAMYA SNANA .
Those desirous of fruits of karma should carry out snana for phala those who do not desire fruits should carry out the SNANA for HARIPREETI ..
How to do such SNANA we shall elaborate .
PULASTYA rishi says :
- every month Pushya nakshatra
- ones own janma nakshatra
- vaytipaata yoga
- vaidhriti yoga
- amavasya
- dintraya
SNANA on these days will release the seven ancestors from their sins .. that means a snana taken with proper instructions on these days will not only destroys one’s own sins but also destroys sins of father grandfather their father and forefathers seven generations .. and if done on dintraya it will grace a crore [kulkotim samuddharet ] generations .
SUNDAY and TUESDAY one should take bath in river , for those who do that , just as LION does not have fear of other wild animals in forest similarly one will not have fear of diseases .
One who takes bath in a river near the sannidhi of RUDRA DEVARU on CHAITRA KRISHNA CHATURDASHI one will never attain the pretatva [ one will never become preta ,bhoota pisacha etc ] . If done in GANGA river it is very much more effective .
BHAVISHYA purana says
The water body very near to a SHIVALINGA is known as SHIVAGANGA , those who take bath in this Shivaganga , get relived from all their sins and reach abode of RUDRA DEVA
Yamasmriti says
Kartik pournami bath in PUSHKAR and MAGH Pournami a snana in Prayaag will destroy all the sins of the person .
Jyestha SHUKLA NAVAMI if there is hasta Nakshatra on that day the it is very auspicious .. a bath in ganga on this day will relieve one from the sins made in last 10 TEN BIRTHS .
MAGH KRISHNA CHATURDASHI if one takes bath in YAMUNA river or VAISHAAKH SHUKLA TRITIYA [ akshya tritiya ] in GANGA will take away all the sins of this birth .
Surya grahana -during solar eclipse a bath in GANGA will give punya equivalent to donating infinite cows in a proper vedic manner .
Padma purana says
KARTIK shukla NAVAMI is very dear to Pitrus .. so a snana dana homa on this day by the side of river pleases the forefathers who have departed .
MAGHA saptami is equivalent to Surya grahana .. a snana during arunodaya on this day will give immense punya .
Chaitra shukla ashtami if it is with Punarvasu nakshatra and also if that day happens to be Wednesday than it is a very very auspicious day .. a snana in river on this day will give punya of having done VAAJPEYA YAGNYA .- VISHNU vachan .
SHATATAP rishi says
On an amavasya if it is SUNDAY or Tuesday just a snana on this day in ganga will give punya equivalent to having donated 1000 cows .
puranas say
Ashwij pournami to kaartika pournami one should take bath everyday in river , do japa of vishesha mantras ,should eat only havishya items , and remain with complete indriya nigraha .. then one gets relieved from all sins and becomes purified in mind and body .
The months of libra ,capricorn and aries , one should get up early in the morning and take bath in rivers and should be in bramhacharya vrata eat only havishya then one will get relieved from all sins of this birth .
YAMA says
Those who desire wealth and worldly pleasures and also svarga should take bath during lunar and solar eclipse . and should take bath before sunrise during pushya pournami to phalguna poornima everyday .
matsya purana says ,
Four months from ASHADHA poorima to KAARTIKA poornima everyday one should take bath early in the morning …everyday one should give bramhna bhojana andon KAARTIKA poornima one should give GODAANA … This is Known as VISHNU VRATA . One gets Vishnuloka by doing this .
The month starting the end of Pushya masa and before the beginning of Phalguna masa is known as MAGHA MASA . according to sage NARADA month occurs in three ways ..
- From poornima to poornima it is knwon as poornimaantamasa … in this type pushya poornima to magha poornima is known as MAGHA MASA
- from amavasya to amavasya is known as amavasyantamaas ….in this krama pushya amavasya to magha amavasya will be magha masa . both above are chandra maana masa .
- from one solar ingress to another solar ingress is known as saurmasa ,,, in this krama the month starting from makar sankranti to kumbha sankranti is known as magha masa .. this is saura maana masa ..
In these three types of magha masa ,one can choose as per their tradition or can choose all the three types of months for snana which will give immense punya .
In this month rivers keep saying aloud from arunoday time till suryodaya .. ” please come take bath we shall relieve you of all sins ,.. lets see who is lucky among you .who is the fortunate one ! “
small children or young boys or old men women or transgenders , all and everyone should take bath during maghamasa in a river ..This will give all sorts of desires to the one who takes bath …
While doing this snana ,one should not cover oneself with sweater or blanket while going to the river . If one gets troubles by the cold wind then one must resist such a cold weather and continue the snana .. One must never try to get rid of cold during the snana ..if one does the snana in this manner taking the cold into ones stride .. with each step he takes towards river while going and coming from river ONE GETS ASHWAMEDHA YAGNYA punya for each step .
one should not use fire agni before or after snana .. to relieve oneself of cold weather .
SNANA in river gives mahaphala … for those who do not have river …
- river water
- water flowing with quick speed
- water taken in a new pot a previous day ,if this water is kept in an open place below sky ,where wind flows freely .. if kept from night till dawn
these three types of water is equivalent to Ganga . This water can be used for Snana and will give ganga snana phala .
before starting MAgha snana , one should do snakalpa that I will do the snana daily in a river for a month .. Then one should recite what type of niyama one will undertake for the month .. and then start the snana …
One must do sankalpa everyday before snana too
MANTRAs to be recited while doing snana will be given in subsequent posts ..
one must recite them ..With much devotion one must take bath month long in the river water ….
After the snana one must take the mrittika of that teertha river and annoint himself .. one must also put the mrittika on ones head ..
then one must put gopichandana and mudras …one must give arghya to SURYA in a vedokta manner .. one must give tarpana to Pitrus ..
then one must come out of the water .. in any circumstance one must not speak ..JUST AS WOOD DOES NOT SPEAK .. one must be like wood … This is known as KAASHTHAMAUNA . One must come home with this type of mauna .
One must worship with stotra the MADHAVA rupa of HARI which has SHANKHA CHAKRA .. one must give agnihotra in agni ..other homas should be done ..
Entire month one must not travel anywhere .. one must reside at one place only must sit in single aasan . Those who are capable should do bramhacharya vrata and sleep on ground … those who are not capable and those who are rich can stay as they wish .. But in magha masa those capable or incapable must adhere to some special niyamas , that would give effective results ..
to be continued …. this post will go on for several days !
RAHU in Lagna !
Any planet in ascendant fairly modifies the characteristics of the rashi in which ascendant [ lagna ] falls . Similarly Rahu also gives the results of the sign in which it tenants to a maximum and in mysterious way . The results are experienced in a greater way by the subject much to the observation of surrounding people .
Some of the results of RAHU being prominent in horoscope are :
- Giving the feeling of things that are not existent ..
- sensing extrasensory objects
- something reeling into the head and to reason which is inexplicable
- experiencing things beyond perception of other normal men ..
- treading in the dream world
- Trying to figure out meanings beyond dreams
- Trying to see through the mystique
- whatever result a sign exhibits among them presence of rahu makes it exhibit to the extent which is untenable to logic and imperceptible
- as rahu has innate connection with moon , subconscious activities are more pronounced
- many a times rahu exhibits the characteristics traits acquired in previous births which is dormant in the corner of mind and gets ignited with time .
Many a astrologers say Rahu is akin to shani .. but Rahu has been seen to give fierce results like mars too .. similarly ketu is akin to mars but ketu gives vaata roga like shani …
experience shows Rahu excites other planets in conjunction with it ..It gives results of the planets it associates aspects or tenants [nakshatra lord ] .
RAHU in LAGNA people always make sure they honor the word ..they fall in love with many women , are highly passionate and immersed in pleasures . Such people always are well dressed and fashion conscious .
Rahu in shubh avastha shubh yoga in lagna gives favorable results of the sign …in fire signs it gives enthusiasm ,ambitions, straightforwardness,optimism ,courage brave achievements ,brimming with self confidence . especially in saggitarius it gives interest in yoga siddhi , good physique ,sports achievements etc leo it gives interest in music drama and literature .. and study in these fields to the level of research ..
In earth signs it imparts beauty intelligence and practical mind ,stability ,and sharp attitude . legal education ,critical analysis ,civil service .
In Airy signs literary pursuits ,scientific research , etc
In water signs it gives imaginations , emotional expressions ,devotion ,passion for service , philanthropy ,compassion ,sense of justice . In pisces the extrasensory faculties are more developed ,will give tendency to help and religiousness is seen .In scorpio secret societies ,secret mystique sciences
on the whole rahu in good yoga in lagna gives mystique experiences of past life , post death knowlegde ,administering medicines , healing capabilities etc .relieving from goblins ..mantra vidya , karna pisach , all such arts will be known .
Mars with rahu gives rise to a revolutionary .. venus rahu gives excellence in profession , mercury rahu gives acute intution
Rahu in lagn especially gives good artists with magnificent vision photography etc ..wherever there is need for secrecy such a yoga stands good .. wherever there is need for backdoor operations .. backroom management , invisible control .. rahu in lagna helps a lot ..showing illusions , making empty talks , struggling hard for some unknown concepts ,,or for some ancestors’ happiness in family is trademark of these people .These are heavily influenced by grandparents ..
If the rahu in lagna is in ashubha yoga it gives very inauspicious results . it gives diseases but such diseases will not be diagnosed by doctors .These will have full awareness of the disease but medically nothing would be present . mostly the disease will be psychological in nature and subsequently manifesting in body .
Mostly they suffer from the prarabdha ..which has no cure .. sometimes these will be terribly hurt during childhood and carry the mental wound .. sometimes these may be in previous births too carried forward as terrific dreams .. sometimes fear of unknown grapples them ..
These become easy prey to abhichara like banamati ,sammohan ,vashikarana, and black magic ..Most of the time skin diseases occur , snake troubles erupt . or fall prey to food poisoning or poison attack .
Aspect of saturn on rahu in lagna gives pisacha badha .. they also suffer from evil eye of the people repeatedly ..owing to which self confidence is lost and they get attracted to lower status and mean base people .
Unfavorable rahu gives divorce , failures in relationships and widowhood . it also leads to loss of morals . being under some addiction ,they get eagerly ready to do a antisocial activity like a possessed person .extreme hardness of mind and unnecessary ego ,loss of mental peace , jealousy and unrealistic presentations ,,suicidal tendency and roaming aimlessly and changing partners forms the major signs of afflicted rahu .
SOme of the famous personalities are BAJIRAO peshwa , machiavelli , nostradamus ,trueman ,Mahaveer , actress rekha ,madhubala vaijayanthi bala etc ..
The only remedy for such a position is DIVINE INTERVENTION and Psychological treatments ..PRAYING VARAHA NARSIMHA will alleviate all the ill effects of such a rahu .. DONATING Buffalo is another such remedy .. CHANDI homa or pratikaar bali is also a good remedy ..
DURGA ANTARGAT PARSHURAAM seva will give life long good health and protection .
krishnarpanamastu .
Brahma Mimamsa Shastra !
Bramha sutras Are known as Bramha Mimamsa Shastra . Lord NARAYANA as Vedavyasa himself has composed BRAMHA SUTRAS . WHY?
Vedas are infinite ! what does it mean vedas are infinite ?
a contemplation on the issue will bring to light certain mind-boggling tenets … what are they …?
To delve deeply we must understand what are vedas ? they are group of naturally ordered sequence of aksharas . what are aksharas ? kshara is perishable commodity … akshara is imperishable commodity ! so its existence in universe is TRUTH .. as it is imperishable it exists naturally and is indestructible … so it is visible too .. one who sees this is known as RISHI …
Now a rishi is someone who has realised this imperishable sequence of aksharas and has visualised it and is able to recite it at will [as he sees it regularly he can read it too in space .... so a readily accessible concept for him ] …
Now every person be it RISHI or otherwise has a limitation and hence cannot be knowing entire Infinite VEDAS or might have realised entire infinite Vedas …
but according to the sadhana carried over by rishis each might be knowing a specialised VEDA thus may be unique in his exposition of knowledge .. Each Rishi is exponent of specific unique mysterious knowledge …
In KRUTAYUGA the path showed by VEDAS was still non wavering and uniform all through the UNIVERSE …that means each exalted soul was engaged in his own pursuit of excellence and meeting such people always resulted in new exposition of new concept .. World was Ideal …
In treta the wavering of path of VEDAS occurred due to downfall of one leg of DHARMA ..and in Dwapara yuga it experienced a jolt .. by the end of DWAPARA yuga it extinguished completely … People say it was chiefly due to the curse of sage GAUTAM //
What happened due to the curse ? Failure to recollect verses was experienced …
SO vedas as it was present in the form of lineages of various rishis in various parts of the world ..suffered a discontinuity …and vedas as it was distributed and separated in various places in the form of few enlightened souls .. stood the risk of annihilation …
Here at this point LORD VEDAVYASA manifested himself making the SATYATI and PARASHAR episode as excuse [nimitta ] … and reestablished vedic way of life by dividing VEDAS into four 10 25 100 1000 parts and distributed them among the rishis and munis and to practise ….
Yet when these were practised .. rishis and munis and learned scholars could not understand the meaning of Vedas [ as in limited distributed learning ] .. SO in order to make people understand the meaning of vedas ,rather to enumerate the pointers to understanding of Vedas LOrd VEDAVYASA wrote BRAMHA SUTRAS ..
In the first part of Kaliyuga for few thousand years in NAIMISHARANYA sages propagated them in strict adherence to Sutras … slowly as kaliyuga progressed intellect of human decreased with increase in sins .. and slowly the disappearance of sages made it further difficult for common learned people to decipher the meaning of the SUTRAS ..
Upon that in came onslaught of various different paths of avedic culture which gained strength … In the mixup of various philosophies … People came up with various interpretations of SUTRAS to suit their own philosophy … and within no time 21 various interpretations of SUTRAS were in vogue making it very difficult for scholars to decipher the real meaning of VEDAS ..
At this point of time ACHARYA MADHVA gave his BHASHYA commentary to the SUTRAS .. the earlier commentaries 21 in number were not acceptable to the original SUTARKAAR Shri VEDAVYASA as it did not reflect even remotely the intent of the LORD ..the 22nd commentary by SRIMADANANDA teertha not only reflected the original intent of LORD but also simplified it for the scholars to come .
In an elaborate and precise manner SUTRA BHASHYA has been written and then again ANUVYAKHYANA to crush the apavyakhyana of the SUTRAS to help the sajjanas … However to understand the logic employed in these granthas to uphold the real meaning of VEDAS .. it required a mammoth skill and hence to help such exercise and ease them ACHARYA collected various logics and inferences and pramanas in another exposition namely NYAYAVIVARANA ..
To concisely bring them to memory of the sadhaka he composed a small reference text known as ANUBHASHYA .. this is only for the namesake ANUBHASHYA but actually is a magnum opus of ACHARYA exhibiting his infinite skill in comprising the meanings of many a sutras in one single word .. each sutra nd set of sutras have been just explained in a word in ANUBHASHYA .. to understand them succeeding ACHARYAS like JAYATEERTHA and RAGHAVENDRA swamiji have written many books .. one among them being TATVA MANJARI of RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY only through which we understand the beauty and unfathomable knowledge of ACHARYA MADHVA in representing various concepts in single word .. just like KRISHNA SHOWED the whole creation to his mother yashoda in his small mouth .. so also ACHARYA compressed the entire infinite VEDIC knowledge into concise ANUBHASHYA …easy for parayana ..
BRAMHA Sutra has 564 sutras grouped into 223 adhikaranas each propounding a certain aspect of VEDA ,..
Some adhikarana have only one Sutra and some have two or three or more …
these adhikarnas are divided into Four ADHYAYAS and each Adhyaya is further divided into four padas .In all making 16 padas ..
In the first pada of the first Chapter .. which is known as SAMANVAYA adhyaya .. a samanvaya has been made with respect to all words occurring in nature as representing LORD .. ie it has been made samanvaya that all words convey only GOD … and he is PARIPOORNA …
There will be eight types of words that would require samanvaya
- the words which are different from those that represent GOD and convey names [namatmak ]
- the words which are expressions of form gender etc and in reference in world generally not representing GOD [ lingatamak]
- words those are nounal and are used in reference to GOD as well as others simultaneously
- words that are ref to form , gender etc lingatmak but simultaneously used for both GOD and others
- namatmak words different from above four types
- lingatmak words different from above four types
- namatmak words representing only GOD
- lingatmak words representing only GOD
- the first pada of first chapter deals with point 1
- the second pada deals with point 2 ie type 2
- the third pada deals with type 3 and 4
- the fourth deals with type 5 and 6
as 7 and 8 types do not require any samanvaya they are not covered ..
In ADHYAYA 2 .. there is khandana [ refutation ] of the argument that there is contradiction in VEDAS as regards to SUPREMACY of LORD with respect to time .,inference ,and sentences in VEDAS are contradictory …
this is known as AVIRODHADHYAYA as it shows there is no difference in the vedic verses as per the meaning they convey .. all the verses convey SUPREMACY of LORD and do not contradict ..with respect to creation of universe and auspiciousness of LORD
- in the first pada of this adhyaya is shown avirodha with respect to yukti
- in the second pada avirodha wrt time [darshan ] is established
- in the third pada the diferrences in SHRUTI vakyas seemingly contradictory have been reconciled
- in the fourth pada nyayopet yuktisahit shruti avirodha has been established
the Third ADHYAYA is known as sadhanaadhyaya ..
In the first adhyaya Lord is established as SUPREME .. in the second any objection raised by various thought processes have been refuted .. so a scholar reading these two chapters is confirmed with the knowledge of VISHNU SARVOTTAMATVA .. then what next ?
SO different sadhana are enumerated to facilitate BRAMHA JIGNYASA in the third adhyaya ..
- in the first pada VAIRAGYA has been explained
- in the second pada the most instrumental in VAIRAGYA is BHAKTI is enumerated
- the subject matter of third pada is UPASANA which gives rise to BHAKTI
- the subject matter of fourth pada is APAROKSHA
the fourth ADHYAYA then elaborates once vairagya dawns with bhakti owing to upasana leading to APAROKSHA then what is the use of all this ? It explains the fruits of such exercise and is known as PHALADHYAYA
Bramhagyana when dawns it results into MOKSHA and its swaroopa is explained and path leading to it after aparoksha is also explained ..
- The first pada explains the result of KARMANAASH
- the second deals with deha laya of those who have achieved KARMAKSHAYA owing to gyana and BHOGA
- the third deals with place and path reached by the souls who leave through BRAMHANAADI or other naadi known as UTKRAMANA
- The fourth deals with achieving the PARABRAMHA through chaturmukha BRAMHA and BHOGA or enjoyments of MUKTA JEEVA …
In this way starting with ATHATO BRAMHA JIGNYASA … Bramha sutras instruct the scholars to inquire about the SUPREME as a vidhi and kartavya through its four adhyayas … and with SHRAVNA MANANA AND NIDHIDHYASANA forms of sadhana and acquiring SHAMA DAMA etc wealth adhikaari should aspire for MOKSHA which is result of BRAMHA JIGNYASA and it is a compulsory duty “avashya ” through steady meditation of BRAMHA Sutras BHASHYA and VYAKHYANA is the clear proclamation of BRAMHA MIMAMSA SHASTRA ..
Pushpa patra ankur aur Tulasi !
Sandhyakaala for a bramhin is 4 ghatikas before Sunrise .. a Kshatriya should get up before 2 ghatikas before sunrise and vaishyas should start theur sandhya before a ghatika ie in 59th ghati from suryodaya ..
One must take bath and One must wear a clean neat cloth [ ahat vastra ] which has border annoint urdhwapundra and then sit with achamana .
one must do pranayama and sankalapa and then do marjana … a marjana which has three ruks in it each having three padas totally making for a nine padas removes through its drop [ not drops of water ]
- rajoguna responsible for the rise of desires of sense objects in human body
- tamoguna responsible for development of vipareetgyana [ that is root cause of all miseries and misfortunes ]
- vipareetgyana itself that leads to nityanaraka
- sins during jagrutavasthe [ ie sins done while one is awake ]
- sins done in dreams [ swapnavastha ]
- sins done during deep sleep like kicking someone or torture to others like sleepwalking snoring etc [ sushupti avastha ]
- sins accumulated by bad mouthing [ vaacha ]
- sins accumulated by imagining unqualified objects sinful tempearments [ manasa ]
- sins done through body [ kaya ]
when marjan ais done with anusandhana of the meaning in a perfect manner it also destroys bramhahatya dosha ..
then jalaabhimantran
then again marjana for second time this time with drupada mantra one must takes in water through nostrils and discharges it without seeing it … this relieves one of all the sins that has accumulated in the body ….
then one must stand up and give suryarghya [ this kills mandeha rakhshasas ]
remember suryantargta NARAYANA and then to relieve oneself of the dosha of killing rakshashas one has to do pradakshina and achamana
then one must give devata tarpana
one must do papaprushvsarjana … tatvanayasa matrukanyasa anganyasa karanyasa dhyana
- rushi
- chandas
- devata
- shakti
- tatva
- beeja
- swara
- varna
- dhyana
- phala
- keelaka
- mudra
after that one must stand and complete gayatri japa till sunrise and then one must sit and complete the japa ..1008 being uttama 108 madhyam and 10 being adhama ..
then mantrartha chintana
then suryaupasthana
Ashtakshar japa [ three times gayatri ]
Dwadashakshara japa [ two times gayatri ]
ashtamahamantra japa
ishta mantra japa
gather abhyukshana water
do prokshana of abhyukshana to the whole house
Then Agniprathishthapanam
homa [ din homa paksha homa darshyaag poornammasa yaaga pashuyaaga somayaga etc ] homa shoudl be done in same agni that was lit during marraige ..
after 7.30 am till 9 am one must do vedabhyasa
- listening to vedas from guru
- introspecting meaning of the topics learnt
- practising the same again and again
- japa of veda mantras
- teaching vedas to students
these five form vedabhyasa one must remember 12 types of gururs before and after vedabhyasa . one mst specially study gruhyasutras of ones traditions
After vedabhyasa one must get up wear a different set of white clothes .. wash the hands take a wooden bowl and move towards the pushpavana ..
Standing before the pushpavana one must with attention and folded hands worship VANADEVATA ..
” namaste kusumadhare namaste kamaladhare pushpaaNi vishNupoojaarthamaaharishye tavagnyaya “
ten one must proceed into the forest … collect
- karveer ]
- jaaji
- samapangi
- vangula
- vakula
- mandaar
- paarijaat
- paatali
- ashok
one must not take flowers that are fallen , which are nearer to the house , back coloured flowers ,dry flowers , torn flowers , flowers brought in a tied cloth ,flowers touched by evil people ,flowers already smelt by people , used flowers ,flowers which have been touched by feet ,scentless flower , fully aged blossomed flowers , unblossomed flowers , flowers brought by women and sudras should not used for the LORD ..
tulasi utpala jaji ketaki karveer maalati maadhvi mallika kamal these are very apt for praying VISHNU .
In padamasamhita HARI says flowers from
- NANDANvana
- udyaanvana
- forest
- own house
- market
- that which comes without asking
these six types can be collected each being greater than other descending it in that order ..
Dharmaraaj Yudhishthir asks which flowers are best suited for your worship oh Madhusudan kindly enlighten … which are dear to you ? which are not suited what are their results ?
LORD says
Those that are not of white colour and those that have no fragrance , that have not blossomed or have torn or have dried by offering it to ALLMIGHTY one gets extreme fear of sins and miseries … [ unknown fears and dreams of doing sins ]
Those who offer flowers eaten by worms birds or that have fallen all by themselves from a tree or girikarnika flowers all such offerings destroys the dynasty of the person , he goes without offspring ..
kalpavriksha , paarijaata , harichandana santaanvruksha , madaaravruksha these five flowers and saugandhika the sixth and seventh the palaash pushpa give thousand times more results than the ordinary flowers and each of the flower mentioned gives thousand times more than the later … Normally one should not offer flowers already offered … but these seven flowers can be offered again aand again by washing them next day ..
In the early morning offering two kamal three utpala white flowers .. malati in morning karveer in afternoon jaati pushpa in evening bakula in pradosha mallika during madhyaratri and kamal early morning Nandika pushpa at arunodaya … daytime flowers that bllom in day and night times offer flowers that bloom in night .. white flowers in morning red flowers in afternoon and black flowers during night ..
Padma pushpa shuld be used during mahotsavas … NIVAAR NEEP TAMAAL DAVAN flowers can be used even if they are old and worn out …
AMONG all flowers utpala gives thousand times more phala .. Padma is greater by 1000 than utpala ..kamal of 100petals is better than padma … shreshta is the 1000petaled lotus … PUNDARIK lotus is greater than 1000petalled one …
a 1000pundarik does not equal a TULASI dala ..BAKAPUSHPA is more holier and most HOLIER is the flower made of GOLD ..
There is no flower more dearer than a gold flower tome says KRISHNA .. if one does not afford gold flower than he must worship with tulasi .. if one does not get TULASI dala than he must worship with tulasi branch .. if not branch than a tulasi twig … even if one does not get a tulasi twig then one must use the mrittika at the roots of tulasi to worship KRISHNA ..
Just bramhins are shreshta among the jaatis .. Ganga is shrestha among the rivers KRISHNA is shrestha among dieties so also Malati is shrestha among the flowers .. one can alwasy worship LOrd with malati .. one can offer same flowers again and again of MALATi it does not become nirmalya .. one gets relieved from diseases miseries old age and finally gets moksha by offering malati pushpa ..sugandhmaya psuhpa gives one place in vaikuntha …
ANKURA that can be used for worship of VISHNU are
- doorva
- raktanishpavam
- moong sprouts
- indravalli
- gulamashak
- Tulasi
- amala
- gandhaparna
- vishnukranta
- bilva
- ashvattha
- tamaala
- maruga
- daman
- khadir
- sahadevi
- shami
- bramhapalash
- chuutparna [ mango]
- bakaa
- padma
- karpoormallikalata
- bhringarak
the above gives hari sannidhi
Tulasi should not be plucked on sankranti poornima amavasya dwadashi night times evening times grahan .. these times will give hell
Those who pluck tulasi during arunoday will never see yamaloka .. but plucking on other days which is prohibite gives bramhahatya dosha
one must not luck tulasi after noon .. neither one must pluck without taking bath .. worship with such tulasi is waste ..does not eyild result … panchagavya prokshan shoudl be done in case tulasi is plucked without bath ,..
METHOD to pluck tulasi
- must take bath
- do achamana
- take bowl full fo water
- pour it in the tulasi roots of the plants
- do namaskaar
- do prarthana
- then pluck tulasi
MANTRA for pouring water to TULASI
“shriyah priye shriyavase nityam shridharvallabhe | bhaktya dattam mayaaarghyam hi tulasi pratigruhyataam ||”
NAmaskaar mantra
” yaa drushta nikhilaghsanghshamini sprushta vapuhpaavani rogaaNaamabhivandita nirasani siktaantakatraasini | pratyasattividhaayini bhagvatah krishnasya samropita nyastaa tachharaNe vimuktiphalada tasmayi tulasyai namaha || “
manahprasaadjanani sukhsaubhagyavardhini | aadhim vyaadhim ch har me tulasi tvam namamyaham ||
” shriyam dehi yasho dehi keertimayustatha sukham | balam pushTim tatha dharmam tulasi tvam prayachcha me ||
Tulasi kshamayachana
Oh tulasi ! NARAYANA alone is capable of giving MOKSHA .. you are very dear to him .. I am plucking your leaves to please SRIHARI kindly forgive me
tulais should not be plucked with nails .. but only with fingers .. after plucking tulasi one must head straight to house and pooja room because just as claf goes behind the cow wherever it goes .. LORD goes behind the one who plucks a tulasi wherever he goes ..
Pooja done with such tulasi plcuked in above manner gives 1 lakh times more phala ..
krishna tulasi when offered to LORD takes one to HARI sannidhana after death .
People do so many sins some before others some in secrecy .. some sins acnnpot be told in public all such sins gets destroyed by offering tulasi dala to LORD srikrsihna ..
Those who do not offer tulasi to LORD NARAYANA their pilgrimage vrata niyamas do not bring any result , it is of no consequence thus one must with efforts offer tulasi to SRIMANNARAYANA ..
In kaliyuga there cannot be greater archana to HARI pratima than offering Tulasi .. such people are noble and saintly .. as their all sins do not touch them and they ascend heavens …. especially if tulasi leaves that fall off plant all b y itself and when offered to LORD his birth is of great significance in kaliyuga …such an offering during arunodaya gives MOKSHA .. such a tulasi collected during arunodaya mixed flower and offered to LOrd’s feet gives punya equivalent to 12 lakhs flowers … One golden flower offered to LORD gives punya of 1 crore flowers offered to the LORD .. the same punya is gathered by one who offeres TULASI DALA ..[ a dala is different than leaf a dala is formed by three leaves at the apex of a branch of tulasi amidst the tulasi seed].
ANY pooja done without Tulasi goes without fetching any phala ..
one must not wash tulais leaves before offering .. but tulasi once offered can be washed again and again offered to the lord ..
Tulasi destroys all diseases .. tulasi is very dear to HARI at all times and at all places … it is holier than all rivers as all have their blessings in tulasi ..
offering tulasi daily during kartika masa is equivalent to giving daana of 100 kapila cows per tulasi leaf ….there is no lord greater than HARI . there is no item like food which can give greater satisafction there is no guru greater than FATHER . there is no daan greater than godaana and there is no leaf more holier than TULASI ..
A tulasi offering brings so much preeti of LORD that which cannot be got from yagnyas homas daana .. ashtanga yoga or samadhi ..
A planting of tulasi is equivalent to planting 1000 mango trees , 100 hippali trees .. it gives phala of 10 lakh yagnyas ..and he is eligible to live in devaloka as ong as he wishes .. all the desired are fulfilled by tulasi .. its smarana and stuti ..
Lord has given a boon to tulasi that whoever eats tulasi in his mouths at the time of death gets sayujya and HARI preeti increases towards him everafter .. Just as I am always present in NAIMISHARANYA in suryamandala in..upanishat and hearts of yogi .. I will be ever present in the roots of tulasi plant ..
those who tell/listen to this tulasi mahima will attain HARI PREETI .. who annoint the mrittika of tulasi will get the phala of 10 ashwamedha yaaga ..those who wear it at bath will get 100 ashwamedha phala ,eating tualsi dala will give 100 chandrayana vrata phala …
Hey tulasidevi tulasiplant has risen from your body ..kindly give me mind to worship LORD klaiyuga everyones mind is polluted and filled with defects with the touch of your leaves kindly give us purity and relief from defects … in the past during samudramanthan Lord’s rolling tears in happiness gave birth to your plant …LORD out of affection has kept you on his head ..from there you have spread all over the LORD’s different limbs ..thus you derived your purity and sanctity and holiness . I bow beforee thee .. the water droplest falling off your leaves if sprinkled onto our head gives the punya as that of ganga snana and tthat of 100 godana …
32 Aparadhas !
VARAHA purana gives in details the 32 mistakes that one should not commit while doing VISHNU pooja . committing which pooja is not accepted by the LORD ./. what are they ?
Sridevi Asks Lord after having known 100 aparadhas that could be committed while devatarchana which should be averted by alert sevaka .. i wish to know 32 main amongst these which needs to be absolutely avoided !
Varaha deva says !
Devataarchana after:
- anointing tirayak pundra [ addanaama , vibhuti ]
- after having taken meals
- without brushing teeth
- archana with borrowed [pleaded begged bargained ] flowers leaves and fruits
- without washing feet and legs entering temple and doing pooja
- eating chewing pan masala or tamboola before the idol
- having eaten food made of safflower /sunflower leaves flowers and then doing devataarchana
- flowers of creepers , palash should not be used for archana
- the fools should not worship at asuri kaala [ after vihit kaala ]
- giving naivedya of the anna prepared by avaishnava
- doing pooja of VISHNU when elders / gurus are present in the vicinity
- burning incense [ gugullu ] without using ghee for LORD
- using only ghee for the incense
- using palms for aarti or only thread or cotton [ or not dripped enough ]
- doing pooja while in presence of avaishnavas looking at them
- bathing LORD with idol in left hand or using left hand during pooja
- giving naivedya of the items which are a day old or prepared previous day ,giving naivedya of the dishes prepared through remote heat [ like microwave or like tandoor ] steek tikka sizzler etc is prohibited
- doing pooja wearing blue dress or giving blue dress to LORD ,adorning LORD with dress which is washed nine times or torn or worn out dresses
- offering lord any item that has contacted the nails or contacted water falling through nails .doing pooja making noise , conversation , without silence ,doing pooja with profusely sweating body
- doing pooja of lord holding the vaat mutra [ urine . fart or faeces ],when there is urge for it ,if passed the air [ vaata ] through anus then continuing pooja without achamana
- doing pooja with complete covering from head to toe
- sitting/standing on high pedestal giving dhoop deepa ,giving dhoopa deepa without naivedya
- without doing pooja of the tatavdevatas in the dhamnis proceeding to vishnu pooja
- being shiva dweshi [ hating SHIVA ] ,or Hating Vishnu doing Shaiva pooja
- the pooja of those who do not do nakta vrata on ashtami is not accepted by lord ,the pooja of those who do not do harivasara is not accepted by lord
- worshipping Vihsnu as someoneelse or someone else as vishnu is not acceptable
- doing pooja without worshipping Vighneshwara and Kaapali is not acceptable [ this would result in difficulties all the three times a day ]
- worshipping in darkness touching idols like a blind man
- worshipping Lord after talking to rajaswala
- lighting the oil lamp with safflower castor oil is prohibited
- one who does not do ekadashi upavas his pooja is not acceptable
- doing archan without the knwoledge of tantrasara
all the above aparadhas are considered as mahaaparadhas and LORD does not forgive them .. but those who stay awake in the night of ekadashi and recite vishnusahasranaam LORD forgives thousands of aparadhas ..
Prashaant Vidya preached by Bouddhavatara !
Shrikrishna is aprakrut sharira , yet for asuramohana HE created a prakrut sharira which fell nishcheta [ dead] to the arrow of Jara …
Shrikrishna then kept one rupa on the earth to fulfill the desires of those who do the Krishna japa instantly …. one more rupa he kept in Surya mandala .. one exclusively he gave it RUdrA in Kailasha for sadhana … One rupa he resided with Bramha in satyaloka …
AND then he merged with the moolarupa NARAYANA in vaikuntha …
DAARUK came and informed ARJUN .. Arjun did the antim sanskaar in fire of the prakrut sharira ..
Similarly SATYABHAMA created a prakrut sharira and burnt it with yogadhyana … RUKMINI jumped into fire ….
similarly vasudev and his wives left their bodies … Arjun taking remaining women and wealth from dwaraka started for HAstinapur … OCEAN drowned the city of DWARKA ….
ABHIRS attacked ARJUN , and kidnapped the wives of SRIKRISHNA [ one day when these women exhibited their ego and pride before Krishna they were cursed by LORD to be kidnapped by lowly men ] and as curse was in operation ,ARJUN could not tie the string to GANDEEV as tightly as he used to ..somehow he managed but arrows could not go further nor with might ..ARJUN tried to use astras ,, he could not recollect a single astra mantra …..surprisingly his casket which never stops supply of arrows [ by HARI sankalpa ] emptied … there were no more arrows with arjun … ARJUN fought with gandeev as weapon without arrows and killed Abhirs and ABHIRS ran away with whatever they could lay seize on ..Arjun with remaining women and children reached KuruKshetra there Arjun saw VEDVYASA rishi .. Arjun fell on the feet of LOrd and cried like a child .. LORD consoled him saying it was curse of Krishn operating and also said he has sent DALBHYA rishi to those kidnapped women to gain swarga again … RISHI advised them to perform GOVINDA ekadashi [ ashadha ekadashi ] and leave their bodies in saraswati river … this way all attained swarga …
Arjun then installed sons of SATYAKI and Kritavarma onto the thrones of Kurukshetra and kingdoms on the banks of saraswati …. He installed Aniruddha’s son VAjra onto INDRAPRASTHA and handed him all the women children and wealth of dwaraka …
went to Hastinapur and PANDAVAS remembered that SRikrishna had told them that they should do daitya samhaara only till HE is present on the earth after that they shoudl leave to their abodes …. So Yudhisthir coronated PARIKSHIT and asked him to kill abhirs .. Parikshit killed al of them and ruled justly …. except SUBHADRA all the wives of Pandavas left their bodies in fire …. Subhadra and DHRITRASHTRA’s son from VAISHYA wife YUYUTSU stayed back to help Parikshit run the world affairs …
After PArikshit PANDAVA dynasty ruled for 1000 years on earth …KSHEMAKA being the last ruler .. In these 1000 years rule was very just and everywhere people followed Bhagavat dharma and satshastra was predominant everywhere on the earth .. people followed vedic VAISHNAVA dharma only these shastras guaranteed MOKSHA .. as RIshis like Shaunaka etc were preaching BHAGAVAT everywhere … Vedavyasa and all other rishis were appearing in the PUblic whenever Kings performed yagnyas .. so till 2200 BC everywhere there was only VAISHNAVA religion prevalent all over the world ..
Around this period … Tripurasur and his bandwagon of asuras who were killed by SHIVA took birth again on the earth … but as Vedic dharma as much in vogue these people also got into frenzy and started the vedic sadhana .. and forgot their real swaroopa .[ rishis and LORD VEDVYASA stopped his appearances among the people of earth ] .. as they progressed spiritually all the DEVATAS became upset as satshashtras were being practised by demons …. why were they upset ? if the havishya [ edibles kept to be put in homa / yagnya ] is taken away by a dog will one not be upset ? so also Devatas were upset ..
They went to SRIMANNARAYANA in Kshirsagar along with BRAMHA Rudra and Indra and others and pleaded HIm to put an end to the satvik sadhana of the demons … TRipurasur had taken birth as JIn SHUDDHODANA and his wife gayadevi . They had a newly born child .. LORD cast aside this child and placed himself in the cradle … In a normal VEDIC manner Suddhodan and wife called RAJpurohit and arranged for vedic sanskaaras like JATAHKARMA etc …. Just preist prepared for the VEDIC rituals … CHILD started laughing loudly ..and made mockery of the VEDIC RITUALs .. child’s behaviour came as a surprise to all those present .Those present asked the child ” WHO ARE YOU “? the child said ” I AM BUDDHA [ the gyanswaroopa ] “
He preached this world is KSHANIKA , GNANA , SHUNYA , ASAT , ABHAAV .
They all hesitated to believe the child ..TO give them more assurance of his prowess … Lord ordered RUDRA And other devatas .. all the devatas knowing LOrd’s intention attacked the child for preaching anti vedic shastra and stopping the KINg to perform vedic yagnyas and depriving tthe devatas of their share in yagnya ..
RUDRA used Trishula and Indra vajrayudha . everyone their weapons .. CHILD swallowed all the weapons .. Finally VISHNU came and used his SUDARSHAN chakra on the BUDDHA .. Buddha the child stopped chakra and made it his asana and sat on it .. seeing this all the devatas praised Buddha and left for their abodes ..
All the people who had amassed many punya till date through vaishnava sadhana lost their punya by adhering to new avaidik shastra and they started believing the world to be kshanika gyana Shunya asatya and abhaav with that anusandhana they got ready to be sent to andhatamas ..
LOrd then returned to DEVALOKA , where he was surrounded by all the devtas and rishis to explain the meaning of the words KSHANIKA GYANA SHUNYA ASAT ABHAAVA ..
LORD BUDDHA then gave the real meaning to the devatas …
EVERY kshana [ a unit of time ] is in its own kshana … it does not exist in some other kshana .. [ a subunit of time is part of its Unit and not other unit ] . when things exist for greater period of time than kshana even then its existence in that particular kshana is a reality ..JUST as a man having 100 rupees also has 50 rupees with him naturally .. a thing existing in 10 seconds exists for a second as well ..
so a existence is for kshana is a reality ///
BUt this world though existing for many years is going to end some day and thus carries a quality called ashuutarvinaashi …because it is going to end some day it is called as Kshanik … this quality of ending some day of this world is permanent and exists forever as long as world are created .. thus there is permanency associated with being KSHANIK [ temporary ] .
This quality[ of being vinashi ] is inseparable from the world and thus it is one with world and in this way world is KHSANIK is permanent truth …
How come world is temporary and permanent at the same time ? this doubt may arise ..
to reconcile .// the inseparability of temporary world with the quality of getting destroyed exists through a special quality of independent implementation of its quality VINASHI … if we accept that there is abhedha of jagat being KSHANIKA and its dharma of being VINASHI then a vishesha dharma of bhedhakarya nirvahana shakti exists to get the world destroyed must also be accepted ..
In this background The world is kshanika does not mean it remains for a second only [ as people preach ] but it means it is temporary in existence Kshanika means ANITYA ..
The world [ jagat ] is gnyana swaroopa … what does this mean ?
GNYA - means one wh is always full of knowledge [ sada gnyani ]
ANA – means one who inspires ananiya … this world is GNYANIYA means this world is always inspired by the ever knowledged LORD NARAYANA ..hence it is gnyana swaroopa .. [ instead people preach it is just a mere knowledge / feeling /awareness of existence - tao ]
secondly this world is called world as there exists life [ chetana ] on it .. chetana is full of knowledge ,,and as this world is full of chetan who are gyanaswaroopa ..
then what is SHUNYA ? generally it should mean “nothing ” but did LORD NARAYANA who is BUDDHA mean it ? if not then what is SHUNYA as per VEDAS … a per VEDAS all words describe VISHNU and there is no contradictions between vedic sentences …
Shu means Sukhswaroop
oo means uccha utkrushtha
niya means from which it is niyamita regulated ..
This world is regulated by the one who is uchhautkrushtha Sukhaswarropa who NARAYANA … hence this jagat worls is SHUNYA …
Then JAGAT is ASAT – means JAGAT world is false ???? did BUDHDHA mean this ?
so what is meant by ASAT ?
‘A’ is normally used to negate[ without ] …’ A ‘ denotes LORD … as LORD is without any defects he is known as ‘ a ‘ .. he is dosharahit [ he has dosha viruddha gunas qualities ]
‘a ‘ also denotes difference .. LORD is different than this world hence he is known as ‘A” … this LORD ‘a’ who is different and defect-less destroys this world … so the world has a quality of being destroyed which is ‘ saadya ‘ by whom by the lord named ‘ a ‘ so this world is knowns as ‘ASAT”
SIMILARLY tis world is created [ BHAAVYA ] by the LORD named ‘ a’ hence it is called as ABHAAV …
This was the real intention of LORD BUDHDHA and LORD never speaks a lie or misconceptions but people of lesser intellect and taamas pravrutti take it otherwise .. This vidya as spoken by BUDHDHA is known as PRASHAANT vidya which gave much happiness to DEVATAS ..thus BUDHDHA dissapeared uniting with the moolarupa …